Friday, February 27, 2015

Season of discontentment

There are some people who love to fight and argue and keep something/someone stirred up all the time. I am not one of those people. I am somewhat mischievous and like to kid around a lot but I am not one who flies off the handle at every little thing. I really think some people strive on discontentment and making others miserable.

I have often wondered what causes folks to lose it at the drop of a hat but, maybe, we are all capable of that, we just haven't reached our limit. Yet, you have to admit that there are those that seem more content to argue and complain than to get along.

Today's word is Proverbs 29:11, NIV, which reads, "Fools give full vent to their rage, but the wise bring calm in the end."

This verse tells us that those who fly off the handle at everything are foolish. On the one hand, you may eventually meet someone willing to accommodate your desire to step outside. On another hand, it can't be good for you physically, mentally, or psychologically to stay in a state of rage all the time.

There will be situations where you need to "lose it" in order to get your point across. For the most part, though, staying calm in the midst of the turmoil will show others just how wise you are, and how powerful the Avenger is.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Waiting and hoping

It seems that we are all waiting on something. Today, we are anticipating a snow storm in our area. While this wouldn't be an issue in most of the country, here in the deep south, a one inch snow storm can shut us down for days. We've had several hits and misses concerning snow storms and folks' anticipation is extremely heightened.

Anticipation is an amazing thing. It drives us and moves us and causes us to feel and sense and live. We anticipate things, and that anticipation motivates us to keep on believing. We see it when we plan a vacation, when we expect a birth, when a big event (i. e. graduation, marriage, retirement, etc.) is on the horizon. Anticipation is an exciting thing.

Today's quote is just a thought I had about anticipation: It seems we spend our whole life waiting on some miracle, never realizing that life is the miracle.

Life is such a blessing and miracle in and of itself. We often lose sight of that because we expect it to be so much more; we are fooled into wrong thinking because of the false lives projected by Hollywood and in romance novels. But, life is such a miracle!

It is perfectly fine to get excited and anticipate great things. But, don't lose sight of the miracle that everyday life truly is. Now, let's get this snow thing over with...

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Toddler beds and jammed toes

Blake got a new toddler bed. Well, he was in one of the 3-in-1 conversion beds but we put Olivia in a toddler bed that someone had given us and, because she got a new bed, he wanted a new bed. So, he picked out and we ordered a "Lightning McQueen" toddler bed, which arrived yesterday.

I got home yesterday evening and assembled the bed, which was difficult but not impossible. The difficulty arose in the assembly instructions, which consisted of pictures but no directions. While pictures are worth a thousand words, some written directions could avoid having to redo things. Anyway, I digress...

After assembling the bed, which Blake really likes, we were all admiring the handy work and doing our "happy dance". In the midst of the dancing, I struck the edge of his new bed with my old toe. WOW! I hobbled and complained but it was too late; what was done was done.

Today's word is an old one but one that reminds me what to look for. Psalm 119:105, KJV, reads, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."

If we read, study, and apply GOD'S word, it will direct us and keep us from danger and harm. It will light our paths and bring us safely to our destination. In the meantime, watch out for toddler beds when you are happy dancing.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, February 23, 2015

Increase the dose

I'll be the first to admit that I am not the supreme lovey-dovey type. Oh, I love everyone. I LOVE some more than others, or differently than others. But, I am not an "All you need is love," guy. There are times when we have to rise up and take a stand and fight. But, that is not the word for today...

Today, I would like to talk about love, and the fact that we all need it and that it can overcome so much. There are so many folks in our world that really need a good dose of love. They have been abused and beat down and neglected and rejected, and they need to see that that isn't the truth; that there is a GOD Who loves them and values them and desires them. And, the way they will see Him is through the love we share with them.

You may be saying, "Well, I tried to love ol' so and so and it wasn't worth it." I agree that some folks are harder to love than others but they all deserve love. What if that someone was your loved one that was struggling with addiction or self-image or battling some demon that we don't know. Wouldn't you still love them? Wouldn't you want someone to reach them? Wouldn't you want them to find GOD'S peace in it all? So, what do you do when you've loved all you can and seen no results?

Today's word is something that I came across that sums up my thoughts for today: "A physician once said, 'The best medicine for humans is love. If it doesn't seem to be working, increase the dose.'"

