Wednesday, August 20, 2014


I have been trying to hit the gym four times a week lately. I need to get in better shape, plus I have the little ones that this old body needs to try to keep up with. There are some side effects I am hoping to see - lower cholesterol and less joint pain.

Working on one of the bench presses the other day, I noticed there was a young lady on the bench press next to me. She was benching more than me, which shouldn't have shocked me but it did. Now, I guess my aspiration is to be as strong as a young girl. Before anyone takes offense to that, I mean none. There are lots of ladies exponentially stronger than I am, but it doesn't help my self esteem.

Today's word is from Hebrews 10:36, NIV, which reads, "You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of GOD, you will receive what He has promised."

Now, GOD isn't going to make me physically stronger than someone else just because I try to do His will. He does promise that if I seek to do His will that I will receive all His promises, including having His protection and direction and provision.

The key is the first part - persevere. We have to keep doing the next right thing. If I want to get stronger and maybe one day be stronger than I thought I would be, I have to persevere, I have to keep at it. To fully see the many promises of GOD, we have to keep on keeping on. Perseverance - yeah, that's the ticket.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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