Thursday, November 10, 2016

We are called to be Warriors

 A warrior is a brave or experienced soldier or fighter, someone engaged in some struggle or conflict. If you live in this world, conflicts and struggles will come, often. As we have mentioned before, everyone is either going through something, have been through something, or are about to go through something. Struggles and conflicts will come as long as GOD keeps us alive in this world.

There is nothing that satan likes better than to see GOD'S children suffer and struggle. He loves to see GOD'S children defeated and deflated. And, as we just said, struggles and conflicts are coming. When they arise, and they will, we have a couple of choices: we can either be a worrier or we can be a warrior.

Today's word is simply that: "Be a Warrior, not a worrier".

When things are going wrong, it is perfectly normal to wonder when things are going to improve, and how. It is perfectly normal to pace the floor a little and wring our hands a little. It is perfectly normal to feel the weight and the severity of the situation. Yet, sitting down and just worrying about tomorrow is not what we as Christians should do.

We are the children of the most High, most Powerful, most Omnipotent GOD. He is own our side. And if He be for us, who dare be against us? We will all walk through the dark times and the lowest valleys; we live in a fallen world and it is just something that is going to happen. But, remember the words of David, "Yea though I walk THROUGH the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil..." We are called to keep walking. We are called to keep pushing. We are called to be Warriors!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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