Friday, May 31, 2013

Kinda Right

It isn't very often that I get to hear someone say, "You know, you were right." Just to set the record straight, however, I am quite often right. As a matter of fact, I would venture to say that I am almost always right. Yeah, right.

We seem to stress so much on being right that we will be right no matter what. I am sure you all know someone that will do whatever it takes to prove they are right, you may even be that person. We all have the inherent need to be right. Nothing wrong with being right -  it's is how we portray it.

Today's word is an anonymous quote that says, "Being kind is more important than being right. Sometimes, people need a caring heart to listen, not a brilliant mind to speak."

There are few things that sting as much as the words, "I told you so." I have heard that expression many times in my life because I am often bent on proving my "rightness". It is a shame, the lengths I have gone to prove my "rightness". I find myself, at times, willing to discount other peoples' opinions and feelings just to prove how right I am. Man, there is something wrong with that.

The book of Ecclesiastes tells us that there is a time for everything under the sun. I wonder if there is a time to be right and a time to be wrong? Whether there is a time for being wrong or not is irrelevant. The fact is, from time to time, we are all wrong. And, the last thing we need is for someone to point out to us how wrong we are. So, let's be kind to others when they are wrong; we'll be wrong again ourselves. But, even when I am wrong, I believe I am still kinda right. Don't you?

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, May 30, 2013

We're in this together

Ever been around those folks that seem to have it all together? I seem to attract that crowd. I never seem to have anything together but everyone around me has EVERYTHING together. I guess it's good that I am around; it allows others to know how together they are.

If the truth be known, however, everyone has the same challenges, the same difficulties, the same problems. Those who seem to have it all together still have their own fears, their own insecurities, their own struggles. While we may not often see others' challenges, I promise you, they are there.

Today's word is a quote from H. Jackson Brown, Jr., which says, "Remember that everyone you meet is afraid of something, loves something and has lost something."

Life holds challenges for all of us no matter how together we may think we have it. Even folks with tons of money still have their own struggles with things. There are folks that are surrounded by others all the time that are still lonely. There are even others that have so much to be thankful for that struggle with depression on a regular basis. Everyone is coping with something.

Now, don't get me wrong, I don't intend for this to be a downer. No, we are all going through something but we are going through this together. We need to realize that we are here to assist one another, to aid one another, to comfort and support one another. Yeah, that is what we need to realize -  we are in this together.

Hey, look, I know you seem to have it all together. I know I seem to have nothing together. But, we both also know that we can do more together. Next time you need to feel good about your togetherness, don't compare yourself with someone struggling, help them, and we can all be stronger together.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

What you are

I truly try to be a good example, though I fail quite often. If you want a good example of how to plan things to the tiniest detail, I am a pretty good example. On the other hand, if you want a good example of someone that can just go with the flow and wing it, I am a horrible example. We all have our strengths and weaknesses; GOD knows I have mine.

People tend to follow examples, good and bad. I think this explains why young men wear their pants down below their underwear, which is completely inappropriate. I think it verges on indecent exposure. It also explains why their are so many lies - every political and public figure seems to be caught up in some kind of scandal and lie. It is of the utmost importance to be a good example. While these are good examples of what not to do, they are not good examples.

Today's word is a thought/quote/saying that I try to keep in mind, which says, "Others will learn more by what you are than by what you say."

Like the public figures that love to tell us what they think we want to hear; we learn more by what they actually did when the truth comes out. Like the medical professional that tells us that we need to lose a few pounds; we learn more when they are in shape and can tell us how they do it. People do learn more by what we are than by what we say.

I want to work harder on being a good example than just telling a good example. I want to be the good example that I like to talk about. Don't you? I don't want our kids to have to look to someone else for their example; I pray that GOD will help me be the example they need me to be. I pray that I will be the example that I should be.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Memorial Day

Sorry for not posting the last couple of days. We have been swamped with different happenings, and I apologize. We are blessed to see some of our kids graduate. We are excited for their futures.

Yesterday was Memorial Day and I am grateful to live in a country where others are so willing to sacrifice to ensure the freedoms that I enjoy daily. I NEVER take that for granted. People who do not, and probably will not, even know me, willing to sacrifice to give me freedom. WOW!

So many have given it all to grant us these freedoms and, yet, there are so many that seem to miss the significance of that sacrifice. If it wasn't for them, we would live a completely different life than the safe and free one that we enjoy.

