Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Anxious Annie

Have you ever been anxious about anything? Have you ever been really nervous or wanting something to get here or get over with? Have you ever lost something and was really anxious to find it?

There are times when I get really anxious about things. I mean REALLY anxious. I am always running wide open wanting things to happen - NOW! I have found, though, that, sometimes, in my anxiousness, I actually overlook the one thing that could help with my situation. Maybe I should just slow down, take a breath, and really pay attention to what is in front of me.

Today's word comes from Philippians 4:6, NIV, which reads, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."

When we are really stressed about things, really looking for an answer about something, we may really overlook what we desparately need if we aren't careful. Sometimes, what we really need to do is relax and allow GOD to do His thing (I sound really hypocritical writing that but it is true never the less).

Next time you are lost, or have lost something, don't be anxious or nervous. Make your requests to GOD through prayer, He'll send the answer. Then, make sure to thank Him. Being anxious will do nothing but cause us to run around and miss what we really are looking for. Leaving it with GOD will cause us to look around and see what we are missing.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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