Wednesday, April 28, 2021

And be thankful

There has been a lot of turmoil and unrest in our world lately. I am sure there have been multiple times throughout history that this has been the case. There seems to always be unrest and strife, and no one trying to pull things together. And, look, I understand, the reason for strife and unrest and turmoil is a difference of opinion, which some of us will go to extremes for ours.

I do often wonder, though, how things would look, how things would work, how things might work out if we all tried to see things the way JESUS wants us to see them. You know what I mean? If we ever try to look at things through the eyes of JESUS, would we fight so vehemently for some of the things we so vehemently fight for? 

Today's word is Colossians 3:15, NIV, which reads, "Let the peace of CHRIST rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful."

Some things are worth fighting for, and, as Christians, we should fight for those things every day. But, Christians should not be fighting amongst themselves over things that aren't scriptural and eternal. We seem to involve ourselves in things that at least reduce our chances to talk to others about salvation through JESUS CHRIST. It is a shame to see churches, bodies of believers, fighting amongst themselves.

I love the way this verse ends, "...And be thankful." A thankful heart is usually so full of humility and thankfulness that arguing over carpet color or sanctuary temperature is never a thought. When we are thankful, we find ourselves grateful for the blessing to live in a free country where we can worship GOD freely. It is a reminder for me that I am going to try to apply daily - And be thankful.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

He will make a way

Have you ever had one (1) of those moments that just seemed there was no hope? None? You didn't know what to do, how to do it, when or why to get it done? You didn't know what to pray, and even if you could, you didn't know how to pray? You felt downtrodden and completely and totally defeated?

Yeah, we have all experienced those times of defeat when it seemed that we were down and we could not see up, much less figure out how to get up. We have all had those times when it felt as if we couldn't take another step, and we really didn't know why we would even want to. Thankfully, we don't have to rely on our own strength to defeat this defeat.

Today's word is Psalm 124:8, KJV, which reads, "Our help is in the name of the LORD, Who made heaven and earth."

We have the LORD of lords on our side, the One Who spoke all that we know and see and feel into existence. There is nothing too hard for Him, and He is working all things for the good of His children. We have our SAVIOR, JESUS, sitting on the Father's right hand, making intercession, pleading our case. We have the Holy Spirit, the Comforter with us that is strengthening us and praying for us even when we can't find the words.

We will all experience the times of uncertainty and complete defeat. BUT, we serve the LORD, our help. He made heaven and earth, and He will make a way for us.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T 

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Could change it all

 I have shared before that Trish and I don't always see things the same way; we don't always agree on the same things. She is a female and I am a male, and we see things from different perspectives. She may want to paint a particular room or wall a vibrant red, whereas I am a very basic, very neutral wall shade guy. She may think we need some something on every square inch of that particular wall that we just pained, and I am a minimalist.

However, when it comes to the important things, the things that truly matter, we are always in agreement. We want to serve the LORD and seek and do His will. We want to raise our children in a Christian home and let them know that they are loved by us, and GOD loves them even more. We have a certain way to live, and we try to instill that in our kids, and we agree on these things.

Today's word is a simple word, but one that has proven true time and again. Mark 3:25, NKJV, reads, "And if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand."

We see the message of this verse displayed and played out extensively in the world that we live in. There are few days go by that we don't see how the division in families, in communities, in society, in our government isn't working towards failure. We see the direct correlation of divided beliefs and constant disgrace and defeat.

While there will always be differences of opinions and extenuating circumstances in every situation, we have to find common ground on which to stand. We may not agree on most things but we can all agree to love GOD and to love one another; that simple decision could change it all.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

Monday, April 19, 2021

All He does for me

We stay really busy most all the time, like most people, especially parents of active children. I am grateful that our children are healthy and active and friendly. Having children that are healthy enough to participate in things, and determined enough to do them is a blessing that is beyond measure, and I never want to lose sight of what a true blessing it is.

I mentioned in a prayer group last night that I am humbled because GOD has given me all this and Heaven, too. I am reasonably healthy. I don't take for granted that I can walk and talk and yell and scream and holler and think and comprehend. These are things that others would love to be able to do but, for one reason or another, they can't. But, I can, and I am grateful.

Do you find yourself to be thankful? I think that someone who is thankful will be more likely to give praise and encouragement and time and resources (not talking about me). I have seen folks who were grateful for what GOD had done for them that were free in using what He had blessed them with to help others experience the goodness and the blessings of GOD. 

Today's word is Psalm  103:2, NLT, which reads, "Let all that I am praise the LORD; may I never forget the good things He does for me."

Do you have things to be thankful for? I would venture to say that we all do. Even on those days when it seems like everything is out of order and everything is coming down on me, and there are those days, I know that I have people who love me and a GOD Who sees me and loves me and cares about me. I am grateful for His many blessings; may I never forget all He does for me!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Living Hope

I awoke this morning with a song going through my head. Sometimes, I have no doubt that the songs stuck in my head come because we have sung them recently or because I have heard it recently, and both of those are true with this one. However, I also think the songs are often a reminder of how good and gracious and merciful GOD is, and I think that is the case for this song.