I am not going to write much about this other than to say, "GOD BLESS OUR SERVICE MEMBERS! GOD BLESS AMERICA!"

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

That's not what I saw

Ever play the game where someone starts by telling the next person something, then, it goes down the line, with each person telling the next person, until the last person tells what was told. Very seldom does the last person actually get what was told to begin with.

I've shared with you before that there are some that would rather climb a tree to tell you a lie than to stand on flat ground and tell you the truth. There are others that love to exaggerate and put there own spin on things, I like to call that embellishing, which I occasionally do. Let me give you an example...

Just last week, Trishia's A/C went out on her car. If you don't know it, summers in the south are brutal without A/C. I know we used to do without it but we have grown accustomed to it and it would be difficult to do now. But, I digress...

I took the car to the shop to have it evaluated. Later, the repairman called and told me the compressor was bad, and he would also have to replace the dryer; the cost was rather shocking. Well, I told a couple of people the results of the inspection but I added that he was going to have to remove all four doors, the dash, change the headlights, take out two seats, etc. Now, I was being silly, but some people love to "see things differently".

Today's word is an anonymous quote, which says, "If you didn't see it with your own eyes, or hear it with your own ears, don't invent it with your small mind and share it with your big mouth!"

A principle that I live by is to believe half of what you see and a fourth of what you hear and you will probably be alright. I try not to make things any worse than they are, or make them anything that they are not. Others, on the other hand, often see things differently.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

PVC Pipe

There are few things worse than having a pipe burst in the middle of winter. Now, pipes under your house very seldom burst anytime other than winter but you get my gist. It usually happens when it is 20 degrees and raining. You end up having to lay in the middle of the frigid puddle and trying to put things together with frost-bitten fingers and frozen clothes.

The job, however, has been made a little easier in recent years with the invention of PVC pipe. Pre-PVC, you would have to try to unscrew galvanized piping from a fitting, get another piece of pipe, if it was too long, thread it, etc, etc. With PVC pipe, simply glue, couple, done. That is success...

Today's word is a quote from Henry Ford, which says, "Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success."

Much like the old galvanized piping, there are those who try to make things as difficult as possible. They rupture, fight like the dickens to get them out of the fitting, are usually difficult to get to fit into another place, and you usually need to do something for them to assist in making them useful. Then, you just wait for them to rupture again, or become unscrewed.

Hopefully, we can all be a little more like PVC pipe: simple to use, quick to come together, strong in service; that is success. I think we can do this without the glue, though, that stuff is hard to remove.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Repeating excellence

Ever remember trying something new? I remember trying to ride a bike for the first time. Man, I was a little less than awful. I also remember trying to teach Sunday school for the first time. I have probably shared this story but it shows how things can go.

I had prepared for a couple of weeks, and had enough notes and materials to last for, what should have been, three days; the class was forty-five minutes. So, I was pretty confident that I was going to blow them away. Class starts, I begin to "teach" (here, I use the term very loosely), and, fifteen minutes into the forty-five minute class, I have used up everything I had prepared. It was not good.

Today's word is a quote from Aristotle and I tag line from me, which says, "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." Develop excellent habits.

People so often continue doing the same stupid stuff and expect things to get better. Listen, if you do stupid stuff, expect stupid results. If you wait until the last minute to prepare for something, don't be surprised when your idea comes out half-baked. If you will develop excellent habits, you will never be perfect, but you will get better.

I have gotten a little better at trying to teach. While it is still painful for those listening, I can at least make it the entire forty-five minutes. I think that has much more to do with GOD giving me the gift of gab, and them having the gift of patience, than my teaching ability. However, the point is true, develop excellent habits, you'll be surprised at how much better things get. Unless, of course, you're the one having to listen to me.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, May 17, 2013

Three Cs

A little late posting today; it has been quite busy. I like being busy, it makes the day go a little faster. Plus, I find it to be true in most instances, "Idle hands are the devil's tools." So, sorry for the late post but I am not sorry for being busy.

There are many ways to look at things; people have a lot of different ways. When it comes to life, everyone seems to have some sort of philosophy. I really try not to get into other's business but I can tell you that some philosophies on life aren't very good. I will say that, for me, the simpler the better. I do like to keep it simple. What I am going to share with you today is nothing new but it is one way to look at things.

Today's word is a quote that says, "The 3 "C"s of life: Choices, Chances, Changes. You must make a choice to take a chance or your life will never change."

