Monday, March 30, 2015

My Dreams

We all have dreams, right? We want to see our children grow and mature and become productive and independent parts of society. We want to see them hold to GOD and to do His will and to serve Him and please Him. We want to, one day, retire and relax and travel and see things work has kept us from. Yeah, we all have dreams.

Sometimes, though, something comes up and steals part of our hope, our faith. Everything seems to be working towards our dreamy goal and, then, something takes away part of our retirement fund. We hope for a bright future but today is really dark. Yeah, sometimes, our dreams seem out of reach. But, it's not about our dreams...

Today's word is something I came across and I use as a prayer and reminder that it isn't about my dreams: "Dear LORD, on my darkest days, please remind me that Your plans are far better than my dreams."

While it may seem that things are going to pot and that they are on a downward spiral and that they will never get any better, I know that GOD has a plan. I may not understand it all; I may not ever fully grasp what it is all about; I probably won't be comfortable through it all, but I KNOW He has a plan. I also know that His plan is far better than my wildest dream.

Yes, I have dreams. There are things that I want to accomplish, things that I want for my children and family, things that I am striving to see through, but, I also know that GOD'S plan is bigger and better. I thank Him for that reminder.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, March 27, 2015


Trying to figure out why something happens to someone and not to another is like trying to figure out why Julia Roberts married Lyle Lovette. Sometimes, things just happen. It would be nice to have an explanation as to why something bad happens to someone good, and vice versa. I guess it's just life.

Life can be funny that way. It does seem that it can often be unfair, and maybe it is. I know that I am blessed beyond measure; that I have been given far more than I could have ever dreamed, thought, or imagined. Yet, there have been those times that I felt that I had gotten the raw end of the deal. How about you?

Today's word is quote I just came across that says, "You were given THIS LIFE because you are strong enough to live it."

Difficulties come and go; no one is exempt. We are all going to have our highs and lows, our ups and downs, our hills and valleys. It isn't when things are good that our character is defined, it is when things are going less good that our true character shows.

Instead of worrying and fretting about why things aren't going our way, maybe we should be grateful that GOD believes enough in us to give us the life we live. GOD has entrusted you with your life because you are strong enough to live it.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, March 26, 2015

We should be radiant

We all know those people that look as if their face would break if they smiled. I mean, they are so stoic that you wouldn't know they had any emotion at all if they didn't get red-faced. Some of these folks are Christians. Now, what kind of witness is it to others if you are a Christian and not happy about it?

Little story...Trish had to go for some pre-admission testing for some surgery she will be having next Tuesday. The hospital we went to is of a different faith than ours, and one of their standard questions is what faith are you. I told the lady that we were Protestants, Baptists to be exact, Southern Baptist to be specific. I am proud to be a Southern Baptist. Some may try to shy away from that but I know my SAVIOR, and He couldn't care less about religion. What He does want is a personal relationship. And, if you have that personal relationship, you should be happy about it.

Today's word is Psalm 34:5, NIV, which reads, "Those who look to Him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame."

We have the One True GOD on our side. When we look to Him, it should cause us to shine. When we shine, we should shine like a light in this dark and cold and lost world. Contrary to what the media may try to tell you, it is okay to be a Christian! Don't be ashamed of it; GOD removes all shame. Let's let the world see us shine.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

My coffee

I drink a fair amount of coffee. By "a fair amount", I mean several cups a day. I usually have a couple of cups prior to leaving the house each morning, a couple of cups at work first thing, and maybe a couple of cups after lunch. Plus, if I go somewhere and they have coffee, I usually partake of that blessing as well. I like my coffee.

Mornings just don't go the same without coffee. I have tried having caffeinated soda and such but it is not the same. I am sure I could make it through the day without coffee but I am not sure that I would like it nor would anyone that had to deal with me.

Today's word is something I came across perusing the internet that says, "All I need today is a little bit of coffee and a whole lot of JESUS."

While I am sure I could make it through the day without coffee, I know that I could never make it without JESUS. Maybe I "think" I need the jolt from a cup of joe to set me straight but I "KNOW" I need JESUS to keep me straight.

