Friday, December 20, 2013

GOD will help

It's hard not to talk about the hottest topic going today, Duck Dynasty and the controversy over Phil speaking the truth of the Bible. It absolutely amazes me that people can talk about anything vile and evil and it is freedom of speech. But, if a Christian says anything about sin, they are hatemongers. It is absurd.

Now, I will not condemn anyone. I do not have the right or the power; that is GOD'S and GOD'S ALONE. But, that doesn't change the fact that GOD'S Word clearly defines sin and sinful behavior. Yes, it speaks of my sins too. When I sin, I have choices - I can either continue to sin and be against GOD or I can choose to let GOD change me by asking forgiveness and turning from that sin. You can hate all you want but GOD has standards.

Anyway, I find it very difficult to understand why it is freedom of speech for everyone except the Christian. Why is everyone screaming discrimination and hate speech when it is the Christian that is discriminated against and hated? It seems that everyone has freedom except those who are truly free.

Today's word is from Isaiah 41:43 to encourage us that we are not alone. It reads, "For I am the LORD, your GOD, Who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, 'Do not fear, I will help you.'"

Look, for as long as this world has stood and for as long as GOD continues to allow it to stand, there will be those unfriendly towards Christians and the Christian faith. We need not be surprised because JESUS told us not to be. He reminded us to not be surprised when people hate us for our Christianity because they hated Him first. People will ALWAYS hate, which is NEVER right. Unless, it seems, that the hatred is aimed at Christians.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Lacking nothing

Trish and I don't have a whole lot but we have absolutely everything you could ever want. I have mentioned before that we don't have a lot of money, we live in a very average house, we drive older vehicles, but we have so much more that no one can ever see. GOD is so good to us.

This time of year always causes me to think of those who may be out in the cold with nowhere to go and nothing to eat. I pray daily for each of them to find a warm place and food to eat. I am truly blessed.

Today's word is from Proverbs 28:27, NIV, which reads, "Those who give to the poor will lack nothing, but those who close their eyes to them receive many curses."

I don't know how people can not be concerned for others. Don't get me wrong, I know some folks are where they are because of choices made. I know that some folks are living the way they live because they have exhausted everyone that ever cared about them. I know that some folks have burnt every bridge and robbed every coffer. But, for those who truly deserve some help, how do we not try?

I am not naive enough to think that I can help everyone, no one can. I know that not a one of them is outside of GOD'S sight. I know that He will supply all their needs. I also know that He expects me to do what He leads me to do. I have failed Him many times; I pray I do better.

No one can do it all but, if we all just do what we can, I think it would surprise us all. I believe the Methodist motto at one time was, "Make all you can. Save all you can. Give all you can." May we all be willing to listen to GOD'S voice when He speaks to our hearts to give.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, December 16, 2013

You can't buy it

As we approach Christmas Day, I can't help but think of all the folks stressing about all the things they couldn't buy or didn't get. I admit that I, too, have a lot left to do but I am really trying not to stress about it. If we don't get everything wrapped, that is one less thing for someone else to have to fool with. Right?

So many people get frustrated and ruin their own holiday because they couldn't buy everything on everyone's Christmas list. Others get really frustrated and hurt because they didn't get everything on theirs. I have no Christmas list. If you asked me what I really wanted, I would tell you that I want PEACE. Not just world peace. Not just familial peace. But, I would like for everyone to find that inner peace that so many seem to be short on.

One of my favorite Christmas movies is the adaptation of Dr. Seuss's "How the Grinch stole Christmas". Not the Jim Carrey version, good in its own right, but the animated version. So, today's word is a Christmas "quote" from Dr. Seuss, which says, "Maybe Christmas, the Grinch thought, doesn't come from a store." To which I add, "It isn't about stuff - it's about LOVE."

The feeling I have this Christmas has nothing to do with anything you can buy. As a matter of fact, if you asked me what you could buy me, I would tell you that I don't need a thing. I honestly do not need anything. You cannot buy the Christmas spirit. You cannot buy the Christmas joy. You cannot buy the Christmas love. GOD sent it when He gave us His Son. If everyone would concentrate on the Son, we would all have a bright Christmas.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Exalt Him

Here in Alabama, the speculation has been whether or not Nick Saban is going to leave the University of Alabama to become the head coach at the University of Texas. Now, whether Mr. Saban leaves or stays is entirely up to him. There are pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages either way. I don't have a dog in the fight, nor has Mr. Saban asked my advice in any way. If he did, I do have something I would like to point out...