Pretty simple, huh? We all know that definition of stupidity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. If you aren't seeing the progress you're hoping to see, you've got to do something different. Let me give you an example...

If you are trying to clean your windows, and you choose to use mud to do it, you are probably not going to have much success. Now, you can continue trying to clean your windows with mud daily but you are going to end up with the same results - dirty windows. If you want to clean the windows, you are going to have to choose to use water, and probably soap, to get the dirt off.

Maybe you are feeling stuck today. Maybe there just seems to be no way out. Maybe you keep doing the same thing day after day and getting the same results. Maybe it's time to make a choice to take a chance and see a change. Pray about it - make a choice.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Washing Machines

Washing clothes has always been one of those phenomenons that I cannot explain. I put clothes in, I add the detergent, fabric softener, etc., and the clothes come out clean. Sometimes. Other times, they come out a little less clean than I expected. Sometimes, they come out in one big blob of damp cloth. It truly is a phenomenon.

I guess part of the mystery of the washing machine is that they won't let you see it actually operating, if you open the door, everything halts. In times past, you had limit switches that you could press down and watch, now, they have the magnetized switches that won't allow it. Since you can't see what is going on in there, it is a mystery. I mean, obviously, you hear the water flow in, pump out, the machine spins, etc. But, what really goes on in there.

Today's word is a quote I heard a while back that sort of explains things a little: Problems are like washing machines, they twist us and spin us and knock us around, but in the end, we come out cleaner, brighter, and better than before.

That does sort of explain problems doesn't it. Like the washing machine, problems often leave us twisted from worry and fear. They have a tendency to knock us around. And, goodness, it has felt as though I am stuck in the spin cycle lately.

However, like the washing machine, in the end, when the problem has been dealt with, I find that I am a little cleaner, I shine a little brighter, and I am a little brighter for having gone through it, and, hopefully, I am a little better. Funny how life can compare to a washing machine. I just wish it wouldn't eat my socks...

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

It's infectious

Our little one can do some things, as they all can, that will cause you to want to yell and scream. However, he has this little silly smile that you can't help but smile and laugh back. You know what I mean, you want to be stern but it is difficult when you are laughing.

He will do something like pour a box of cereal out in the floor. The moment you ask, "What are you doing?" He turns with this little smiley grin that seems to immediately turn anger to laughter. Now, once the laughing has subsided, I usually squat in front of him and try to explain that his actions are inappropriate. I am sure he wonders how inappropriate they were, considering the laughs he got. We'll have to work on that.

Today's word is a thought a I had that says, "The problem with smiling is it's contagious. Give someone a smile - get one back."

Have you ever noticed how quickly voices rise and tempers boil when one person yells at another? It doesn't take long for a simple discussion to escalate into a shouting match when cross words are lobbed. However, the exact opposite is often true, too. Smiling at someone usually seems to calm things and produce a smile from the other party; the power of a smile is amazing.

Next time you find yourself in the mullygrubs, try smiling at someone. It might just surprise you at how contagious it can be.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Prepare for takeoff!

Things don't often go the way I would like. As a matter of fact, things very seldom go exactly the way I like. Trish will often say that I am easy to get along with as long as you do things my way, and that is true. It never seems to fail that something is always trying to mess with my plans.

I am sure that we have all been there, we think we finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, just before we get run over by the train. I find that there is a lot of truth in the old saying, "It seems that I take one step forward and two steps back." How about you?

Today's word is a saying I heard a while ago that means a lot to me: "An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. When life is dragging you back with difficulties, you're about to be launched into something."

Now, I am no archer but I have seen it done. I don't think you can throw an arrow very far at all. I would be surprised if you could throw it more than a few yards. However, if you place that arrow in a bow, pull the string back, and let it fly, it will travel - FAR. And, if you allow someone other than me to do the shooting, it will hit the target.

What we need to realize is that, sometimes, when we are being pulled back, it is because we are about to be launched into something else, something better. We would never get there without first being drawn back. And, in the hands of the Master Archer, you can rest assured that you will hit the target!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, May 13, 2013

Attaining Value

Getting a college degree took me a while. I did pretty good in high school and had a few scholarship offers but I wanted to get out and see the world. So, I went active duty in the military and saw a lot of the world - the good and the bad.

