Thursday, August 29, 2019

Gracious and Attractive

I have probably shared before that it isn't usually "what" I say, it is usually "how" I say it. Inflection, intonation, the sound of your voice can carry a lot of emotion and say something other than what you are trying to say. I try to remain very cognizant of "how" I say things.

However, the "what" we say carries just as much, if not more, weight than "how" we say it. We all know that you can really damage someone's reputation by saying something that ought not be said. We all know that you can really hurt someone's self-esteem, his/her self-confidence if we aren't saying the right things. If we don't say the right things to folks who are lost and bound for hell, how are they going to know the Truth?

Today's word is Colossians 4:6, NLT, which is a good reminder of knowing what we are saying, and how to say it: "Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone."

Paul reminded the Colossians, and us, that we need to make sure that our conversations are gracious and attractive. Saying nice things, gracious things, is the "what" we say. And, having our conversations "attractive" means they are nicely said - the "how" we say it. If we say the right things the right way, people will listen. AND...

It doesn't stop there -  if we use gracious and attractive speech, we will have the right response for everyone. Everyone needs a good word, which can include telling others the truth, and the Truth. And, folks will be more apt to listen and respond when we say the right things the right way. People are probably listening to us far more than we realize - give them speech that is gracious and attractive.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

You'll be glad you did

We go to church. Yes, there are times when I may be traveling for work, or we may be out of town on a vacation, or something of that nature, but, if we are in town, we are at our church. And, lots of times, when we are on vacation, we seek out a church. We go to church.

And, we go to church on Sunday morning, Sunday night if something is going on, Wednesday nights, during revivals, whenever there is something happening at the church, we try to be there, including "business meetings". Not only do we go to church, we NEED to go to church.

Today's word is Hebrews 10:25, NLT, which reads, "And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of His return is drawing near."

We need to go to church because it is where we can meet with fellow believers and draw, and give, encouragement. This world can be a difficult place to navigate. It can beat you down, tear you up, and leave you lonely and hurting. But, at church, you can find others that will help you shoulder your load, and that will lift you up and encourage you. We are here for one another.

If you aren't a regular member of a church, I encourage you to find one. Find a good, Bible-preaching, Bible-teaching, GOD-honoring congregation and become a part of it. Get involved; you'll be glad you did.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Sing praises to His name

Around our house, we love to sing. Now, other folks may not enjoy it as much as we do but we love to sing. There is just something that gets you moving or that moves your spirit when you sing a joyful song. After all, the Bible tells us to make a joyful noise unto the LORD. Even if others may find it a little less appealing than you, if you are joyfully making it, then, make it.

And, what better to sing about than our LORD? He has done everything for us. Shouldn't we be telling others about His goodness and mercies? And, again, one of the best ways to do that is to sing His praises.

Today's word is Psalm 135:3, NASB, which reads, "Praise the LORD, for the LORD is good; sing praises to His name, for it is lovely."

There is so much in this verse: we have a reason to sing praises to the LORD - for the LORD is good! When you have good news, don't you love to share it with others? I mean, we will share gossip and hearsay and bad news at the drop of a hat. Why not share about the goodness of the LORD just as easily, just as quickly?

And, we sing praises to His name, for it is lovely. You might be thinking, "My singing is not lovely." To that, I refer back to making a joyful noise. Here, though, "it is lovely" is referring to the fact that the name of the LORD, "His name", is lovely. We sing because He is worthy of our praise. Sing praises to His name!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, August 26, 2019

Eternal Security

We all know people that have a lot of stuff: big houses, nice cars, LOTS of money. They have the advantage that they can go anywhere they want, whenever they want. They are financially well enough that when one of his/her central AC units goes out, it is no big deal. They have A LOT.

Now, don't get me wrong, I am not at all envious, jealous, or covetous. Good for those who have worked hard and obtained a lot. But, I am concerned for a lot of them, and lots of others, that they put more worth in the STUFF than in the SAVIOR.

Today's word is Mark 8:36, NASB, which reads, "For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul?"

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being wealthy - nothing. However, the wealth of this world pales in comparison to eternity in Heaven. One day, we will all stand before a Holy and Just GOD and give an account for everything we have done. When that happens, all the worldly wealth you can imagine will fail to get you into Heaven. Only the blood of my SAVIOR, by Grace through Faith in Him, will make us justified to enter.

If you, or someone you know, has all the wealth in the world, everything you could ever imagine, but you don't have JESUS, you will one day face eternity without the SAVIOR. While the earthly riches make this life a little easier, accepting JESUS as SAVIOR provides eternal security.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, August 23, 2019

Grateful for everything

In the face of full transparency or full disclosure, I want to admit that sometimes I seem like an ungrateful person. I have mentioned before that I can find myself wondering about a different house, a newer truck, a bigger television. What a bunch of first world problems. Lots of folks would love to have any house, any truck, any television; I should be grateful.