I guess it is sort of like this...without coffee, I might be difficult for everyone else to deal with; without JESUS, everyone else would be difficult for me to deal with. Now, let's go get a cup of coffee and fill up with JESUS.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, March 23, 2015

Good Friends

I have heard most of my life that you can usually count your true friends on just one hand. If you have more than one hand of true friends, you are truly blessed. I am truly blessed.

I have friends that are true blue, never failing, constantly encouraging and helping me to grow and learn. "How many," you ask? I couldn't possibly count them all. Don't take that I am bragging, I'm not. I just know how truly blessed I am to have so many true, solid friends. Friends who love me and accept me and pray for me and with me - true friends.

Today's word is Romans 12:10 from The Message, which reads, "Be good friends who love deeply."

There is so much power in those six words. Be good friends. We all have or have had those friends that the saying, "With friends like that who needs enemies," was developed for. But, we need, and we need to be GOOD FRIENDS. We need to be the type friend to our friends that we want them to be to us. And, how do we do that? I am glad you asked.

The answer is the last part of today's passage, "...who love deeply." The more you love someone, the more you care about someone, the more you appreciate someone, the better you treat them. Yeah, being a friend also means we have to overlook each other when we treat each other rudely, but, then, we need to use that love to reconcile and strengthen the friendship. Be GOOD friends who love deeply.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, March 20, 2015


Today is National Ravioli Day. I remember as a child eating Chef Boyardee Ravioli. These were little pocket made from egg noodles, filled with some kind of filling. What the filling was, what it consisted of, what it contained, I don't want to know. I haven't eaten Chef Boyardee ravioli in some years but I do like ravioli.

Ravioli is a neat treat, especially if you like the unexpected. I have ordered ravioli not knowing the filling to find that it was quite tasty. I guess that is the appeal of ravioli, the unexpected.

Today's word is a quote I came across about the unexpected that I try to use to remind people that we have all been through things. It says, "Everyone comes with baggage. Find someone who loves you enough to help you unpack."

Everyone has a past. Everyone has something that they wish they had never done. Everyone has a moment or two or more of indiscretion they would love to live over. Everyone has things in their past that can really weigh them down if they allow it. Then, if they get into a relationship with the wrong person, that relationship can just add to and beat down and pack in more regrets. Everyone has baggage. Find someone who will love you enough not to pack in more, but to help you unload.

Ravioli, unexpected surprises. You may find that unpacking your baggage can be unpleasant but really satisfying. Now, go pick up a can of Chef Boyardee and enjoy.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, March 19, 2015

What GOD joins together

When Trish and I first married, we were blessed to have Mr. & Mrs. Langley as across the street neighbors. The Langleys were in their eighties but did everything together, and independently. They gardened, they mowed grass, they bought their own groceries, they went where they needed when they needed. And, they were full of wisdom.

Several years after moving in across the street from the Langleys, Mrs. Langley passed away. I believe she was eighty-nine and that they had been married for like seventy plus years. Mr. Langley at the time was early nineties. At the funeral home for visitation, I squatted next to Mr. Langley and told him how sorry I was. His response still resonates with me today. Mr. Langley, who had been married to Mrs. Langley for seventy plus years, looked me in the eye and said, "Mike, I thought we would get the chance to grow old together."

Today's word is traditionally used for weddings but it has been on my mind lately. It is Mark 10:9, NIV, which reads, "Therefore what GOD has joined together, let no one separate."

Mr. and Mrs. Langley had been together FOREVER in an earthly sense, yet, it still wasn't enough. GOD had fitly joined them together and no one ever separated them. Because of GOD'S work in their marriage and their love for one another, seventy plus years wasn't nearly enough.

There are lots of things/distractions that will tear and tug and try our marriages. The wear and tear of the everyday grind can be grueling. But, if we allow GOD to do His good work in our lives, individually, and in our marriages, collectively, we will find that all those external forces cannot stand against what GOD has joined together.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Be swift and slow

There are times when things have to be done and done quickly. Now, some folks seem to act as if everything has to be done yesterday, while others seem to take the approach of putting everything off until tomorrow. Yet, there are things that have to be done quickly at times; they will not wait.

