Tuesday, December 4, 2012


While most men might be a little apprehensive in admitting this, I have no reservations with sharing my dirty little secrets. In high school, I was in the choir. Not only was I in the choir, I was in the show choir; you know, singing and dancing. I have often looked back and really felt for those unfortunate members who had to see my coordination challenges.

I have sung my whole life. I come from a family of singers. We have always expressed ourselves through song from my earliest remembrances. When folks in my family are happy, they sing. When they are sad, they sing. When they are bored, they sing. This probably isn't pleasant for all those around us but it is what we do. We love to sing.

Today's word comes from James 5:13, NIV, which reads, "Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise!" (James 5:13, NIV)

We have so much to sing about! Yes, this world is a mess. Yes, there are things going on that can be really depressing. Yes, I have my cares, concerns and conflicts, too. But, GOD is sooooo good! There is so much to sing about.

Hey, if I am around you and you hear me singing, I know it may not be a pleasantry for you but, trust me, I am happy. If you're happy and you know it, SING!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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