Monday, October 29, 2012

Love Insurance

With Hurricane Sandy bearing down on the east coast, my thoughts and prayers are for those that may be in harms way, and for all the ones that will feel the effects of the storms wrath. I especially think of those who will try to get their lives, and, maybe their homes, back together afterwards. With these thoughts and prayers on my mind, I started thinking about insurance.

If you are like most folks, you are probably "insurance poor". We have a fair portion of our income go towards some form of insurance every month. I am grateful that my employer picks up a large portion of our health insurance but we still have pay a few amount of money for homeowners, life, auto, etc.

The thing about insurance that gets me is that they have "riders". The riders are there to provide extra protection, which is not included in the standard policy. That is to say that the standard policy has a lot of, "this is covered - unless this occurs," or "this isn't covered - unless this occurs," etc. It is kind of sad to me that there are so many loopholes in everything, and that we must have "riders", add-ons to ensure our protection.

I have also seen folks put "riders" on their love for others. They say, "Well, I'll love them if they will love me, or if they will do this, or if they don't do that, or..." It seems that we want everyone to be perfect in order for us to love them. Aren't you glad that that is not a requirement for GOD to love us?

Today's word comes from Romans 13:10, NIV, which read, "Love does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore, love is the fulfillment of the law."

GOD doesn't put "riders" on His love for us. He loved us first, He loved us just because, He continues to love us because He is LOVE! I wonder how much better my relationships would be if I would get rid of the love insurance, the riders, and just love like JESUS.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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