I have those other times when I just take things for grated. I have the most beautiful, god-filled wife, lovely, absolutely normal children, a good family, a good job, folks I love that also love me. Yet, I, sometimes, just act like I am supposed to have these things - taking them for granted.

Today's word is just something I came across that reminds me to be grateful: "What if today we were just grateful for everything?"

I want to do my very best today, and every day, to display an attitude of gratitude, and attitude of thankfulness and gratefulness. I have blessed beyond all measure. I have been given more than I could have ever hoped, dreamed, or imagined. And, as I have said before, when this life is over, I will be more alive than ever, living forever with my SAVIOR.

Join me in this endeavor to just be grateful. I am sure I will find myself still being ungrateful or still taking things for granted. But, I want to make a conscious effort to be grateful for all the many, many blessings GOD has so generously given me. What if we were just grateful for everything?

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, August 22, 2019

We have hope

What is hope? The dictionary/official definition might be something such as, "a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen." When we hope, we have a desire for some particular thing to happen. And, trust me, we all hope for things.

I have faith; faith that GOD is working everything for my good; faith that GOD has it all under control; faith that one day I will live with Him eternally. But, I also have hope; I hope Trish and I will live long, healthy lives; I hope our kids will do well in school, be well rounded, well grounded, and become productive parts of society. I hope that Trish and the kids know how much I truly love them.

Today's word is Psalm 71:14, NIV, which reads, "As for me, I will always have hope; I will praise You more and more."

King David knew that he served the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, and He could do anything. David's hope wasn't in some arbitrary ritual or habit; his hope was the Blessed Hope of GOD. Now, we know David hoped for safety and protection and direction. BUT, it wasn't what he hoped for; it was Who he hoped in. We can rest assured that GOD is still GOD and He will see us through.

Is there anything you are hoping for today? If our hope is in GOD, we can feel positive that He hears and He listens. He will never leave us nor forsake us. He is preparing a home for His children in Heaven. Our present struggles don't even come close to the joys that will one day be experienced. There is no need to get discouraged or down. We have Hope!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, August 21, 2019


I have probably shared before that my wife will say that I play too hard. I am a touch sarcastic and can come across as being a complete and total bear, which is absolutely not true. However, given the opportunity to make someone laugh at another's expense, I usually take it. But, when it comes to someone's true feelings, I always try to treat them the way I want to be treated.

I have always believed that we are to treat others the way we want them to treat us. Yes, it is in the Bible so we should. But, I want others to know that they are loved, just as I a want to know that others love me, which is what this verse tells us.

Today's word is Matthew 7:12, NASB, which reads, "In everything, therefore, treat people the same way want them to treat you..."

Notice that the verse tells us, "In everything..." In our conversation, in our actions, when we are alone, when we are with our friends, when we are trying to impress, when we are praying. In everything we should be aware of how our actions and our words affect others. Why? Because we know how others' actions and words affect us.

I want to be cognizant of what my actions and my words say about my relationship with JESUS. I want to be a blessing to others and represent my SAVIOR well. I want others to know that they are loved by THE ONE AND ONLY GOD. I want them to be able to see Him through me. I want to treat others the way I want to be treated.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

All day every day

Sometimes, I am a very poor example of what I should be. I get frustrated and irritated and allow distractions to influence my behavior, which in turn, influences my witness and my testimony. I want people to know that I am a Christian, that JESUS CHRIST is my LORD and SAVIOR. But, I have to admit that I don't always act like it.

I am not saying any of this boasting; LORD knows it is nothing to boast about. I am truly admitting that I could and should do better at telling others about my SAVIOR. I should do better at telling others of His amazing love and wondrous concern and care for each and every one of us. He loved us enough to die for us - that is LOVE.

Today's word is Psalm 113:3, NASB, reads, "From the rising of the sun to its setting, The name of the LORD is to be praised."

We should be praising GOD every moment of every day. Yes, I know that we can't be maniacal about it; that if we are always over the top that others will start to tune us out. If we aren't sincere, it will mean very little to those we are trying to tell about JESUS. But, we don't even have to tell it; we just have to live it. Live like you are His, and that you are humbly honored to be so.

I want everyone to know my JESUS. I want them to know that there is a SAVIOR that cares about them and loves them and wants to have a personal relationship with them. I want to praise Him all day every day.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, August 19, 2019

So, what do you do?

"So, what do you do?" That is the question we are often asked after meeting someone new. What we do isn't just a conversation starter; it tells a little about what are interests are, what our background is, even a little about our knowledge. And, for some, I am sure they acquire even deeper information from the responses to that particular question.

