Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Financial Advice

When I was much younger, my Pops gave all his children a two-dollar bill; I still have mine. He told us that as long as we kept that two-dollar bill, we would never be broke. Being a young child, I thought that the two-dollar bill must be some kind of good luck charm or something of that nature. As I got a little older, though, I realized that what Pops meant was that as long as I kept that two-dollar bill, I would never be broke because, I would have two dollars. I have kept my two dollars.

The word for today is an anonymous quote I have heard many times but it rings so true..."The quickest way to double your money is to fold it in half and put it back in your pocket."

We need to be wise with what GOD gives us; we need to be good stewards with all that He has entrusted us with. I have to admit that I haven't always been the wisest steward but I am certainly trying to get better. I realize the value of a dollar; I know how hard money is to come by and how quickly it leaves.

Learn to separate wants from needs. Fold that money up and put it back in your pocket. Better yet, go out and get you a two-dollar bill. As long as you keep that two-dollar bill, you will never be broke.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

1 comment:

  1. Sweetheart,
    I enjoyed Your blog today.
    It is so true.
    As long as I have You, our sweet baby boy,
    and the Good Lord, I have everything.
    God has always suplied our every need.
    It is such a blessing to share my life with You.

    Your Trixie
