Monday, November 19, 2012


I do not like seafood or fish. I have tried about every variety but cannot find a taste for any of it. I know, I just haven't had it fixed correctly, and you may be right. However, I have tried all the different fishes and all the different styles and I can't find a way to like it.

Now, allow me to say that I have tried the coconut battered shrimp and thought it was edible. I also had some West Indies salad once that I found not bad. But, other than those two occasions, I have not found the taste for fish or seafood.

A few years back, at a conference, we were having dinner at a "seafood" restaurant. I can always finds something to eat regardless of the venue; almost every seafood restaurant serves steak and chicken. The group I was with ordered some appetizers, all seafood related. One of the appetizers was steamed mussels.

I don't know if you have ever tried steamed mussels but I hadn't. When I tell you I don't like seafood and fish, it is because I have tried it. So, they finally talked me into trying one of the mussels. You know how they did it. They all raved about how great it was, how the butter sauce was out of this world, how the taste was to die for. Well, I tried the mussel - FIVE TIMES!

No, I didn't eat five mussels, I ate the same mussel five times. I tried to swallow it but it kept coming back. I don't know how anyone eats mussels, or seafood or fish for that matter. While everyone at the table got a "kick" out of my attempt to try such a "wonderful dish", I know that mussels aren't for me. On the other hand, while I may not like fish and seafood, many others enjoy them very much.

Today's word comes from 1 Timothy 4:4, NIV, which reads, "For everything GOD created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving."

GOD created fish and seafood; we should all be thankful. For those who enjoy those tastes, you should be thankful that GOD created such wonderful foods. For those of us who do not enjoy those tastes, we are thankful that GOD created such a variety of foods.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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