I have often wondered about those who don't honor contracts. I mean, if I tell you I am going to do something, I try my hardest to do it. If I put my name on a contract stating that I will do something, I don't try any harder, my word is my contract. In the day in which we live, though, folks don't seem to honor what they say they will do. If more money comes calling, they chase the money. Where's the loyalty? Don't get me wrong, I like Nick Saban; I hope he stays at Alabama for the next fifty years. But, why all the hoopla? Why do we tend to exalt those who don't seem to be worthy of our exaltation?

Today's word is from Exodus 15, the second part of verse 2 (NIV), which reads, "...He is my GOD, and I will praise Him, my father's GOD, and I will exalt Him."

The definition for exalt is to raise someone or something to higher level, to hold this someone or something in a higher regard. We have a tendency to raise folks up and put them in a higher classification and hold them in higher esteem than we do GOD. GOD, Who is worthy of all praise and honor and glory. GOD who has been and forever will be. GOD who is forever faithful and loyal and will never go chasing the next dollar.

GOD is worth our exaltation! Yeah, it is a big deal if Nick Saban leaves Alabama for Texas. It is a bigger deal that GOD has been loyal and dedicated and faithful yesterday, today and forever! Let's exalt GOD, He is worthy.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


A lot has passed through my mind lately about progress. I seem to have a lot to do but very little getting done. I know you have heard it, and I have said it before, but it seems that the harder I try, the less I complete. However, I have to keep pushing to get things done.

Our two-year-old, he's actually twenty-six months, hasn't taken to potty training as well as some have claimed that their little ones did. We try to get him to use the potty every chance we get but he isn't as interested in it as we are. However, last night, as I was changing his diaper, he said, "Dada, pee pee." I asked, "You gotta pee pee?" He replied, "Uh-huh." So, we head to the bathroom, where he stepped up on the stool and pee peed in the potty like a big boy. Progress.

Today's word is a saying that goes, "Some people quit due to slow progress, never realizing that slow progress is still...PROGRESS!"

There will be those times in our lives when it seems that we are accomplishing nothing. There will be those times when it seems that we take one step forward just to fall two steps back. Yet, if we continue to try to progress, even infinitesimally, it is still progress.

Progress can be measured in so many different ways. Maybe you didn't accomplish EVERYTHING you set out to do today but, if you made it through the day with everyone fed and clean and in bed, that is progress. Maybe you didn't get out of debt this year but, if you made it through the year owing less than you did at the beginning, even two dollars less, that is progress.

Don't give up just because it is slow. Slow progress is still PROGRESS!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, December 9, 2013

Put the blame where it belongs

I am as bad as anyone to look for someone to blame. I think it is human nature to find someone or something to blame other than ourselves. We don't like admitting that we are less than we think we are. Well, guess what? I am sure that I am far less than I think I am.

When we make the big mistakes, our need to find a "scapegoat" becomes even larger. The larger the mistake the larger the feeling of not wanting to accept responsibility. When it comes to sins, we are even more reluctant to own it.

Today's word is from Proverbs 19:3, NIV, which reads, "A person's own folly leads to their ruin, yet their heart rages against the LORD."

We have seen people do it more often than we care to admit. They make a huge mistake and run afoul of the law, or with their spouse, or with their boss, etc., and they blame GOD for not getting them out of their predicament. Well, who got you into the predicament?

It is when we put the blame where it belongs, on ourselves, that we experience true freedom and forgiveness. Blaming someone else for my shortcomings is like taking the blame for someone else's. GOD didn't cause you to get into the mess you are in. However, He will help you through it, if only you will seek His will, ask His forgiveness, own up to your failures, and seek the forgiveness of those you hurt. It's not easy for me either but it is time to put the blame where it belongs.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, December 6, 2013

Today is all we have

In Luke chapter 12,  we read of the rich man who had so much wealth and had been blessed with such an abundance that he didn't know what he was going to do with it. He decided that he would tear down his old barns and build bigger ones. He decided that he would eat, drink, be merry and live the life of ease. But, he didn't know that he would never enjoy it.

Luke 12:20 tells us that GOD calls him a fool and tells him that that very night his soul would be required of him. The rich man didn't realize that all he had was today.

Today's word is a saying/quote that I remember from some time back, and that is not verbatim but is my paraphrase: "Today will never come again. Be a blessing. Be a friend. Encourage someone.Take time to care. Let your words bring peace."

