Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Where to find it

As a young man growing up, I remember my parents telling me to stay out of trouble. And, of course, the reply was always, "I'm not going out looking for any." Yet, the truth was, and more so is, that you don't have to look for trouble, it is all around. A lot of times, the trouble comes to you just because you are at the wrong place at the wrong time.

So, why do people like trouble and chaos and disorder so much? Why do people like to cause problems for others? Why do people like to run over others and stab others in the back? Is there any way to distinguish these types of people, and figure out where they might be hanging out so that we can avoid those types of places?

Today's word gives us some insight into where we might find those who love disorder and chaos. It is James 3:16, NIV, which reads, "For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice."

People act out and create disorder and disharmony and chaos because they want their moment in the "spotlight". These folks want to be recognized and they don't care that they have to hurt others in order to receive their "fifteen minutes of fame". It is those who are envious, those who are jealous, those who don't like the fact that someone else got attention, that love to create disorder so that they can get the attention.

We also find that those who have selfish ambition are the source of chaos and evil too. Some folks are so driven to implement their plan, to get their "piece of the pie", to have their way, that they will do whatever they have to do, harm whomever they have to harm, destroy whatever they have to destroy to make their plan a success.

If you ever start to wonder what to look for in order to avoid trouble, just look for those that are envious and full of selfish ambition - that's where to find it.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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