But, my question is, "So, what do you do as a Christian?" GOD has saved us to do a certain work that He has prepared for us and for which He has prepared us for. We all have different abilities and capabilities. We all have different gifts and talents. And, we can all use those abilities, capabilities, gifts and talents to glorify our LORD.

Today's word is Ephesians 2:10, NIV, which reads, "For we are GOD'S handiwork, created in CHRIST JESUS to do good works."

GOD made us each, uniquely designed to do His work. Again, He has something for each of us to do. And, no matter what it is that you can do, if we pray about it and think about it long enough, we can usually find a way to use what GOD has gifted us with to help others and to promote and further His Kingdom work.

Now, don't confuse doing good work with Christianity. Being saved has nothing to do with our works. Being saved is simply by Grace through Faith in JESUS CHRIST. But, once we have made our decision to accept JESUS as LORD and SAVIOR, we want to use what He has gifted us with to help others find Him, too. So, what do you do?

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Be proud of the effort

So, how do you measure success? For some, it may be losing a few pounds. For others, it may be fitting into a certain size. For even others, it may be finishing that half marathon he/she has been training for for years. I guess my question, though, is do you have to accomplish the end goal to be proud, to be successful?

Coaching youth sports can cause some people to measure his/her success by the wins and loses of the team they help coach. But, look, sometimes you just get out-sized, out manned. I know there are those out there that will disagree with that statement but, trust me, if you only have 6 athletes and the team you have has a true 11, chances are that you are going to lose. But, does that mean you were unsuccessful?

Today's word is just a thought that says, You don't have to reach the entire goal to be successful. Be proud of the effort.

i try to remind the guys I coach with that if the team we are working with is better at the end of the season, if they are more polished, more accomplished, know more about how to play the game correctly, we have been successful. Success isn't measured by wins and loses but by effort and personal gains.

There are lots of us that are trying our very best, putting forth our best effort, and whether it is noticed or recognized doesn't dictate our success. If each day we are striving for the goal, putting in the effort, we are being successful. Be proud of the effort.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Be on your guard

There are times in life when it is easy to get discouraged. I have shared many times that we all will be faced with discouragement, one of satan's greatest and most utilized tools. He knows that if he can discourage us, in our own strength, we will become willing to down and quit. Hey, we have all been there, or we are headed that way.

Discouragement is a nasty thing. It doesn't take much discouragement to undo years and years of encouraging words. It doesn't take much discouragement to bring the biggest, strongest, hardest hitter to his/her knees. But, thankfully, we have friends that will lift us up and sustain us. We also know that GOD is working everything for our good.

Today's word is 1 Corinthians 16:13, NIV, which reads, "Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong."

In today's passage, we are reminded that we can defeat courage by being on our guard. We have to watch for satan's darts flying towards us. We have to know that he is going to launch his attack, and he loves to do it at our weakest moments. We have to know that he will use anything and everything in his arsenal to try and take us down. Be on you guard.

We also know that we have to stand firm in the faith. We have to know that we know that we know that GOD is working everything for our good. We have to faithfully move forward and not back down. We have to know that GOD is fighting for us; we just have to remain faithful. If we will do that, we can be courageous and strong. satan is out there, waiting for the opportunity to take a shot - be on your guard!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Give them one

We all know someone who needs a kind word. If not, then, we may be the one in need of a kind word, or two. As a matter of fact, I would dare say that we could all use a kind word from time to time, maybe even every day. There is something encouraging, sustaining, soul-lifting in a timely kind word.

Helping to coach youth sports has taught me a little here and there. Now, I have a lot to learn - A LOT. What I do know, though, is that there are times that you need to be demanding but, there are more often times when the kid needs to hear something kind and encouraging.

Today's word is Proverbs 16:24, NLT, which reads, "Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."

The first part of this passage tells us that kind words are nourishment, they feed us. Every one of us needs a kind word from time to time to remind us that we are loved and cared for and doing what GOD has intended us to do. And, just as food nourishes our body, kind words nourish our soul.

The last part tells us that kind words are not only nourishing, they are healthy. Just as we try to exercise and eat right, we need kind words to make us healthy - mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually. And, so do others. As you go about your day today, try to find someone that looks like they need a kind word - then, give them one.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, August 12, 2019


Well, my lovely wife had a birthday last Friday. I had been busy planning it for the last couple of months; not her birthday, it happens without planning, but the little party and presentation. I wanted to make her feel special and to know how special she is to me. I hope she felt that.

Anyway, one truth is that we are all getting older. I believe it was Kris Kristofferson that said, "The old are getting older and the young are doing the same." I heard a wise man once say, "It is usually only the birthdays that end in zero that give us trouble." There is something about aging that reminds us of our mortality. However, GOD has a reminder for us, too...

Today's word is Isaiah 46:4, NLT, which reads, "I will be your GOD throughout your lifetime - until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you."

