Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Free Rides

If there is anything to learn from working with youth, it is that they are not that much different than I was at their age. Don't tell them that; they think we older folks are dumb as a bag of hammers (we thought that about older folks, too. See, we are so much alike).

One of the things that I hear so many youth say is, "When I turn 18, I am going to move out of my house and do what I want to do..." Man, when I hear this I try to give them a dose of reality. When you turn 18, it is not that the government or someone gives you a stipend in order for you to get a place to live, something to drive, utilities, etc. Nor is there any guarantee that you will get a job that will support the lifestyle that you envision.

I often ask them if they know how much their parents spend each month for rent/mortgage, utilities, car payments, insurance, groceries, etc. They are astounded when I do the math for them. It all comes down to the simplest thing - everything takes time, and hard work.

Today's word is an anonymous quote that says, "Some people dream of success while others wake up and work hard at it."

I want our youth to understand that they can be anything they want to be. However, no one owes it to you. No one is going to give it to you. If you are willing to apply yourself and work hard everyday, you will be surprised at what just may come your way.

No, there are no free rides. But, with patience, diligence and some hard work, maybe we can find a way to buy a ticket.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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