Friday, January 25, 2013

Measuring Up

There are tons of things in life that we will need to measure up to (bad grammar). When I joined the military, I had to weigh 117 lbs.; I weighed 119. I made the military by two pounds; I just barely measured up. Now, over the 9-1/2 weeks of boot camp, I measured up to a lot more things, including putting on an additional 40 pounds.

When you start applying to colleges, you have to measure up. On the applications, the prospective college(s) want to know your GPA, your ACT score, and maybe even your SAT score. The colleges are using that data to determine if you measure up.

In our places of employment, there are often projects that are required to be done. Our performance in completing those projects timely and correctly is a measure of our job performance. The measuring up at work can have a direct influence on your pay.

Even when we go apply for loans for vehicles or houses or whatever, we have to measure up. The financial institutions use our credit scores and our FICO scores to determine if we measure up to their standards. That determination will allow us to either get the loan we desire, or not.

There are countless other things that we will have to measure up to in life. However, I want to talk about measuring up when it comes to what GOD expects. Today's word is an anonymous quote, which I have paraphrased, and it says, "When GOD measures us, He puts the tape around our hearts, not our wallets or our heads."

The world judges us, measures us by how much stuff we have - how much money and material possessions we have. Often, in this world, we are judged by how much knowledge we have. When GOD measures us, though, we will be judged by what's in our hearts. There's only one thing required to measure up to GOD'S standard and that is accepting JESUS as your LORD and SAVIOR.

I fall short of a lot of expectations. I barely make others (by two pounds). I fail in so many areas and in so many opportunities daily. In the end, however, measuring up to GOD'S standard is all that matters. I have JESUS in my heart, do you?

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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