I think we often get so caught up on aging that we forget to live; and I really mean me. But, if we just remember that we are GOD'S, we can more enjoy the journey. GOD reminds us in today's passage that He made us and that He will care for us - throughout our lifetime. We know that He will NEVER leave us nor forsake us. NEVER.

Aging is part of life. I tell people all the time that I am blessed to still be aging; it is something that not everyone gets to do. I am blessed to live the life that GOD has allowed. I am blessed to live this life with my wife and children. I also know that GOD is with me; He made me, and He will care for me, throughout.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

First day of school

Well, today begins another school year; this year we have a second grader and a first grader. Man, where does the time go? It literally seems like just the other day they were little babies. Time moves really fast. As a friend of mine used to tell me, "With kids, the days are long but the years are short."

We try to remind our children that they have to work hard and study hard. They have the opportunity to go to school and learn, which they should take advantage of and soak up all they can. We try to remind them that it is all about a firm foundation; what you learn today strengthens and prepares you for what you learn tomorrow. Same goes for our Christian walk.

Today's word is 2 Timothy 2:15, KJV, which reads, "Study to show thyself approved unto GOD, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed..."

This just simply means that we should make every effort to do GOD'S work, what He has called us to do. We should study and prepare and be diligent in our efforts to learn all we can and, then, to apply what we have learned for the work of GOD and for His glory. Just like school work, we should be diligent in our Christian walk/work.

We pray daily for our kids, and all kids and teachers and everyone that has a part in our children's education. We also try to make sure that each day our kids hear about GOD, through stories and His word. We want them to be prepared in their school work and in GOD'S. Have a great first day of school!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

GOD is all mighty

I have played a lot of sports, most of it bad, but I have played. Now, I coach a lot of sports, again, probably bad, but, I coach. You always have those on the team(s) that think they are the greatest thing since ramen noodles. There is no one that compares to them.

I have to remind them, especially the little running backs that are running through holes big enough for me and not getting touched for fifteen yards, that they may run the ball but there is someone else that made the hole. We may think we are big and bad but we are always stronger together.

Today's word is Psalm 62:11, ESV, and reminds us from whence comes true strength: "Once GOD has spoken; twice have I heard this: that power belongs to GOD."

It truly is that we can do nothing without GOD. It is from Him and through Him that we have the strength to do anything. However, we can read in the Bible that through Him we can do all things - all things that are in His will and that He is calling us to do.

The point is that we may think we are all that and a bag of chips but the truth is that whatever ability we have, whatever strength we have, what ever we accomplish is only through the power, strength, and desire of GOD. I have to remind myself of this from time to time; my strength is futile and failing but GOD is all mighty.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, August 5, 2019

We must seek Him

I don't even know where to begin. People simply shopping at walmart on a Saturday, mid-day, and some evil individual opens fire on them. I don't know how to explain it. I don't know how to explain the violence. I don't know how to explain the shooter, other than evil. There are lots of questions, and few answers.

When I have these times, with lots of questions and few answers, all I know to do is turn to the LORD. No, He didn't cause this senseless violence, sin has done that. Satan walks around seeking whom he may devour, and there are countless individuals that will do his work. I will never be able to explain why people seek him and do his work.

Today's word is Psalm 9:10, NIV, which reads, "Those who know Your name trust in You, for You, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek You."

While I don't know why others do what they do, I do know that GOD is still on the throne and still listening. He is wanting people to turn to Him and seek Him. Our verse tells us that He has never forsaken those who seek Him. The problem is that people are seeking everything but Him. Everything.

I want to know more about my JESUS. I want to know more about my LORD. I want to seek Him and do His good will. I want to tell others that He is the only way out of the mess that we find ourselves in. We must seek Him.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, August 1, 2019

One Flesh

I've been away on business for the last few days and I have really missed my family. It's tough being apart. Yes, I know that some time a part can be beneficial but I really love being with them. When someone asks me about my wife and kids, I am more than ready to tell them all about them.

There is nothing like having a great marriage. I am blessed to have a godly wife that loves GOD, me, and our children. Some folks have asked me how it all works and I always tell them that if you will put GOD first, and your spouse second, everything else will fall into place. That doesn't mean there won't be issues and disagreements but, you will find a way to work through and talk through them all.

Today's word is Genesis 2:24, KJV, which reads, "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."

I think so many marriages struggle because we allow things to come between us and our spouses, whether that be work, hobbies, even church work. Other than GOD, there is nothing or no one that should come between your spouse and you. This isn't just GOD'S desire, it is His design.

There are so many distractions and obligations that we face and must meet every single day. However, there is also the obligation to carve out time for our spouses and to enjoy one another. My prayer is that I will always be diligent and intentional about spending time with my wife. After all, we are one flesh.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T