Friday, October 19, 2012


Financial troubles seem to be the plight of every person/family from time to time. I can say with a certainty that my family has had its share of financial challenges. I would also venture to say that with the current economy and the ever changing employment environment, financial challenges have increased.

I find myself, at times, wondering, "Why me?" We try to be good stewards of all that we have and try to do all that we can with all that we have, yet, there are still numerous times that we end up with way more month than money. Ever been there?

It is during these times that I may feel as though I have missed out because we didn't get to take the big vacation or buy the new car or have the finest smart phone. Then, if I will take the time to really evaluate things, I find that things are quite different than I first perceived.

Today's word comes from Genesis 33:9, KJV, which reads, "And Esau said, 'I have enough, my brother, keep that thou hast unto thyself.'"

Esau, the guy who gave up his birthright and lost his blessing stands here before his brother, Jacob, and says, "I have enough." Isn't it a shame that we, as Christians who are guaranteed that GOD will supply ALL our needs, seem to always think that we need/deserve more. Don't we have enough?

When I take the time to look around and see my wonderful family, a dry warm/cool place to sleep, something to eat at every meal, and so much more, I see how truly blessed I am. But, more than that, when I realize ALL that JESUS has done for me, that one day I will spend eternity in Heaven with Him, I see how mistaken I am. You see, with JESUS, I have enough.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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