Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Potato or Egg

Some people crack under pressure, while others seem to thrive. I believe I am pretty good at handling things under pressure but others would be a better judge than I. On the other hand, I know some folks that have been some things that boggle my mind that a human could have withstood. So, what makes some people better at handling things than others?

I think the answer to that question is a varied as the people. For some, it may just be an intestinal fortitude that most of us will never understand. For some, it may just be that what seems to bother us doesn't bother them at all. For some, it may be that they can remove themselves from the situation and not really feel anything in that moment.

Today's word is something I came across that reminds us that we are tougher than we think: "The same boiling water that softens the potato hardens the egg. It's about what you're made of, not the circumstances."

We will all have circumstances arise that we must do our very best to just push through. When these circumstances arise, from where will you draw your strength? My strength is in the LORD. I know that He will NEVER leave me nor forsake me. I know that HE is working things for my good. I know that He is all powerful, all mighty, and always present. I know that He won't take me to it without taking me through it.

If you are His child, you are far more prepared and far stronger and far tougher than you give yourself credit for. Circumstances will arise; the boiling water will be all around us. We can draw our strength from our Heavenly Father. If we will rely on Him, He will mold us into what we need to be, whether that is a potato or an egg.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

I am not the standard

You ever "clean" your room by putting everything under the bed or in a closet? And, I don't mean neatly put away under the bed or in the closet; I mean, it is thrown in the closet and stuffed under the bed with no thought of tidiness.Now, if someone just looks around at the room, it would appear to be really clean and organized. But, is it?

I have noticed a lot of events lately where we have been informed of someone not being exactly what they display. And, allow me to say again that I am not judging; we have all sinned and come short of the glory of GOD. There is NONE righteous, no NOT ONE. But, what I am trying to get at is that there are a lot of us that present a very clean picture to the naked eye, but, if we were to really look, if others were to really look under the bed and in our closets, what would they really find?

Today's word is Proverbs 30:12, KJV, which reads, "There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes, and yet is not washed from their filthiness."

We seem to have a generation, I seem to be a part of a generation, that wants to believe that we are pure and clean based on our own standards. But, what are our standards? Are we pure and clean because we do what everyone else does? Are we pure and clean because we don't do some of the "worse" things that others do? What are we basing our cleanliness on? What standard are we using to determine cleanliness? There are those who, based on their own standards, believe it is okay to detonate an explosive and kill hundreds, maybe thousands, of innocent people. Based on their standards, they are clean but, are they?

We must base our cleanliness, our pureness, on the only True and Pure Standard there is or ever will be - JESUS. We must not compare ourselves to other individuals, but to the commandments of GOD. As I have said before, if you compare yourself to me, you will come out looking good. However, I am not the measuring stick; I am not the standard.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, February 26, 2018

Tight Spots

We visited some friends at their church yesterday morning and really enjoyed the fellowship, the service, the sermon. While the message was a subject we have all heard and are aware of, it reminded me of the fact that, sometimes, we will find ourselves in tight spots.

I have found myself in some pretty tight spots throughout my life. I have wondered how it was going to end, how we were going to get out of there, how we were going to cope, manage, survive. Now, we all know that GOD is going to bring us through everything. We know that GOD is going to use things to strengthen us and build us up. NO, He doesn't cause bad things to happen. But, He can use the bad things we go through to grow us and to make us glow.

Today's word is Psalm 4:1, ESV, which reads, "Answer me when I call, O GOD of my righteousness! You have given me relief when I was in distress. Be gracious to me and hear my prayer!"

King David had found himself in many tight spots. He also knew that each and every time he found himself being pinched, being pressed, being pushed, GOD was with him. He knew that not only was GOD with Him, GOD always made a way to escape that spot. David said, "You have given me relief when I was in distress." GOD had always been with him and brought him through.

If you find yourself in a tight spot today, or the next time you do, remember that GOD is with you. He is using the predicament to grow you, to make you more useful. We can also remember that GOD won't let it destroy us; He will make a way for us to overcome whatever tight spot we may find ourselves in. GOD will hear our prayers and give us relief, even in the tight spots.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, February 23, 2018

Every Word

Words are powerful. We all remember the childhood adage, "Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me." But, that isn't true; many people have been hurt or even destroyed because of words.

On the other hand, words can also build up and repair and restore. Although I am not very good at it, the right word spoken at the right time is more powerful than anything. When someone is down or struggling or hurting, words can be so uplifting and strengthening and healing. However, they have to be honest and sincere words. Even kind words that are untrue can cause hurt and pain.

