Thursday, October 18, 2012

Happiness and Joy

Last night with the Youth, we discussed the difference between happiness and joy; there is a huge difference.   I like to think of it like this...happiness comes and goes, joy comes and stays.

We can do things that make us happy. I like Reese Cups, ALOT. So, if you give me a Reese Cup, I am pretty happy. Until I eat it and it is gone. Then, shortly thereafter, my happiness is gone.

Another example I like to use is that of buying a new car. You go out and buy a new car and for a while you are really happy. Then, after about six months or so, the new has worn off, and so has the happiness. That new car is nothing more than just another monthly payment.

There's an old Spanish proverb that goes, "Happiness itself does not stay--only moments of happiness do."

We can look for perpetual happiness and forever be disappointed. We must look for true joy. The only place to find true joy is through JESUS CHRIST. While happiness will come and go, true joy comes to stay!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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