Then, I got out of the military, got married, and along came a mortgage and groceries and bills and life in general. GOD had blessed us with so much: great marriage, good health, jobs, etc., and life was good. Finally, though, I got around to thinking that I would like to have that college degree just for myself; my job would not change, what I did would not change, nothing would change, other than I attained the degree to satisfy my own personal desire. And, it was easy...YEAH RIGHT!

I was working a full time job. I had obligations at work, at home, at church, in my family; there were always things to do. Yet, I had the desire to go back and get that degree. I had taken courses during my military time and was able to pass efficiency tests and CLEP tests to get some credits. I had taken other courses along the way so, I had some of it behind me. But, I knew it was going to take some work.

Today's word is a thought I have from time to time, which says, "The value of anything is the sacrifice you are willing to make to attain it. The question is, 'What do you value?'"

Finishing that degree, while working full time, with everything else going on, was not the easiest thing I've ever done. However, it has great value to me. Not that it made me any better as a person. Not that it makes me any more important. Not that it did anything to my social standing. I value it because of the sacrifice made by my family and me to attain it. It truly is a personal accomplishment. 

In the overall scheme of things, the degree means very little. It holds nowhere near the importance of my wife, my child, my family, my life. But, it has value because of the sacrifices made. You value those things which cost you something, especially sacrifice. The question truly is, "What do you value?" Pick the things worth sacrifice.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, May 10, 2013

Think happy thoughts

I am often amazed at how quickly and how doggedly I can think unpleasant and disheartening things. It's astounding how we can allow ourselves to think that the worst is always going to happen. Let me give you an example...

For most of us, our biggest fear is something happening to our loved one(s), and we can think of some of the most horrific things happening to them. We'll be sitting there and think about our loved one being hit by a bus. The problem with that is that we don't even have mass transit in our town. To top that, the likely hood of that happening to anyone is about one in ten million. Yet, we will think the most unimaginable things.

Another thing we think is always the worse about others: what they think of us, what they say about us, what they would like to do to us, etc. We seem more than capable to think the worst thoughts.

Today's word is a quote I heard and it helps me to remember to think good things. It says, "If you're going to be thinking anyway today...might as well think happy thoughts."

If you're going to be thinking today, and you are, why not think good things? Instead of thinking of all the things that could happen, think of the things you would like to happen. Instead of thinking about the bad times that have happened, think of good times shared with loved ones and the many yet to come. Instead of allowing your mind to wander into the negative, think positive.

We can all get into the pattern of allowing ourselves to think the most negative things. If we make a more conscious effort to think happy thoughts, it may just make us happier. If you're going to be thinking anyway, and you are, why not think happy thoughts?

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Directional Steering

One of our little man's favorite things to do lately is ride on the lawn tractor. Now, I don't have the blades engaged and we are moving really slowly. While we are out riding through the open field, I allow him to take the wheel and "drive". More often than not, he will steer us left and I will have to correct. My prayer is that he will learn to steer a vehicle through the experience of steering this lawn tractor.

I also pray that he will allow us to steer him in the right direction as he gets older. I certainly pray daily that he, along with everyone else, will see JESUS through our example and allow Him to direct his path. We try to lay a good foundation because one day he will steer for himself.

Today's word is a quote from Dr. Seuss that says, "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose."

We all get to steer our own ship, our own life, in whichever direction we choose. Occasionally, we find that we have steered ourselves into a tight spot and need to ask someone to guide us out. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. While some are afraid to ask direction, I am always trying to find the most direct route. The point is that we get to steer, we get to choose our direction. Choose wisely.

There are several important parts to the quote: 1. You have brains in your head - USE THEM. 2. You have feet in your shoes - you get to "drive" yourself. And, if you find yourself in a bad spot, you have a means of getting out. 3. You get to choose the direction - CHOOSE WISELY!

You know, I may think the little guy is steering improperly and I am always having to correct. The truth may be, though, that he is steering hard left and practicing to be a NASCAR driver. You never know. I do know that if that is his plan, his first car is going to be something really old - and really slow.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Spinning your wheels (Wednesday's Post)

Sorry for missing the post yesterday, I let it slip. It is not that I didn't think about it, I did. But, by the time I got around to really thinking about it, other things had come up and I had let it slip. However, it is not the first time I have allowed things to slip past me. I was sharing one day that I have to make notes or I forget things. Someone commented, "You're much too young for that." My Mom replied, "Oh, it hit him early."