Today's word is Proverbs 30:5, KJV, which reads, "Every word of GOD is pure: He is a shield unto them that put their trust in Him."

We can trust that everything GOD tells us is true and pure. While others, even unintentionally, may hurt us with words, GOD'S words will always lead us in the right direction and bring us to a better understanding of the truth. When GOD tells us that He loves us, it is unconditional and eternal. He will NEVER stop loving us. NEVER. His Word tells us that we are joint heirs with CHRIST, that we are part of a Royal Priesthood, that we are His children - powerful and fulfilling words! His Word also tells us that we have ALL failed and come short, that we must repent, that we must accept JESUS as SAVIOR. And, He tells us all this for our good. And, it is all true and pure.

While we may use words to hurt and harm, and, while we may, on the other hand, use words to encourage and heal, we often stumble and falter and mess it up. But, we can trust that EVERYTHING GOD tells us is absolutely true and pure. Every word.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, February 22, 2018

No one knows

I love prognosticators, those who love to try to predict the future from present signs. You can find prognosticators in most any arena: sports, financials, entertainment, relationship, end times. There are a lot of people who listen to these prognosticators and even shape their lives around what they predict. Sad to say, but it is true.

Wikipedia lists over 150 failed end time predictions, along with seven future predictions and thirteen future scientific predictions. And, I am positive that they are ALL wrong. People love to predict when the end of the world, or some apocalyptic event is going to occur. And, when they do, people love to listen, and many fret. But, all we have to do to know about when the world will end is listen to JESUS.

Today's word is Mark 13:32, NIV, which reads, "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in Heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."

Even in JESUS'S earthly time, folks were asking about the end of the world. People were concerned about how it would all "go down", how it would all transpire, when it would happen, just as people in our generation are. And, JESUS'S answer was simply, "No one knows except GOD the FATHER."

The key for us, as I have probably mentioned before, is not to get so wrapped up on when the world will end but to be focused on the fact that our world could end TODAY. We are not promised the very next breath, the very next second. We have to be prepared TODAY.

As for the prognosticators, there will always be those who try to predict anything and everything. But, when it comes to the end of the world, you can rest assured that no one knows.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

I'm going to enjoy it

I am a relatively happy person. No, as I have explained before, I am not an optimist nor a pessimist. I am a realist. I try to see things for what they are and keep in mind that it rains on us all, that my goodness is flawed at best, and yet, GOD is working all things for my good. When I keep the perspective that GOD has it all working for my good, it is hard not to be happy.

On the other hand, you have those that could wake up in a palace, with everything they could ever imagine at their beck and call, and they are still unhappy. As I was explaining to a group of young people the other day, money doesn't buy or guarantee happiness. Things will never make you happy. Now, if you are reasonably happy, money will make you more comfortable. BUT, money and things won't make you happy.

I watched our two kids the other day enjoying themselves in the yard throwing rocks. Not at each other. Just throwing rocks into the ditch and they were laughing and giggling and have a grand time. We've had a lot of rain and inclement weather the last several weeks and outdoor time has been very sparse. So, they were happy to be outside and to soak up some vitamin D.

Today's word is something I came across that reminds me that we have a lot going for us: "Today's good news in five words: 'You are alive! Enjoy it!'"

Having another day on this earth that GOD created just for us and to see my loved ones and enjoy their laughter and company is a blessing that I pray I never take for granted. I am not overly optimistic but I am certainly not a pessimist. What I am is a realist. And, what is reality is that GOD has given me another day; I'm going to enjoy it!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, February 19, 2018

Hear and apply

We were busy last Friday with providing instruction to every fourth grader in our county; it is something we have done many times. Obviously, the audience changes annually, except for those unfortunate enough to have to repeat fourth grade, but the subject matter is the same each year - water protection and conservation.

I can only imagine what drinking water must have been in the Garden of Eden. There was no pollution, no contamination, no adulteration, just clean, pure, drinking water. So, we instruct the local high school students and they, in turn, instruct all the fourth graders to be conscientious about our waters. Good teaching from good teachers.

Today's word is Proverbs 4:2, NIV, which reads, "I give you sound learning, so do not forsake my teaching."

We can teach all we want but the true test is implementation. I have had a lot of people try to teach me things that I seemed to stubborn to learn unless I learned it my own way - usually, the hard way. It does no good to teach others about source water protection and conservation if source water protection and conservation is never practiced. I wonder how much more difficult it is for GOD to know that He has taught us how to have abundant and safe and joyous lives, yet, we refuse to follow the instructions?