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, February 20, 2015

It's not easy but it is right

One of the things most younger people have difficulty with, and I know because I used to be a younger person, is dealing with authority. We tend to think that we have it all figured out and that we don't need anyone telling us, even suggesting to us, what we need to do. Some outgrow this; some never seem to.

As we mature, we begin to realize that people are in authority because GOD has put them there. If we want to do what He wants us to do, we must submit to those GOD has appointed over us. There are few things that show a Christian's true character more than their willingness to submit to authority. I know I have failed in this area numerous times.

Today's word is Titus 3:1, NIV, which reads, "Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good."

There will be numerous times in our lives, especially at work, that we may not agree with those in charge. Yet, I am reminded that they are in charge because GOD has placed them in charge. Being in charge has to have its ups and downs, especially when you have to deal with people such as me.

I am will try to keep in mind that I am to be obedient, and to be ready to do what is right.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Fat Tuesday

Today is Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras, which is the end of Carnival. This is the last hurrah before sacrifice and penance begins on Ash Wednesday. Anyone that has seen what goes on in Rio or in New Orleans on Fat Tuesday would have to wonder how it all originated. Well, like many things we have ruined, it was never meant to be what it has become.

Many scenes during the festivities are inappropriate for public viewing, much less for public display. However, it seems that Mardi Gras/Fat Tuesday/Carnival is steeped with debauchery and depravity and hedonism. Then, promptly at midnight, all that ceases and Ash Wednesday begins Lent, one of the most solemn and penance filled seasons. Something just doesn't add up for me.

Today's word is Romans 13:13, NLT, which reads, "Because we belong to the day, we must live decent lives for all to see. Don't participate in the darkness of wild parties and drunkenness, or in sexual promiscuity and immoral living, or in quarreling and jealousy."

Paul wrote the Romans that Fat Tuesday didn't exist; there was no excuse to live like the devil. We are GOD'S light in this depraved world, and we need our light to shine. Fat Tuesday doesn't give us a "free pass". Many use it only as an excuse to live in the darkness, which is where light doesn't exist.

I know none of us participate in the things that go on during Mardi Gras, but, today's verse is a good reminder to be GOD'S light everyday - not just beginning on Ash Wednesday.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, February 16, 2015

The Duty of All Nations

Here in America, today, Monday, February 16th, is President's Day. It is unofficially to commemorate George Washington's and Abraham Lincoln's birthdays. However, in recent history, we have just set aside the third Monday in February to honor all those who have served us as President.

I couldn't imagine being President, trying to make decisions and policies that affect everyone (we hope they affect everyone, including the ones making the policies). I know they are surrounded by folks fifty-five thousand times smarter than I will ever be but, even then, I bet it is difficult to determine what needs to be done sometimes. I would have to do a lot of praying.

With Presidents and praying in mind, today's word is a quote from George Washington, our nation's first president, which says, "It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the Providence of Almighty GOD, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits."

Our first President knew that it was only through GOD'S great goodness that this nation, or any nation, could ever stand. It is a sad era in our nation's history to see how far we have fallen from acknowledging GOD and for being grateful for all that He has done and given us. I wonder how low we will have to get before we return; I wonder how good it could be if we would only acknowledge Him.

It is our duty to acknowledge what GOD has done, to obey His will, and to be grateful for His many benefits. Even if we as a nation won't do it, individually, it is our duty.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, February 13, 2015

What is Love

Valentines Day is tomorrow and, of course, Love is on my mind. If someone asked you what "love" is, what would be your reply? It is a deep affection. It is a feeling so deep that we don't have words to describe it. It truly is one of those emotions that is better felt than talked about.

It is hard to explain to others what you feel about those you love. However, if they love someone, they sort of know what you are talking about. Love reaches deep into our souls, into a place that is reserved only for the dearest. Of course, there are different degrees of love, which we talked about the other day. For those dearest to us, it is hard to explain to someone how deeply we truly care about them.

So, in that respect, and in recognition of Valentines Day, the word of the day is my feeble attempt at defining LOVE. "Love is sacrificing what you know you should, caring deeper than you thought you could, and going farther than you ever thought you would."

When you truly love someone, you will find that their happiness is more important than yours; that you are more concerned with their needs than yours; that your joy comes from theirs. In the words of the great American, Forrest Gump, "I may not be a smart man, but I know what love is."