Sometimes, the problem is that I have so many projects going at one time that I allow some to slip past as I am concentrating on others. Now, all the projects are important, and all deserve my undivided attention. Yet, I somehow get so many things going that I seem to spend an inordinate amount of time spinning my wheels.

Today's word is just a thought that I had that says, "I don't think going faster is nearly as important as moving productively. A car spinning its wheels may be fast but completely unproductive."

If you've never been stuck in the mud or on slippery grass, you can consider yourself really blessed. A couple of years ago, I got the lawn tractor stuck in a wet spot in the lower field. I sat there slinging mud all over it and me but going absolutely nowhere. So, I got off the lawn tractor, went to the shed and got the tractor. Once I hooked the pull rope to the lawn tractor, I commenced getting the tractor stuck. Yep, spinning my wheels, getting nowhere.

By now, I was covered in mud, everything else was covered in mud. My last option was to get the truck, unstick the tractor, and, then, unstick the lawn tractor. Yes, it did occur to me that I could get the truck stuck, which would be completely embarrassing, especially when I had to ask Trish to use her car. However, before I could get to the house and get the truck, a neighbor came by on his big tractor and got me out of the pickle, Trish never being the wiser.

The point is, while I was stuck in the mud, the more I applied gas to the equipment, the faster the tires spun, but, I still wasn't getting anywhere. Going faster isn't nearly as important as moving productively. You know the old saying, "If you find yourself in a hole, quit digging." If you find yourself stuck, don't continue spinning the wheels, take a little time, think about the options. And, maybe your neighbor will come by and get you unstuck.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Cruel or Cool

Ever wanted something so much you could taste it? I mean, you want it so bad that all you can think about is getting that one thing that you desire so much. Yeah, I think we have all been there.

I remember, years ago, trying to purchase our first new car. We had looked around and shopped around and knew exactly what we could afford. We went to a dealer, drove a car, and sat down to negotiate. We told the salesman exactly what we could afford; he came back with a price $75 more than that.

This cycle continued several more rounds, him giving us a price over our budgetary limits and us telling him that it wouldn't work. He decided to make one final attempt. He told us that if they removed the floor mats, and gave us a straight shift and etc, etc, they could put us in that car for an amount that was only $25 over our budget. When we told him that that would not work, he stood up and said, "If you want that price, you better go buy you a Yugo!" We left...

Today's word is a thought that I have had lately: Disappointments are the cruel part of life: overcoming them are the cool part of life. Be cool - overcome!

Disappointments will come and they always hurt, they are cruel. However, when we overcome those disappointments, we gain tools that will serve us (and others) in years to come. When we are able to assist someone else in there overcoming disappointment, we feel pretty cool; and, they think we are too.

Don't let disappointments bog you down. Yeah, cry if you need to; feel the pain for a little while if you need to; then, get up and overcome! Then, go out and buy a Yugo. While you're at it, go back by the snobby dealer and let them know how much you enjoy driving your new Yugo. That, my friend, is cool!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, May 6, 2013

An ounce of encouragement is worth pounds of praise

I will never be confused as a golfer. I often have people ask if I am a golfer and my standard reply is that I play a reasonable facsimile. There is nothing about my game that would even suggest that there is a golf gene anywhere in my vicinity, much less my body. However, I do like to get out there on the course and hack away every chance I get.

My wife will go with me on occasions and drive the cart, tend the pin (not that I ever get anywhere close), and just provide me with a great view (she is a beautiful lady). She is also my biggest cheerleader. She praises me when I deserve it least, not only on the golf course but that is today's subject. Allow me to give you an example.

We were on the golf course one day and I hit a shot that caused Trish to say, "Wow! What a great shot!" When I explained to her that while the ball went about 300 yards, it went 200 yards down the fairway and 100 yards right of the fairway (I sliced it). Actually, what I told her was, "Babe, the ball is way over there by the trees on the right, the fairway is way over there on the left." She said, "Yeah, but you hit it really hard."

Today's word is an anonymous quote that says, "A word of encouragement during a failure is worth more than an hour of praise after success." Keep on encouraging others!

While praise is a wonderful thing, encouragement when things are going bad is worth so much more. Maybe you haven't ever had a failure. But, for me, a guy that has failed at many things, a word of encouragement when things are going bad means so much. While being praised for the few good things I have accomplished, being encouraged during the bad times is even better.

