Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I've fallen, now what?

I had a span several years ago where I was having great difficulties walking and standing. I would walk into doorways, or doorjambs rather. I would miss the opening by two or three feet sometimes. I would also be walking down the hall or across the floor and just trip over thin air and fall. It had us quite concerned.

With all this going on, I went to several doctors. Each thought it was this or it was that. They would prescribe  certain medications that didn't help at all and I would continue to find myself walking into walls and tripping over invisible obstacles.

I went to one particular specialist that told me it was all in my head; that there really wasn't anything happening but an overly active imagination. Well, I do have quite the imagination but I could always differentiate between the doorway and the doorjamb.

I finally went to a doctor that did a couple of simple tests and said, "Your problem is that you have fluid trapped between your ear drum and your inner ear. Your Eustachian tube is not draining properly." He prescribed a fluid pill and a pill for motion sickness which allowed me to walk across the floor and through doorways.

Today's word comes from Proverbs 24:16, NIV, which reads, "...though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again..."

We're all going to fall; we are all going to get knocked down from time to time. However, we are not defined by how many times we fall. What defines us is how many times we get back up. In order to be a success, you just have to get up one more time than you fall. Keep getting up!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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