Happy Valentines Day!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, February 12, 2015


I am somewhat of a deodorant snob. It's not that I have to have an expensive deodorant. No, I just like a specific type of deodorant - sports gel. I don't really care for the white stick deodorant because it seems to always leave a what streak on my shirt - unless I wait several minutes after deodorant application to don my shirt.

I am also not a fan of the aerosols or roll ons. I like the sport gels that go on clear, dry fairly quickly, and don't usually leave a streak on my clothes. The important thing is that I use deodorant. Don't you wish everybody did?

Today's word is a quote that I may have used before but that I really like. It says, "Common sense is like deodorant. The people who need it most never use it."

Some people can do some really stupid things, and I have been one of them at times, because they don't use the common sense that GOD gave them. I watch stupid things on television, one of which is TruTV's Dumbest... Sometimes, they have "Dumbest Daredevils" or "Dumbest Feats", and let me tell you, some people aren't just dumb - they are STUPID. All it would take for most of them is to use a little common sense.

Just as you put on deodorant as to not be offensive, let's use a little common sense to avoid being STUPID. Unfortunately, though, it does seem that the ones who need it most use it least.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

That's LOVE

We are approaching the Valentine holiday, when we give sweets to our sweets to let them know how much we love them. And, let me tell you, I LOVE my wife and kids. Of course, I love a lot of people: my family, friends, everyone, but, obviously, a different kind of love than for my wife, which is a different love from any other love. Before I get too mushy, I better move on.

The key here is that I love everybody but with a different level, a different type of love. There are people in my life that I would give my life for. I would love to say that I would "gladly" die for but, let's be honest, "gladly". But, in all sincerity, there are people in my life that I would give my life for. However, would I give my life for an enemy?

Today's verse is Romans 5:8, ESV, which reads, "but GOD shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, CHRIST died for us."

The very people that put JESUS on the cross, the very people that beat Him, and spat on Him, and tortured Him and crucified Him are the very ones that He gave His life for. He didn't stop there though. He gave His life for me, a man that wouldn't be born for almost two thousand years. He knew I would be a sinner, that I would need forgiveness, that I would disobey and break His laws (and His heart). Yet, He died for me!

If you want to explain true LOVE to someone, tell them about JESUS and how much He loves us.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Two ears and one mouth

The old saying is that GOD gave us two ears and one mouth because He expects us to listen twice as much as we speak. I would love to say that I adhere to that but I would be LYING. I am a talker. I am from a long line of talkers. I don't usually have anything worth talking about, yet, you will often find me talking up a storm.

However, I do think I am a fairly decent listener. I care about others. I want to be able to help others if I can. And, if listening to someone will help them, I really try to listen. A lot of times, the first step to overcoming something is to talk about it. If someone is going to talk about something, the least I can do is listen.

Today's word is an anonymous quote that reminds me to be a good talker, and a good listener. It says, "Speak is such a way that others love to listen to you. Listen in such a way that others love to speak to you."

It is absolutely true that others need to hear things like, "You are good," "You are doing great," "It's good to see you," "You make such a positive impact," etc. It is just as important for others to see that you are listening to them. We know that saying nice things to others encourages them. So, too, does listening.

I have two ears and one mouth. I am going to try to be a better listener.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, February 9, 2015

Feed the good

There's an old story that goes something like this. A guy was talking to an old indian chief and was asking him how he stayed so calm and how he managed to make decisions that affected his entire tribe? How did he know the right choice? The old chief told the guy that there were two dogs living inside him, a good dog and a bad dog, and they helped him make the decisions for the tribe. "How do they do that," the gentleman asked the chief? "Well," replied the chief, "When I have a big decision to make, the good dog and the bad dog fight. Whichever one wins, I go with their decision."

The gentleman was really engrossed in the chief's decision making process. "So," he asked, "Which one usually wins?" "That's easy to answer," replied the chief, "The winner is always the one I feed the most."

Today's word is Romans 8:6, New Living Translation (NLT), which reads, "So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace."

There is absolutely nothing that will live for long without adequate nourishment and sustenance. Same holds true to what we allow to influence us and to control us. If we are putting the good stuff in, feeding the good that is in us, we will do the right things. On the other hand, if we are allowing the trash in, feeding the bad that is in us, we will do those things that we shouldn't do and find ourselves in places/positions/situations that we NEVER wanted to be in. Feed the good!