Encourage others every chance you get. It is important to try to use encouraging words because you never know what someone else is going through. By the way, I did hit it really hard!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, May 3, 2013

I cannot get enough or give enough

There are a lot of things that it doesn't take too long to get enough of. If anyone enjoys any of the things I am about to mention, I apologize, but there are things I get enough of. It doesn't take long for me to get enough of people playing their music so loud in their car. If I wanted to listen to the station you are listening to, I would change my own radio. It doesn't take me long to get enough of someone driving ten miles below the speed limit in the passing lane. The passing lane is for passing, either pass or get over. It doesn't take long for me to get enough of someone putting someone else down. If you want to talk about someone, why not go to that person and talk TO them and not ABOUT them?

There are other things that I never seem to get enough of. Hearing Trish call my name or just spending time with her - there will NEVER be enough. Hearing our little one laughing - there will NEVER be enough of that. Seeing him run around the house and run around exploring outside and having a great time - there will NEVER be enough. Time with loved ones will NEVER be enough.

Today's word is a quote from Henry Miller that says, "The one thing we can NEVER get enough of is LOVE. And, the one thing we NEVER give enough of is - LOVE."

I can never get enough love. There are folks in this world who do not like me. I am sure there are folks in this world who do not love me. If all but one person in the world loved me, however, I would still want that one other person to love me. We all want to be loved.

It is just as important, if not more, to love others. We will never be able to give enough love. I love everyone. Everyone. I may not like what they do but I LOVE them. Just as we will never get enough love, though, we never seem to give enough; we always seem to want to reserve our love to protect ourselves. DON'T BE AFRAID TO LOVE!

Yes, we need love and we need to give love. I may not like the loud music, the slow drivers, the putting others down, but I love the ones doing it. Don't you?

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Frazzled or Dazzled

Ever have those days when it seems that you just cannot catch a break? You cannot seem to catch up? The harder you go the more behinder you get? Those days have a tendency to cause us stress like others cannot imagine. There are few things more stressful than trying to get something done, only to have something else go wrong before you can fix the original problem.

It is not just in "doing" things, either. The same scenario can play itself out in the financial arena, too. There are days when we have paid far more than I think we can afford, only to open the mailbox and see three more bills. While walking back from the mailbox, you notice a flat on your vehicle, the sole of your shoe is flopping, and supper has burned in the oven. Yes, things can get pretty stressful. Things can get you pretty frazzled.

Today's word is just a thought I had this morning, which is, "When I start to feel a little stressed, I just remember how much I'm BLESSED!"

Life can be pretty stressful, even on the best of days. If you allow everything going on to get to you, you can find yourself quite frazzled. And, I can tell you that frazzled is not a good state of mine, nor a good look.

The flip side is county your blessings will leave you pretty dazzled. Or, it does me. When I look at all the many blessings that GOD has bestowed upon me, I am floored! I am amazed at His wondrous gifts!

Here's the deal, you can either allow this life to frazzle you with all of its challenges or you can be dazzled with all of GOD'S blessings. I am going to work on being more dazzling, even when checking the mail.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


I recently heard about someone stealing from their loved ones. You know, stealing is bad at anytime but to steal from those who give you a place to live, food to eat, encourage you, and care for you is just unfathomable to me.

I don't want anything that isn't mine. You could literally place one million one dollar bills on a table and I wouldn't take a one, not a single one. Now, if you told me it was mine, and could convince me, I might take enough to get a tank of gas, which is more than I care to talk about. However, if you didn't tell me it was mine, if it was just sitting there, I wouldn't even touch it.

Today's word is a quote I came across a while back that just sort of sums things up for me: "Don't ever regret or apologize for doing the right thing. Even if your voice shakes, even if you stand alone, DO THE RIGHT THING!"

Sometimes the hardest thing in the world to do is to let the ones we care about suffer the consequences for their actions. We never want to see our loved ones suffer so we will do whatever it takes to "bail them out". Maybe the best thing we can do, the right thing to do is to let them feel the full effects of their actions. I remember being told not to run or I might fall and skin my knee. Yet, they let me run and fall and skin my knee instead of trying to put padding in every parking lot in the world. I learned that if I ran, the possibility was that I could fall and skin my knee.

Standing for what is right is often difficult. We have to be people of integrity and do the right thing for the right reason every time. The same is true when it comes to letting people see that there are prices to pay for our decisions. Yes, it may be hard but, even if...DO THE RIGHT THING!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T