There are other things that need to be done slowly. Big financial decisions should be made after much evaluation and vetting. While they have made a "reality" television show about being married at first sight, I would recommend really making that decision after much prayer.

Today's word is James 1:19, KJV, which reads, "Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath."

We should be diligent in our listening to situations. We should actively listen to what others are saying. If not, we could find ourselves "hearing" things that were never said or implied. When we are sure we have heard correctly, though, we should take it all in and evaluate it and fully evaluate what's next...

Then, we should weigh our words carefully. We need to ensure that what we say is what NEEDS to be said. This isn't talking about the southern drawl; it's talking about being sure that we say the right thing.

Finally, we should be slow to act, and only act after we have fully vetted the situation. Yes, there are times to be swift and times to be slow. It is with much prayer and listening that we will do the right ones at the right time.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, March 16, 2015

Can vs Will

There are probably a lot of things I could do but I won't. Let's take for instance the fact that I probably could drive 100 mph, but I won't (I don't need nor can I afford the ticket). I could probably stay up all night watching stupid shows on television, but I won't because, I need to get some sleep and perform my job duties tomorrow.

On the other hand, there are things that I absolutely will do to the very best of my abilities every day of my life. I will try to be the best husband and father that I can be. I will try to provide for my family the best that I can. I will try to protect my family with everything I have. There's a huge difference between can and will.

Today's word is a quote that simply says, "Faith is not believing that GOD can, it is knowing that He WILL."

I remind others, and myself, that the GOD we serve does not change; He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. The miracles that we read about in the Bible are still possible today, yet, we seem to limit GOD'S working those miracles. Hey, I'm as guilty as anyone. JESUS once said to His own disciples, "Oh, ye of little faith..." I think I would be amazed at what GOD would do if I would only truly be faith-full.

I know that GOD can do all things. He can do whatever He wants, whenever He wants, however He wants - He is GOD. I know that He can do abundantly above all that I could ever think, dream, or imagine. Yet, I allow my own human nature to limit His work in my life. I believe He can. I am going to work on KNOWING HE WILL!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, March 13, 2015

What was meant to be

I am truly one of those guys that believes that everything happens for a reason. While I am not always happy with the chain of events, I know that GOD is working everything for my good. I also know that things happen the way they are supposed to happen, when they are supposed to happen. You either believe GOD is in control or not.

Now, I do believe that we "create" our own luck, if you will. If you are doing 100 mph in a 55 mph zone, and get stopped for reckless driving, that one is on you. The same with someone bathing in chum and swimming with the sharks.

Today's word is a quote I came across, which reads, "I am at ease knowing that, what was meant for me will never miss me, and what misses me was never meant for me."

I will say, again, that I don't know why things happen the way they do sometimes. And, I will say again that I am not always happy with the way things happen sometimes. But, I do believe that everything works for my good and that GOD has it all under control.

Have a great weekend!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, March 12, 2015

You wanna know more?

I have probably mentioned before that I really like the song, "I want to know more about my JESUS". There is absolutely NO doubt that I know so little. However, I want to draw closer and be closer and learn more about my SAVIOR. How do you accomplish that.

There is only one way to get to know someone, you have to spend time with them. During that time spent, you have to talk and listen (more of this than the prior), you have to learn them and their desires, you have to find out everything you can about them, and they you. The point is, you gotta spend time with someone if you wanna know someone.

Today's verse is John 3:6, KJV, which reads, "That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit."

We get to know our parents, which bore us of the flesh, by spending time with them and talking with them and hanging out with them. The only way we're going to know more about our SAVIOR is to spend time with Him in the spirit. The Bible tells us that GOD is Spirit and we must worship Him in spirit.

But, first, you have to KNOW Him. You have to be born of Him. If you don't know JESUS, you are missing more than you can imagine - not just here but for eternity. If you do know JESUS, spend time with Him. If you do, I think you'll find how little you truly know. I know that I just wanna know more.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Hope, Troubles, and Prayer

Yesterday was one of those days that you just have a hard time grasping. It seemed as if before I could grasp one thing, before I could wrap my mind around what I just heard, I was hearing something else. Let me expound...

