Wednesday, December 19, 2012

He's Waiting

For those of you who are parents, you know the feeling you get when you arrive home and your little run gets up/gets down from where he/she is and comes running towards you, arms outstretched. There is nothing like it.

When I arrive home and see our little one go "crazy" wanting me, it thrills my heart like no one can understand. WOW! Here is this little guy who thinks I am worth all this fuss. I won't tell him I'm not, he'll figure that out on his own in ten or so years. Or less. lol

To see him stand up from playing or to get down off the couch or chair and come running towards me saying, "DaDa," with his little arms outstretched speaks to me volumes of love that endless books could never describe. I cannot put into words the feelings it gives me; it is truly better felt than talked about.

Today's word comes from Luke 15:20b, NIV, which reads, "But while he was still a long ways off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him."

While I know this story is the opposite, the father runs to the son, I think it expresses the love I am trying to convey. However, as much as I love our little one, as much as he loves me, our love doesn't come close to the love GOD has for each of us.

You may be wandering in the desert. You may have lost your direction. You may be wondering if anyone loves you. If you will just decide to go to the Father, He will come running to you. He is longingly waiting for your return to Him. There is nothing that will ever fill that gaping hole of love in your heart besides the love of the Father. Go to Him. He'll come running!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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