Everything we need to know to live a good life, to live the life that GOD has intended for us can be found in GOD'S Word, the Holy Bible. Every instruction we need or will ever need in this life is found in His Holy Word, yet, we forsake sound teaching and follow our own paths. I pray we all get back to listening to GOD'S instructions, and applying them to our lives. I pray we hear sound teaching and apply them.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, February 15, 2018

They will endure forever

Work, work, work. It seems there is plenty of work and not enough time to get it all done. I have shared before that money does not motivate me. Well, maybe a little, but it is not the driving force. There are A LOT of things that I would NEVER do for money. NEVER.

Folks have sacrificed the greatest things in this world in the search for MORE. They will give up their family, their friends, their health to make another dollar. There are folks out there that will take extreme risks just to have one more dollar. There are those who think more about money than about their eternity. We have to be careful with what we allow to motivate us.

Today's word is John 6:27a, ESV, which reads, "Do not work for the food that perishes, but for the food that endures to eternal life..."

It often seems that we are more concerned with how large our bank account is than with trying to learn more about our LORD and SAVIOR. I know, I am guilty of it too. We will sit and pour over finances and and financial statements but only pick up our Bible on Sunday. We will work extra hours and extra jobs just to strengthen our bank account while everything around us is falling apart. There is nothing wrong with working, we all have to. But, when our motivation is just to make MORE, it may be time to evaluate things.

When GOD calls us out of this world, we will leave it ALL behind. If you're a bazillionaire or someone barely making it from paycheck to paycheck, which is most of us, you will leave this world and everything in it without taking a single earthly thing with you. If we want to be truly fulfilled, truly wealthy, we have to store up our riches in Heaven, where they will endure forever.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, February 14, 2018


So, it is Valentine's Day. And, while other men would hate to admit it, I am a romantic at heart. Not the sappy, boo-hooing type, but, the guy who likes to show others that I love them. There is nothing wrong with letting people know you love them, nothing.

When it comes to Trish and the kids, I certainly want them to know that I love them. I want them to understand that no matter what, I love them and I have their back. I want them to feel protected and secure. I want them to know that GOD loves them, that JESUS died for them, and I want to exemplify that love to them. I don't want them to ever go through life saying, "I don't really know what love is." While love is certainly hard to define, we do know that love is an action verb, and that it is better felt than explained.

Today's word is a quote about love, which says, "Love is an unconditional commitment to an imperfect person. To love somebody isn't just a strong feeling. It is a decision, a judgment, and a promise."

Trish loves me unconditionally. Why, I do not know. She thinks that I am the greatest thing since microwave bacon but I'm really not. Yet, she LOVES me, imperfections and all. She loves me on my good days; she loves me even more on my bad ones. You've heard me say before that marriage isn't a 50-50 split; it is 60-40. Sometimes, I am the 60, and sometimes I am the 40. If Trish needs more, I have to give more. If I need more, she has to give more. HOWEVER, it doesn't feel like a burden. I want to be her other half. I am blessed to be her other half. And, I would think she feels the same.

As much as I love Trish and our kids, that love doesn't come close to the love of JESUS. JESUS loves me, with all my faults and failures. He loves me when I least deserve it. He loves me regardless of my self-centeredness, my selfishness, my self. He loves you too. If you ever wonder what love is, just look to JESUS. GOD is LOVE!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, February 12, 2018

Foolish arguments

So, we are not members of the Facebook community in any way, shape, form, or fashion. Neither Trish nor I have ever had a Facebook account of any kind. We are not on Twitter, InstaGram, or any other. And, some folks give us a really good ribbing about this - regularly. However, I have seen more reasons to avoid than I have to assimilate.

I really don't need to be on social media because others will inform me of what is going on. They will come to me and ask, "Hey, did you see what so and so posted?" Or, "Hey, did you see the argument that he/she is into with him/her?" It does seem that A LOT of social media posts are just to hand dirty laundry and to try and get sympathizers. Not all, but A LOT.

Today's word is Proverbs 26:4, NLT, which reads, "Don't answer the foolish arguments of fools, or you will become as foolish as they are."

