Tuesday, December 11, 2012

We are not alone

I was sharing with a friend recently that no one kicks you when you are down like family. Family, the ones that are supposed to be the most supportive and the most understanding, are the ones that will rub salt in the wound quicker than anyone else. I wish I could explain why but I really can't.

There will be times in our lives (maybe not in yours but they have been numerous in mine) that we are going to fail and fall flat on our faces. There have been times that I have really disappointed folks, but I have never disappointed anyone as much as I have disappointed myself. It is at these times that I need someone to come along and say, "Hey, you really messed that up but I still love you and everything is going to be alright." More often than not, though, someone usually comes along and says, "Hey, you really messed that up. I am so glad I am not you. I can't wait to post this to facebook. WOW! You are such a doofus!"

Yes, we all make mistakes and we all need some support and help when things fall apart. Often, that help isn't found in our closest relationships, which is unfortunate for us all. As I told my friend, though, GOD knows we mess up but He loves us anyway. He knows the pain and the hurt that we are feeling. He knows the burdens that we are bearing. He loves us despite our shortcomings and will see us through our most trying times. We just have to rely on Him.

Today's word comes from Psalm 22:24, NIV, which reads, "For He has not despised or scorned the suffering of the afflicted one; He has not hidden His face from him but has listened to his cry for help."

GOD has not and will not leave us in our lowest moments. He hears our cries and works things for our good.  Now, He never intends for us to sin, and certainly doesn't want us to go around failing. However, when we do fail and falter, He isn't standing there saying, "WOW! You really blew that!" No, our Heavenly Father is listening to our cries and patting us on the back and soothingly saying, "I know this looks really bad but we will work through this together."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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