Friday, December 21, 2012

This is not the day

Well, today is December 21st, 2012, the day many feared would be this world's last. They based their fears on an ancient Mayan calendar that someone interpreted today as the end. Allow me to day that this is not the day.

For the Mayans, the end of their civilization came. The problem was that the calendar maker missed the end of their society by about 500 years. I'm not a smart guy but I would have to say that that is a pretty substantial miss.

Why everyone worries about the end of the world, I do not know. We should each be concerned about the end of our own respective world. My world could end today: I could get killed in an auto accident or have a heart attack or a massive stroke or countless other things that could end my world today. Instead of being so concerned with the world's demise, we should be more concerned with making sure that we are ready if today is our day.

Today's word comes from Matthew 24:36, NIV, which reads, "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."

If the angels and JESUS don't know when the end of this world is coming, why would anyone think that a Mayan calendar maker would know? The Mayan calendar was made hundreds of years ago. Maybe the calendar maker got tired of making it. Maybe he retired. Maybe he passed on. Maybe he figured the calendar was hundreds of years advanced so why continue on. Regardless, the calendar maker had no idea when the end would come, and neither does anyone else.

We must live our lives as though today may be the end of the world. If not for everyone, for us. No one knows. Not the angels, not the Son, but the Father only. Don't fret about what everyone predicts. Give your life and your soul to JESUS and He'll take care of the travel plans.

One final note, I usually only do this on school days. However, I will post a couple of times each week for the next two weeks (the Christmas break).


Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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