How often I have done things or said things not realizing that it could very well be the last thing I ever do or say. Or, it could be the last thing the person I did it to or said it to would ever see or hear. Sometimes, we lose sight of the fact that today is all we have. I, personally, seem to live like I know I will have time to make it right. I pray I always do.

I know the parable of the rich man that I mentioned is more about not giving GOD the credit due, but it also reminds us that today is all we have. Make the most of today!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Brighter Days

On March 16, 1985, Terry Anderson, American journalist, had just finished playing tennis and was taken hostage in Beirut, Lebanon. Mr. Anderson remained hostage until December 4, 1991 - almost seven years.

Can you imagine being held hostage, prisoner for seven years. I can think of the three young ladies in Ohio that lived a lifetime of bondage. I cannot imagine the terror and turmoil and abuse they survived. I do know that they had something that kept them going, something that made them want to see another day.

It's not always easy to see the light for all the darkness surrounding us. I can only imagine how gloomy things must have appeared to those that were being held captive. The lack of communication and the intensity of the situation had to make things appear completely hopeless.

Today's word is a quote/saying I came across some time ago that I try to keep in mind. It says, "Faith is seeing light with your heart, when all your eyes can see is darkness. Have faith - brighter days are coming."

Sometimes, it seems that all we can see is the darkness that surrounds us and permeates fiber of our being. However, if we will have faith and open our hearts to the brightness of tomorrow, we may just find that glimmer of hope that will keep us going.

Obviously, there will be days when the little light we see is so faint and so distant that it appears only as an illusion. But, if we are faithful to see that the brighter day is coming, we'll see that that little faint, distant light is enough to keep us going. Have faith - brighter days are coming.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

My Strength

I have often had the kids in the youth group want to know what we are going to look like in Heaven. I honestly don't know. The Bible tells us that we don't yet know what we shall be but we shall be as He (JESUS) is. Yet, that isn't really definitive, so, I don't know.

I do know that, especially as I get older, that this physical body doesn't perform now as it did years ago. So, I always tell them that I'd like to think that we are all going to be the equivalent of twenty-five-years-old. At twenty-five, I had live long enough to know that I didn't know everything but I did know a little about a few things. And, physically speaking, at twenty-five, I was as fit as I had or have ever been. I couldn't bench press a truck but I could lift the tire. You know what I mean?

Today's word is from Nehemiah 8:10, NIV, which reads, "Nehemiah said, 'Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our LORD. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength."

There are several things to really like about this verse, enjoying good food, sending some to those who have nothing, GOD'S holy day, no need to grieve...but, the thing I want to talk about is our strength. There are times when this old world can knock you down and kick the snot out of you. There are times when it seems that the only ways things could ever be worse is if something happened, and then, that something happened. It is during these times that we have to reflect on GOD and His goodness and strengthen ourselves by remembering that we have JESUS in our hearts and that He will see us through.

I can tell you that it is much easier to say it than to do it but if we would just reflect on the good things GOD has given us, especially the promise that eternity is going to be worth it all, it will strengthen us to go a little further.The joy of the LORD is our strength.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, December 2, 2013

Stand Firm

I think one of the hardest things to do is to stand still, especially very still. You see folks in the horror movies all the time that cannot stand/sit still. Five people have already met their demise and, yet, they hear a news and have to go see what it is. Or, they hear the noise and can't control themselves and run right into the chainsaw wielding villain.

Then, you have the fidgety ones (me especially). There was a time in my early years that if you had told me to stand still or ELSE that I would have had to find out what the ELSE was. It wasn't that I wanted to be disobedient, I just couldn't get myself to stand still. There was always something in me that had to move. Now, I have learned to stand still. I have learned to search the landscape before making my next move. I have learned to focus on moving in the right direction. I don't always do it right but I have learned.

Today's word is from 1 Corinthians 16:13, NIV, which reads, "Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong."

A lot of things in this world are vying for our attention, waiting for us to pick the wrong one. This is why we must be on our guard. Satan is going to present us with every opportunity to make the wrong choice; we have to be on our guard to ensure he doesn't fool us. Then, we need to stand still (stand firm).

We need to stand still and wait for GOD to direct our steps, our actions. We do that by holding on to the faith. We know that GOD has everything working for our good, and temporary satisfaction today can lead to permanent dissatisfaction tomorrow. So, before making any rash decisions and running into the chainsaw wielding villain, stand still, listen to GOD, and move accordingly.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T