Thursday, October 11, 2012

Shining Bright

There are times, especially during thunderstorms, that we find ourselves without electricity. It is amazing how much we have come to "rely" on electricity. It seems that we can hardly function without it.

When we find ourselves groping in the darkness trying to find our way to wherever it is that we strategically put the flashlights and candles so that they would easily be found in just such an emergency, we know that just a little light will make a big difference. All it takes is the illumination of just one little candle, just one flashlight glowing makes us feel a little warmer, safer, securer.

We don't have to light an entire candelabra to receive the comfort of just a little light. We don't have to have 1,000,000 candle power halogen lights to feel a little better about the darkness. While all the light might be better, the point is that just a little light can make a HUGE difference.

Today's word is a simple quote that reads, "Even a small star shines in the darkness." Let your light shine, others will see.

Just as that one little candle's glow on a dark, gloomy night, our light could really make a huge difference to a lost and dying world. Even a small star shines in the darkness. Let your light shine, others need the guidance.

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