Monday, October 8, 2012

You can't hide anything

I remember as a child trying to hide things so others couldn't find them; even as an adult, the thought of Easter egg hiding comes to mind. We try to hide eggs for the smaller ones, trying to make it difficult but not impossible. However, there are times that we will realize that one is missing. We can't find it until mid-summer, and, then, only by smell.

We often try to hide things from GOD, too. We know we can't hide anything from Him but that never stops us from trying. I know I have had my times when I wasn't really doing anything bad but was doing something I shouldn't be, and thinking no one would ever know. It wasn't too far into it, though, that GOD'S Holy Spirit, residing in me, spoke and said, "Now, you know that ain't right. You can't hide anything."

Today's word comes from Psalm 139:1, NIV, which reads, "O LORD, You have searched me and known me."

GOD knows us whether we do it in secret or in the open. He knows our motivation, our incentive, our true intentions. I may not be the best at finding all the hidden eggs, but nothing is ever beyond the all seeing eye of GOD. Pray with me that I will be as diligent to openness as GOD is.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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