Thursday, October 4, 2012

Perfect parenting

Last night we discussed with our "kids" in the Youth group that there is no such thing as a perfect parent. When one asked if that included me, I replied, "Absolutely." I then went on to say that there also is no perfect child, though I was really close (YEAH, RIGHT).

Allow me to digress for just a moment and say that when I was a child, I wasn't horrible but I was far from perfect. If you would look up mischievous in the dictionary it would have had my picture and my address. So, no, there are no perfect parents or children.

We do tend to often wish we could change our family; we want the perfect family. While our family will never be perfect, it is the perfect family for me. My family is the exact family GOD had in mind when He placed me in it, and vice versa. I bet my family may be reading this and thinking, "Why us LORD?"

The point I want you to get is that we are far from perfect but GOD will continue to work on us and help us to get there if we will let Him. Today's word comes from Psalm 138:8 (English Standard Version), which reads, "The LORD will fulfill His purpose for me; Your steadfast love, O LORD, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of Your hands."

Your family is not perfect, it never will be. My family will never be perfect. How can it be when I am a part of it. However, if we will continue to pursue GOD'S will, He will not forsake the work He is doing in us. I promise you, He has His hands full with me but He will continue His work to completion. Let's not worry so much about perfection and rest perfectly secure in GOD'S promise to continue working on us.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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