Thursday, February 5, 2015


This will be a quick and short one today; I have CPR and first aid training, which is vitally important. No pun intended. So, I will cut straight to the point...

Today's word is a quote from Patch Adams that says, "The reason adults should look as though they are having fun, is to give kids a reason to want to grow up."

If we make adulthood seem like such a chore and challenge, why would any child want any part of it? I want my kids to see that being an adult isn't a bad thing at all; it is actually pretty cool and tons of fun.

So, with this quote in mind, let's live with CPR - Caring, Passion, and Really fun!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Positive and negative

When we start to do something big, read expensive, at our house, I have a tendency to sit down and list the positives and negatives of the project. If the positives outweigh/outnumber the negatives, we will take it to the next level: will it fit into the budget; is it something we will be glad we did next year, five years from now, etc.; what is the return on investment (will we be glad that we spent the money versus saving the money for later). There is a lot of thought that goes into the big things.

I think we often do the same things in our day to day lives. We start out fairly positive in the mornings - we all got up! But, as our day progresses, we begin to allow one negative thing to affect our positive day. Then, that one negative multiplies into a plethora of negatives that overwhelm what should have been a positive day. We have to make the positives outnumber the negatives.

Today's word is a simple saying I came across that reminds me of this. It says, "You can't live a positive life with a negative mind."

If we dwell on the negatives, we will fail to see the good things that are all around us. I can complain about my old truck or be grateful that I didn't have to walk to work this morning. I can complain about our messy house or be grateful that we have the blessing of children. I can complain about my job or be grateful for having a job and the ability to work.

For each of us, there will be positives and negatives. We have to make a conscious effort to ensure that we make our positives outnumber our negatives. You can't live a positive life with a negative mind.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The GOD Standard

It seems that we are always trying to measure up. No matter what we are doing or how we are doing it, there is a standard that we compare our results to, which is not a bad thing. We measure our kids, then compare their results to the average growth charts for children their age. We see how they measure up.

When you compete in a race, their is a meet record, a national record, a world record that has been established as the standard; that is the mark that everyone compares their individual results against. Then, you have those who like to compare their stuff with the stuff that others have. They have a bigger house; thus, they are better. They drive a fancier car; they are better. If you want to talk about bank accounts, ours could be a competitor on The Biggest Loser, and it would be winning - DECISIVELY!

Today's word is a quote from Roy Lessin, which says, "When GOD measures a man, the tape is placed around his heart."

It really isn't about the amount of stuff or the type of stuff that we have. It's about what we do with the things GOD blesses us with. Maybe we don't have the nicest house but we have made GOD the Head, which makes our house a HOME. Maybe we don't have the nicest vehicles but I thank GOD each day that He has blessed us with what we have. Our bank account seems to be on a crash diet but GOD will supply our needs, and we KNOW it.

There are standards to compare everything to. The real standard for us, though, is what are we doing with what GOD has given us. I am not saying that we have it all together and that we are doing things the way GOD intends. What I am saying is that we should keep in mind that GOD is our standard, and He measures our heart.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, February 2, 2015

Groundhog Day

Today is February 2nd, National Groundhog Day. Old Punxsutawney Phil will soon take the stage to see if he can forecast six more weeks of winter or an early spring. I know it is just tradition and no one really believes that ol' Phil can predict the weather. Well, he is as good or better than I am but we don't control the weather so, how can we predict what will happen?

I did a little researching to see how accurate ol' Punxsutawney Phil has been, and the results are not good. Since 1887, his accuracy has been about 39%, which, to say the least, is nothing to brag about. Think of all the accidents you would be in if your braking accuracy was only 39%. Once again, it is a guess; Phil doesn't control the weather.

Today's word is Leviticus 26:4, NIV, which reads, "I will send you rain in its season, and the ground will yield its crops and the trees its fruit."

I don't know about you but I am grateful that GOD controls the weather and the seasons and not Punxsutawney Phil or anyone else. I don't know what most humans are thinking, much less a groundhog. Is that who you would want controlling the seasons?

Whether ol' Phil sees his shadow or not this morning is irrelevant. We will have the weather that GOD intends for us to have. We will receive the rain when needed, the heat when appropriate, the mild temperatures as designed, and spring will come right on time. Happy Groundhog Day!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T