Friday, December 7, 2012

Ouch! That hurts!

We have reached the time of year when the trees lose their leaves, the sap has receded and it is time to break out the pruning shears. We lop limbs that aren't necessary in order for the others to acquire what is needed to produce fruit.

It takes some work and effort to prune trees. One must be sure of which limbs to remove and which to leave. We must be sure not to do too much but to be sure to do enough. We have to be sure that what we do is a benefit and not a detriment to productive growth.

Much like pruning trees in the fall and winter, it is necessary for GOD, at times, to prune the dead and unneeded growth from us. As we progress through life, we often grow things that are completely and totally unnecessary. In order for us to be productive and grow the fruit that we need to bear, GOD has to step in and do some pruning.

The pruning process is painful; no on likes having a limb cut off. GOD, I would venture to say, takes no pleasure in lopping us but He knows it is absolutely necessary; He must remove what is not necessary in order for the other parts to acquire what is needed to produce fruit.

Today's word is a really simple quote from John Henry Newman, which says, "Growth is the only evidence of life."

While the pruning process is a painful it is absolutely necessary to prepare for growth. I can say without a doubt that there have been some things that GOD had to prune from me; I wasn't giving them up freely, and they were certainly hampering growth. In due time, however, I have seen the need for the pruning and the resultant growth. GOD still has a lot of pruning to do on me but I am striving daily to grow into the productive branch that He desires.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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