Wednesday, October 3, 2012

That first step can be a lulu

Not too many years ago, we had a small snow/ice storm. While this may be nothing uncommon for most, here in the deep south, this is quite unnatural. Anyway, we had had some snow and ice the prior evening and I was going out to start our car for church.

While we have snow and ice, occasionally, it rarely lays anywhere other than the grass and trees. However, we had a ramp attached to our back porch for easy access for a family member, and it was slick. Yes, it was slick but I couldn’t tell that by looking at it. You see, the snow was on the top, and it covered the slick ice underneath. From the top, it appeared you could walk down the ramp without any trouble. Boy, was I wrong!

As I began to walk down the ramp to warm our car, I slipped on the ice lying precariously under the light dusting of snow. I may not have seen the ice but it didn’t take long for me to feel its effect. As I timidly traversed the ramp, suddenly, I found myself looking up at my feet. Yes, looking up at my feet! This is the last thing I saw prior to slamming my back, shoulders, and head on the ramp.

That slippery ramp reminds me of today’s word, which comes from Hebrews 3:13, NIV, which reads, “But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.”

Sin is such a slippery slope. While it may look inviting, tempting, even safe from the top, one small step can send us hurtling down the slippery slope. All it takes is giving in to one thought, one covet, one desire, one weakness and we can find ourselves with our feet up in the air, and us in over our heads.

Sin is a slippery slope; don’t give in to the smallest temptation.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely! How many times have I heard that little voice in my head that whispered, "It's not a big deal. No one will even know..." Satan makes things seem so appealing, yet so "safe." I'm sure the fruit of that tree in the Garden looked and smelled and tasted really good too.