I asked the Youth Group one night, "Do you know what a fool is doing when you are arguing with him?" I got, "Thinking about his dog," "Thinking about his supper," "Thinking about nothing," etc. I finally said, "No, the same thing." They asked, "What do you mean?" I said, "When you are arguing with a fool, the fool is doing the same thing - arguing with a fool. Don't argue with fools. You can't win, and those watching will have a hard time figuring out which one is which."

Don't bash me about social media. I know it serves some good and is extremely efficient and effective at getting a message to a large group of people. I know that I am using social media with this blog. I am not being hypocritical. I am just trying to remind us all to be careful when commenting about someone's post. Don't get involved in foolish arguments.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, February 9, 2018

What we don't do

Ever have regrets? I really try to live with no regrets but there are times that I look back and see where there are things that I wish I had done differently. There are definitely some things that, if I had chosen not to do them, it may have changed things for the better. Of course, history never reveals our alternatives but, yeah, there are some things I should have done differently.

How about the flip side. Are there some things, when you look back, that you are glad that you didn't do? Because, if you had done these things, if you had followed the crowd, if you had given in to peer pressure, your life would certainly be different, and probably in a not so good way.

Today's word is just a quote/saying I came across a while back that reminds me that it isn't always about what I do: "Sometimes, it isn't what you do, but what you don't do that makes you who you are."

Just as we are often judged and known for some of the foolishness that we have done, we, too, are just as often known for the foolishness we haven't done. I try to remind young people to rely on GOD with decision making because you can make decisions at a very young age that will follow you the rest of your life. So, too, will the good decisions.

For every poor decision I have made, I am glad that GOD has helped me to make good decisions. And, sometimes, those good decisions weren't choosing to do something, but were decisions to do nothing. Oftentimes, who we are is based on what we don't do.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, February 8, 2018

We are in this together

So, we have those days when things just don't go well at all. I know, some have a lot of those days, and others not quite so many. But, we all have them.The struggle begins when we get up in the morning and it is a fight until we lay down at night. It can be very tiring, especially when it feels that there is no one fighting with you.

I am blessed to have Trish, a warrior. She is certainly on my side, by my side. She is relentless in her prayers, support, and encouragement. There is nothing like having such an advocate. Yet, as strong an advocate and supporter as Trish is, my Strongest Advocate is JESUS CHRIST. However, I am grateful that He has blessed me with earthly support.

Today's word is Philippians 1:30, NLT, which reads, "We are in this struggle together. You have seen my struggle in the past, and you know that I am still in the midst of it."

Paul was telling the Philippians that they had seen his struggle; he had been battling every day to spread the Gospel. The Philippians supported Paul with their offerings, with their thoughts, with their prayers. Paul wanted to remind them that they are in the struggle together; they were all fighting for the same cause - to spread the Gospel of JESUS - Together.

Whatever struggle you may be in, whatever struggle you may be facing, whatever you are fighting, I pray that you realize that you have the greatest Advocate. I also pray that you have earthly advocates that pray for you, pray with you, support you, and encourage you. I pray that you know that we are in this together.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Live life, make memories, enjoy

Well, today, Blake and his class are celebrating their 100th day of school. It is going to be quite the party, I hear, with candy and treats and surprises. It seems that it was only a week or so ago that they started this school year, yet, here we are over half way through. As a matter of fact, they will be out for the summer in a little over three months. WOW, how time flies.

We all know the old saying, "Time flies when you're having fun," which is true. And, "Time goes by faster the older you get," which also seems true. There is little doubt that it seems to be picking up speed. I guess I am waxing nostalgic this morning because of how quickly we have reached this 100 Day celebration.

With the nostalgia going strong, today's word is just a reminder to enjoy every moment: "Life is short, live it; Love is rare, grab it; Anger is bad, dump it; Fear is awful, face it; Memories are priceless, cherish them."

As I said, I guess I am just waxing nostalgic. But, I am reminded at how fleeting this time is. It seems like just a few months ago, we became parents, but, it has been almost six and one half years. The time we get to spend with the ones we love is short, really short, so why waste it on things that steal from that very limited time? Why waste a lot of time on being angry or fearful? Yeah, people can do us wrong, and do. There are a lot of things that concern us, and rightfully so. But, we also have a lot to enjoy and embrace; concentrate on those.

100 days of kindergarten in the books. At the rate that it feels time is traveling, it won't be long before Blake and Olivia are in college. Yet, I am not going to waste what little bit of time we have together worrying about all of that. We are going to try our best to live life, make memories, and enjoy!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Do something good today

Alright, we have had this discussion before in a lot of different ways. There are those who like to tell you one thing and, then, do another. You know, the old, "Do as I say, not as I do." But, it can't be that way. What we do when no one else is looking is what we really are. Hey, I know, it is a tough reality.

