Monday, August 4, 2014

Joyful Drinking

Our little ones like their juice. Now, we don't give them straight juice, much too sugary according to the dentist. We usually mix their juice about two thirds water and one third juice, and they drink it up (or down, whichever you prefer). They don't usually want to drink plain water, though we try to get them too often.

Additionally, if the little guy sees you putting water in his juice, he will let you know that he is not appreciative of that behavior. Yet, if I am drinking ice water, he always wants my water. So, what gives? Why will he not drink water, not want his juice watered down, yet, wants to drink my water?

Today's word is from Isaiah 12:3, NLT, which reads, "With joy you will drink deeply from the fountain of salvation."

The reason he wants to drink water from my cup is because it is Daddy's. It's amazes me how much he loves me. Yes, I know that will change when he gets older but I am blessed to enjoy it right now.

The point, though, is that he drinks the water from my cup because it is from my cup. GOD is our FATHER. He has a well of salvation that, if you would only give it a try, you will find is eternally fulfilling. Thirsty? Looking for something to satisfy that thirst? Drink deeply from the fountain of salvation. You'll be glad you did.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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