Tuesday, October 30, 2012


I was driving along a busy highway yesterday, when about 100 feet ahead of me, I saw a man riding a bicycle take a fall. His front tire had fallen into one of the storm sewer gratings and tossed the rider over his handlebars onto the ground. It was rather scary to see this man fall, and the amount of traffic whizzing by made it that much more scary.

The traffic whizzing by is what really amazed me. When the man fell, I was probably fifteen or twenty cars from where he had fallen - not a one of those cars stopped, not a single one. As a matter of fact, I am not sure they even slowed down. They kept whizzing by while this man lay precariously close to speeding traffic.

I am sure that they had somewhere to be, probably work. I am sure that they had other things on their minds, probably work. But, goodness, this guy had fallen within mere inches of destruction and NO ONE was going to stop and check on him! Are we really that busy?

Today's word comes from Philippians 2:4, NIV, which reads, "Not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of others."

Sometimes, we are so distracted with ourselves that we can't seem to see the danger that someone else is in, or is headed for. If we, and I am talking to me, would just take a second and look around and see what is going on in others' lives, we could have a dramatic impact for GOD! Pray that I will notice others.

Not to say anything good for me but, yes, I stopped to check on the man. He was fine, a little bruised and sore but no worse for wear. He was riding his bike to work, it is his only means of transportation. We loaded his bike in the truck and went to his place of employment. I am interested in learning if this gentleman knows JESUS. If not, I pray that he may see Him through me.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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