My youngest brother hurt his shoulder at work about a month ago and informed me yesterday that he was having surgery on his shoulder in about ten days and the recovery could take 6 - 8 months. Then, my oldest brother informed me that he was having a heart cath in two days. Then, my older sister informed me of her doctor's visit. She had gotten the results from her mammography and the doctor recommended her to see a surgeon. A lot of troubling news yesterday.

Today's word is Romans 12:12, KJV, which reads, "Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer."

When it seems that things are coming at you faster than you can process them, it is time to pray. I pray that GOD directs hands and we see great results from all of the things my loved ones face. I pray that things will turn out to be a non-issue with my sister and brothers. I rejoice in the hope that my GOD is on the throne and that NOTHING takes Him by surprise and that He has it under control.

Troubles will come. We rejoice in the hope of our Savior and pray continually for His will to be done and for us to be in the center of His will.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Pack a Lunch

Today is National Pack Your Lunch Day. I usually bring my lunch Monday through Thursday; on Fridays, several of us from work go out to lunch together. When I bring my lunch from home, I know what I am getting. Now, when I eat out, I know what I order, but that isn't what I always get. I've gotten chicken that wasn't quite done, french fries that were bland, and salads with brown lettuce. You just never know.

On the other hand, when I pack my lunch, I know how it was prepared. If I fix peanut butter and jelly, when I open the baggie at lunch time, I find peanut butter and jelly. If leftovers are packed in my lunch, I will have leftovers for lunch. There's few things worse than expecting a good lunch and having something far from it.

Today's word is a quote that says "You have to fight through some bad days to earn the best days of your life."

Just as lunch can be a hit or miss proposition, life can offer up daily challenges. We expect thing to go a certain way only to find that someone didn't fully cook my chicken tender. We expect people to treat us a certain way only to find that they treat us entirely opposite. Yet, we have to fight through the rough patches in order to enjoy the good days.

In honor of National Pack Your Lunch Day, let's work on those things we can control, overlook the things that don't matter, and don't worry about those things we can't fix. There will be days when what you expect isn't what you get. When that happens, look trouble in the face and say, "You know I packed a lunch!"

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, March 9, 2015

A little good news

Anne Murray had a number one hit with A Little Good News. The song is about all the news we are inundated with daily: robberies, arson, wars, shootings, etc. It does seem almost impossible to turn on any type of media and not hear how horrible things are in this world. Just the number of crimes being perpetrated and reported is enough to drag you down. Sometimes, we need a little good news.

This past weekend, we completed the jungle gym, which is good news. The kids love it, and I love that it is finished. We had some great quality time as a family this weekend. Now, Trish had to work but when she got home, it was pleasant outside and we took advantage. We bought groceries, our obligations are met, and we got to be in GOD'S house yesterday - all good news. Let me give you a little more...

Today's word is Proverbs 14:26, ESV, which reads, "In the fear of the LORD one has strong confidence, and his children will have a refuge."

When you have GOD in your life, you have the GOOD NEWS! No matter what is going on or how bad it seems to be getting, we know that GOD will see us through. It doesn't matter what this world says or how it goes about doing it, what they try to take away and destroy; with GOD, our future is secure, and we can be confident of that.

Notice, also, that when we serve the LORD, when we have reverence for GOD, not only will we be confident in our future but our children can rest assured of GOD'S plan. I admit that it is easy to wring my hands and get discouraged sometimes. What I need to do, though, is show my children that GOD has it under control and that we can rest peacefully in Him. And that, my friends, is GOOD NEWS!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, March 6, 2015

High Five

When I drop the kids off at daycare/learning center each morning, there are several of the other students there that will run up to me and want knuckles or high fives or both. It's pretty cool to be "cool old guy".

I've realized lately that there are some people that just need a little encouragement, me included at times, a little pat on the back, a few "atta boys", maybe even a "way to go". It really seems to make the kids day that someone took the time to give them a high five. I bet others will get a little boost from it too.

Today's word is simply, "Some people just need a high-five."