But, we have all seen the others who claim that they are this or that they are that but their actions tell otherwise. Someone might claim to be one thing but, when they think no one is looking, they are something entirely different.The truth is, we should reflect, resemble, remind people of what we claim to be.

Today's word is James 3:13, NLT, which reads, "If you are wise and understand GOD'S ways, prove it by living an honorable life, doing good works with the humility that comes from wisdom."

There is so much in this one verse. First, "if you are wise". We all want to be wise. We all want to make good decisions and to be known and trusted as someone who makes good decisions. Then, if we are wise and "understand GOD'S ways". Now, I'll never claim to be very smart or very wise. However, I can tell you that knowing GOD'S ways is not a difficult thing to learn - read the Bible, seek His will, do what He tells you to do.

Then, if we are wise and know GOD'S ways, we should "prove it by living an honorable life." We should reflect GOD'S character; others should know to Whom we belong. And, they will know that we belong to Him because of what we DO. We don't just say it - we DO His good will. And, we don't brag about it. I don't know about you but I am humbled that GOD could use someone like me, PERIOD. I am grateful that He finds a way for me to do His work. Do something good today.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, February 5, 2018

It's not yours anyway

Deserved or not, I've received a few compliments lately about my intelligence. Not that I am overly intelligent, I have done plenty of stupid things to prove otherwise, but I am pretty good with a few things, and, lately, I have used those things to help others.

 GOD has blessed each of us with certain gifts and abilities. Some folks can really sing; how nice that must be. Some are really good at sports; that must be really nice too. But, here's the deal, GOD has given you gifts and talents and abilities too. It may not be basketball or arts but it is something that only you have, and He wants you to use it for Him.

Today's word is Luke 12:48b, NLT, which reads, "...When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required."

Now, this isn't to say that you are expected to make a ton of money and give it back to GOD. We are to tithe on what we make but that isn't the point here. Whatever you have been gifted with, GOD wants you to use for His glory. We do that by helping others with what we have. If you've been gifted with an artistic talent, use it for GOD. If you are a great athlete, use it for GOD. If you are great with money and make a lot, use it for GOD. Whatever you have, use it for GOD.

I am not the best in the world at anything. As a matter of fact, I have a hard time determining if I am even mediocre at anything. However, if I can use whatever I have, I want to be useful. If my limited knowledge can benefit someone, I want to share it with them. Use what you've got; it's not yours anyway.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Don't be dominated by anything

Today is National Freedom Day. What a wonderful day! A day set aside to celebrate freedom and liberty. As many problems as we have here in America, it is still BY FAR the greatest country in which to live. And, just a really quick sidebar: if you don't feel that way, you can be wrong if you want.

Everyone wants his/her freedom. We want to be allowed to make choices and decisions. We want to not be in bondage or owing to anyone. I know I certainly enjoy freedom. Freedom from everything? No, that would be disastrous; there have to be laws and limitations. But, I am grateful to be allowed to choose where my family and I worship, what we watch, what we listen to, the freedom to choose. However, don't take that freedom too far...

Today's word is 1 Corinthians 6:12, ESV, which reads, "'All things are lawful for me," but not all things are helpful. 'All things are lawful for me,' but I will not be dominated by anything."

We have great freedoms. Unlike the Old Testament, we have grace. We don't have to perform countless sacrifices for atonement of sins. Goodness knows if that were still true, I couldn't afford the necessary sacrifices. We are saved by Grace, through Faith; that is it. However, don't take that freedom to extremes and think that it is okay to live like the devil and be pleasing to GOD. You can't. While you have great freedom, not everything is helpful.

Furthermore, some folks take their freedoms to extremes in other ways. I try to exercise/workout and take care of myself. However, I know folks who spend HOURS in the gym every day and never think twice about their wife being home with the children alone. I try to go to the gym during lunch so that I can help at the house when I get off work. There are others that will use their freedom for good things but miss out on the One thing. GOD did call us to work and to do His will but if you are neglecting your family, your health, your study time with GOD, your prayer time, your one on One time, you have become enslaved by the work and are missing out on the ministry.

Let's try to keep our freedoms in check. Freedom is absolutely one of the greatest blessings afforded us. We should be grateful and thankful for it every day. However, don't be dominated by anything.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T