The song this morning is Living Hope by Phil Wickham. The last line of the chorus is "JESUS CHRIST my Living Hope", which reminds me this morning that this world is not our final destination. But, it also reminds me that I serve a risen SAVIOR; He is alive and well and sitting on the right hand of GOD making intercession for me. Those facts give me great peace and comfort and encouragement.

Today's word is 1 Peter 1:3, NIV, which reads, "Praise be to the GOD and Father of our LORD JESUS CHRIST! In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of JESUS CHRIST from the dead."

Our faith is not dead. As Christians we are not looking for an answer to what happens when I die. We know that we will live forever with our LORD and SAVIOR because He lives. We can rest assured and know, without a doubt, that this life is only a vapor and eternity will be spent worshipping and praising the One Who paid our debt. We know that there is more to come. AND...

And, we can also rest assured that we are not walking alone in this life. Our SAVIOR is ALIVE. Yes, He gave His life for us, He died upon the cross, BUT, He is not dead! We aren't going to a grave to pray to Him. We aren't going to a tomb to seek Him. We aren't "hoping" to do enough to get to meet Him. We know that He is alive, that He hears our prayers, that He is working all things for our good, and that our prayers are to a living and holy GOD. We have Living Hope.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

He is my strength

We have had a few days between posts again, and I would love to apologize but, I have been fighting allergy season, and it is winning. Seasonal allergies may not be a problem for some folks but it has become more and more of a malady for me, especially as I have aged. I take an allergy pill, which probably helps but I really stay tired.

Like most things, though, I am blessed that all I have is allergies; it could be so much worse. At least I can still get outside and do things. At least I can still see the beautiful colors and everything coming back to life. Our daughter doesn't suffer from allergies very much, and she reminds me of how beautiful the season is. I guess it truly is a matter of perspective.

Today's word is Psalm 73:26, NKJV, which reads, "My flesh and my heart fail; But GOD is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."

This old body isn't made to last forever, and it isn't going to. It was designed to have a lifespan, and it is gradually and continually breaking down. Things that used to not hurt, now hurt. Things that used to not bother us, not bother us. Things that used to work really well, now, not so much. But, even with the earthly and physical maladies that we may suffer, we still know that GOD loves us, cares for us and will see us through. He is my strength!

Be Blessed,

Mickey T 

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Nothing to Fear

There are lots of things going on in our world that cause us to stop and really pay attention to what is going on. I think it is important to stay alert and to be prepared for whatever may come, especially after seeing some of the things that have transpired. 

Obviously, the pandemic comes to mind. In our history, nothing like this has ever occurred, and it has been somewhat unsettling. We have also had tornadoes rip through the area, and several severe storms have caused schools to delay or close for a day or two (2). There have been financial concerns with all the things going on. Some have experienced major health problems and set backs. There have been lots of things happening that can cause us great concern.

Today's word is a familiar passage that reminds us that we have nothing to fear. 2 Timothy 1:7, NKJV, reads, "For GOD has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."

I have repeated this little saying hundreds of times: "There is a lot to be concerned about but nothing to worry about." GOD hasn't given us a spirit of fear - with GOD, there is absolutely nothing to worry about. He will provide our needs, He will protect us, and He is working all things for our good. He loved us enough to die for us; He will certainly provide for us.

What he did give us is a spirit of power; there aren't too many things that defeat fear quicker than knowing you have the power to overcome whatever may come. And, that power that we possess is the power of the Holy Spirit. He also gave us the power of love, which is powerful enough to overcome all those fears we may have of not measuring up or not being good enough. GOD loves us and accepts us exactly as we are. Finally, He gave us a sound mind, which will help us to see things for what they really are, and compared to the power of GOD, they are nothing. Nothing to fear!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, April 5, 2021

Doing Right

I have a tendency to say, "And, you can judge me if you want," whenever I am about to share something that may seem controversial to others. The fact is, though, that others don't need permission to judge me, they just do. As a matter of fact, people judge each other all the time. I probably do it as much, or more, than anyone.

 I will say that I used to judge people for all the wrong reasons. I would judge because of their actions or because of their inactions. I would judge because of their words or their lack of words. I would judge because of where they went or where they didn't go. I would judge because of what they wore or didn't wear. You get the idea.

Today's word is Romans 2:15, NLT, which reads, "The demonstrate that GOD'S law is written in their hearts, for their own conscience and thoughts either accuse them or tell them they are doing right."

I have come to realize that I don't have the right to judge. The Bible tells us to "judge not", and, so, I have gotten better at not judging folks. Because, here's the deal, if they are right with GOD, they know what they are doing is not right because His Spirit will be all over them. I don't have the power to convict; that belongs to GOD. I don't have the right to condemn; that, too, belongs to GOD.

With all that being said, as Christians, we know how Christians should behave and dress and treat others. If we aren't doing those things correctly, others will judge us. BUT, we should also be feeling the Spirit telling us, convicting us, convincing us that we need to change. I just want to do His will - I want to do right.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T