It's a simple word, a simple thought, to remind us to encourage someone today. I think, sometimes, we have difficulty "celebrating" others' accomplishments. But, just at we like a little encouragement, a little acknowledgement, I think others crave that as well. So, encourage someone today. Some people just need a high five.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, March 5, 2015

There's Hope

There is a recent news story of a young southern California teacher that took her own life by hanging herself in her classroom. Additional information has revealed that her father committed suicide a few years ago, which may have played a significant role in her decision. It is a sad story all around.

It's sad to lose hope. When nothing else seems to be going right, hope is all you have to hold on to. I pray for her family and friends. During difficulty, we have to remember that no matter how bad today is, there is a chance for a better tomorrow. As long as we have life in our bodies, we have hope in this world.

Today's word is Ecclesiastes 9:4, NIV, which reads, "Anyone who is among the living has hope - even a live dog is better off than a dead lion."

Now, don't get me wrong. For those of us who are believers, our eternal hops is better than our greatest day here. PERIOD! But, we are talking about the here and now. While we are here, on this earth, living and breathing, we have hope. As the verse says, "...even a live dog is better off than a dead lion." In a fight, the lion will win. But, if the lion is dead, the smallest, toy chihuahua has the upper hand. If you're living and breathing, there is hope.

There will be bad days. There will be no good, terrible, horrible, very bad days, BUT, as long as we have life, we have hope  in this world. Don't lose hope. Don't give up. Keep believing that GOD is taking us where we need to be and is working all things for our good. If you'll do that, you'll find that there is hope.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Direction or speed

Here in the deep south, we don't get a lot of snow. However, when we do get snow, watching people try to drive in it can be both annoying and entertaining. Some people can't help themselves and have to try to prove that they are Jeff Gordon on ice. They don't slow down, they take no extra precautions, they drive just as they would on a sunny eighty-five degree day. It seldom ends well.

When these drivers decide that going fast up an ice covered hill is their best option, they usually find themselves in a ditch. You see, it's not about how fast you are going; it's about how much traction you have. The faster you go, the more apt you are to make mistakes - in driving, in working, in anything.

Today's word is an anonymous quote about running in the right direction. It says, "Direction is so much more important than speed. Many are going nowhere fast."

It really is true that so many people are sitting around spinning their wheels. They are moving at the speed of light but they are stuck in the mud and going nowhere. Where we are headed is far more important than how quickly we are moving towards it.

Now, don't get me wrong, there is a lot of validity in "striking when the iron is hot," but only if you know what you are trying to accomplish. Striking the hot iron and making it flat is good if you are trying to make a horseshoe. On the other hand, it is no good if you are trying to make a ball bearing.

Seek direction. Proceed accordingly. It's not how fast you are moving - it's about how fast you are moving in the right direction.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, March 2, 2015

My grandchildren's inheritance

None of us know how long our earthly lives will be. We know the data, the average life span, but we also know that it is the AVERAGE life span, which means that half the people life longer than that and half live less than that. The most important thing to remember about our life span is that we live it.

Part of living my life span is preparing those whom GOD has entrusted me with for living theirs. Each day we try to do the best we can to live godly lives, to be godly examples for our children. Now, I fail at it miserably sometimes but I apologize to GOD and to them and keep trying. What we are doing isn't just about today; it is about laying the foundation that will sustain them their entire life.

Today's word is what got me to thinking about what I do during my life span, and the inheritance I leave behind. Today's word is Proverbs 13:22, ESV, which reads, "A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children, but the sinner's wealth is laid up for the righteous."

Obviously, if this verses was speaking about monetary wealth, we are certainly not going to leave an inheritance that will sustain our children's children. You could take everything Trish and I own and empty our bank accounts and maybe have enough for a couple of decent meals. But, this verse isn't talking about monetary inheritance for the good man (this is why it is called an inheritance). This verse is saying that the good person will leave something for their children that will be passed down to their children; something that will last for generations (a godly example and an example of their personal relationship with the SAVIOR).

On the other hand, it states that the sinner's WEALTH will be laid up for the righteous. Money is good and money is necessary and we have to have a certain amount of money. But, money isn't what your children need. Seeing you living for JESUS and serving the LORD and living a godly example - that is the inheritance your children need. And, if GOD wills, if you have money to leave them, that is just extra blessings.

Teach your children and grandchildren the way of CHRIST - that's an inheritance that will last forever!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T