Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Yep, I'm her idiot

Anyone who knows my wife and me has, no doubt, thought, "I don't know what that girl sees in him." I have to admit that I have thought that same thing, myself. I am far from perfect, though I don't like admitting it. I am probably below average in most categories, except annoyances and stupidity.

I am sure there have been times that I have done something and my wife has thought, "What an idiot!" I am equally sure, though, that her next thought was, "Yeah, but he is my idiot!" There is so much to be sad for being her idiot.

My wife probably could have found someone with less impetuously infantile tendencies. However, she would have never have had the laughs that my spur of the moment decisions have provided her. I can guarantee that she NEVER would have found anyone who loves her more than I. EVER!

Okay, so I am FAR from perfect. Easy on the far if you are reading this. lol I have some room for improvement. I have some opportunity to better myself. I guess you can say that my opportunity for improvement is endless. Yet, my wife loves me despite all that. Ever wonder why?

Today's word is a quote from Jodi Picoult, author of My Sister's Keeper, which says, "You don't love someone because they're perfect, you love then in spite of the fact that they're not."

It is easy to love folks who are easy to love. It is more loving to love those who are not perfect, such as me. If the requirement for love was perfection, few of us (wink, wink) could ever be loved. I know how blessed I am to have someone love me despite my imperfections. Look, no one is perfect but everyone deserves love.

Yes, I am, sometimes, an idiot. But, I am her idiot.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

1 comment:

  1. Hello Mickey T,
    Yes, I am proud to be Your wife.
    I am blessed that God gave me an wonderful Christian husband ,who loves me, despite the fact that I am not perfect.
    I may be an idiot, also, but I am YOUR idiot!
    God made us for each other,I got the better end of the deal!
    I REALLY DO LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
