Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Some things you should never do

There are things in this world that you should just never do. Ever. I am sure that we know the old Jim Croce song that says that you don't tug on Superman's cape, you don't spit into the wind, you don't pull the mask off the ol Lone Ranger, and you don't mess around with Jim. Yeah, there are things you should never do.

I think of other things that we should never do like never trust everything you hear; there are some folks out there that would rather climb a tree and lie to you than stand on flat ground and tell you the truth. These folks write for magazines that you can purchase at the checkout aisles in grocery stores.

Today's word is a quote from Will Rogers that says, "Never slap a man who is chewing tobacco."

There are so many things that we should never do. We shouldn't play in busy streets. We shouldn't exceed the speed limit. We shouldn't drive without wearing our seat belts. We shouldn't be mean and hateful to others. Lots of things that we shouldn't do.

However, the most important thing that we should NEVER do is expect that we can get to Heaven any way except through JESUS CHRIST. If you, or anyone you know is trying to get there any other way, that is something you shouldn't be doing. There is only one way to spend eternity in Heaven and that is by grace through faith in CHRIST JESUS.

Don't do things you shouldn't do. On the other hand, always do those things you should. Why not start with accepting the greatest gift ever given - salvation through JESUS!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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