Monday, September 13, 2021


I love to sing. I am not saying that others like hearing me sing; I am just saying that I LOVE to sing. I have been singing my whole life. My family was a singing family, not officially or professionally, but, folks around my house were always singing. Music and singing have been a part of my life from my earliest remembrances.

There is just something about singing, about music, that moves me. How about you? I can hear a song and it reminds me of where I have been or where I am or where I am headed. I can hear a song and it jogs a memory of someone I love. Usually, if you hear me singing, I am happy. It is hard to sing if you are not happy. I am sure people do it all the time, but, for me, if I am singing, I am usually happy.

Today's word is James 5:13, NLT, which reads, "Are any of you suffering hardships? You should pray. Are any of you happy? You should sing praises."

We have discussed before that we will all suffer hardships. We live in a broken, fallen, desperate, spiritually-desolate world. Sin came into the world in the garden of Eden and it is still alive and well today. When the hardships come, we pray to the One that can sustain us and see us through.

We also have a lot of happiness come our way. Spending time with my family makes me happier than I could ever express in words. When we are happy, we should sing GOD's praises. My family hears me sing A LOT. Fortunately, they are nice enough to not complain. Why? Because, they know that if I am singing, I am happy. And, if you are happy, sing!

Be Blessed,

Mickey T 

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