Wednesday, November 28, 2012

So Tempting

I don't know about you but I have those things that really tempt me. I heard a man, standing in the pulpit, once say, "I am above temptation." He is a liar. Nobody is above temptation.

There is no sin in temptation, the sin comes when we give in to that temptation. We have covered this before but I just wanted to emphasize that that guy was a liar, and we are all tempted from time to time.

With that being said, I have also heard folks say, "Well, if GOD knew how hard this is for me." He does. There is nothing you can go through, no challenge you can face, no temptation you can fight that JESUS didn't face.

Today's Word comes from Hebrews 4:15, North American Standard Bible, which reads, "For we do not have a High Priest Who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One Who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin."

Yes, JESUS knows what we are going through. He knows how difficult it is. He knows the struggles just to keep trying to keep trying. Satan unleashed everything he had in his arsenal, yet JESUS sinned not. He knows what temptation is; He knows the temptations we fight; He can help us stand strong in the face of those temptations.

Temptations will come; we will ALL face them. If you aren't facing temptation, you aren't living for JESUS; satan has no reason to tempt his own. When the temptations come, rest assured that JESUS knows what you are going through and, if we will ask for His help, He will help us to overcome.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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