Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Be Wise

It has been a few days since posting. I would like to say that I have been very busy, which I have, but I have had a really hard time finding time to sit and type on the computer. Well, I am on the computer, just not updating this blog, which is one of my favorite things to do. With that being said, it has been a few days but we are updating today.

I have shared with you before that I try to remain silent a lot of times but I just have an uncanny ability to say whatever is on my mind. While this has played to my benefit at times, it has also been a detriment. I have said some things that I wish I had never said. However, once they are said, you can't take it back.

Today's word is a quote from Sam Levenson that says, "It's so simple to be wise. Just think of something stupid to say and, then, don't say it."

There is no doubt that I have a lot of stupid things to say. As a matter of fact, I say them. I am sure there are times that others have stood there and though, "That guy is stupid." Well, I have you know that my parents may have raised an ugly child, but I am not stupid. Although, I can really say some stupid things, which seems to contradict what I just said.

The point is that we can all do ourselves a world of good if we would work harder at not saying some of the stupid things we say. It might keep us out of trouble. It will definitely make us a little wiser - not saying everything that comes to mind. I am going to work on being wiser, which might just mean being quieter.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, July 25, 2013

That was Easy

Ever had difficulty making decisions? I have had times when I have prayed and prayed, discussed, questioned, reasoned, rolled the dice, used the eight ball and nothing seemed to give the answer. It seemed that this would go on for days, with no answer.

There have been other times that as soon as the situation presented itself, I knew the answer. I would pray and ask and question and the answer was the answer. It is during these times that I wonder what the difference is. Why are some answers plain as day and others as difficult as putting pants on an octopus?

Today's word is a quote from Albert Einstein, which says, "When the solution is simple, GOD is answering." To which I add, "Don't make it harder than it has to be."

I have racked my poor little pint-sized brain trying to find a solution to something, and the answer just wouldn't seem to come. Then, there have been other times when the solution seemed to me to come too easily. However, it is in those times that GOD is really trying to tell me and show me something. All I have to do is listen and do...

If you are having a hard time making a decision, join the club. If the solution comes quickly, give thanks - GOD is answering.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Judge Mike

Man, there are few things I like better than to sit and pass judgement on others. Oh, I am good at it! I can usually just look at someone and tell what they are, what they think, what they believe. Can't you?

You may not want to admit it but we are all so guilty of passing judgement. I mean, if GOD really wanted to fix things, all He would have to do is put a couple of us in charge. Now, I am going to say that sin is sin and we need to acknowledge and instruct others about sin and its punishment. But, we can't seem to stop there, we have to judge.

Today's word is a thought that says, "We are called to be witnesses, not lawyers and judges."

Our duty is to tell others about JESUS CHRIST. We are to share what He has done for us, what He means to us, what He is going to do for us, where He is going to take us. We aren't to condemn others and/or pass judgement on others. Yes, by all means, tell others that sin will lead them down roads they don't want to go, and, eventually to HELL. But, other than witnessing the events, we have not authority to condemn or pass judgement.

Yes, I do like to judge. Yes, I do like to point out everybody else's faults. But, I am going to work on witnessing and leaving the judgement to the One it belongs to.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

GOD'S Vacation

Some people think they are in charge. I mean, they really think that they control things. While we do control certain things and make certain decisions, which control certain things, we don't actually control things. These folks seem to think that if it weren't for them, GOD would never get anything done.

I will tell you that it is a good thing that GOD doesn't leave me in charge. If He did, there would be a few less people in this world. There would definitely be less drama in this world. I would venture to say that there would be a lot less channels on television. Does anyone actually watch C-Span? Much less C-Span 2...

Today's word is a saying I came across a while back that says, "Remember, GOD has not gone of vacation and left you in charge."

We so often feel as though we have to do everything. We have to figure everything out and make everything happen. Without us, nothing would ever be accomplished.

Don't get me wrong. We have to do our part. It is imperative that we accomplish our part. It is of the utmost importance for us to make plans and set goals and do everything in our power to accomplish those things that are ours to accomplish. However, and this will come as a shock to some people, you are not in charge. If you really believe you are, tell the river to reverse flow. Or, tell the rain to cease falling and rise. We like to think we are in charge but we are not.

Look, all I am trying to say is, GOD needs us to be what He designed us to be - faithful servants. He is the Shepherd; we are the sheep. He is in charge; we follow Him.

Now that we have that cleared up, let's get back to work! There will be time for vacation later...

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Born into it

I have often shared with our youth that we are all born into sin; no one has to be taught to sin, we naturally know how. The example I like to give them is the one about lying. No one had to teach you how to lie, you just knew.

If you walk into the room of a three-year-old and ask if they made the big mess in the floor, they will look you dead in the eye and say, "No." Now, nobody taught that little one to lie, they were born into it.

Our little guy bit another child at daycare last week. Now, normally, our little one is the bitee but this time, he was the biter. When I arrived home that afternoon, my wife said, "He bit a little boy at daycare today." So, I sat down beside him on the couch and asked, "Did you bite someone today?" He looked at me and simply said, "Uh uh." He didn't have to be taught to lie, he knows.

Today's word is a quote from Bo Bennett, which says, "For every good reason there is to lie, there is a better reason to tell the truth."

We can think of all kinds of reasons to tell a lie - to keep ourselves out of trouble, to make ourselves look better, to make ourselves feel better, etc. but, if we would only take the time to think, we could think of even more reasons to tell the truth - it's the right thing to do, nothing compares to a clear conscience, a man is only as good as his word, it is important for people to trust you, etc.

We are all going to tell one every now and then, we are born into it, but in matters of importance, truth matters. Next time someone asks you something, tell the truth. Each time you choose to do this, you will find it easier to do the next time. You'll be surprised at just how liberating truth telling can be. Yes, we are born into it, but we don't have to die doing it.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


I have to admit, as I have before, that I never really liked English. If you are an English major or love English class, I am sorry - you probably need some help. Just kidding, of course. I am glad there are those who love English, I need so much help in that area.

What I do remember about English is a simile. A simile is a figure of speech that directly compares two things. I like comparisons. I have been compared to a lot of things. When I was younger, I was compared to all the other misfits I ran around with. As I got older, I was compared to all the smart kids in my class (someone had to be the opposite, which is a comparison). As I have gotten older, I have been compared to fascinating things such as a turtle, a invalid, and dirt. Hey, at least I still resemble something, right?

Today's word is a saying I came across that compares things that I really like: The difference between "like", "love", and "in love" is the same as the the difference between "for now", "for awhile", and "FOREVER".

We have a tendency to want to compare things to love. I can tell you without a doubt that absolutely nothing compares to love. Love is the greatest feeling you will ever have - great to give, better to get! Yet, so many people take the word way too flippantly. LOVE IS FOREVER!

Look, I like things - my truck, my house, work. I love things - people, vacations, bacon, banana pudding. But I am IN LOVE with Trish. I will always be in love with her. There is no comparison.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, July 15, 2013

I need some guidance

I remember in high school asking our guidance counselors what they would recommend for me after high school. I won't go into all the details because I am sure they didn't mean all those things. (Just kidding, of course). They tried to give me direction towards subjects in college, technical fields, the military, etc. They were there to direct and advise high schoolers about their futures.

Once I joined the military, asking for advice was completely unnecessary - someone was always there to tell me what to do, how to do it, how long to do it, when not to do it. Yet, that, too was guidance. I learned a lot from the guidance and advice I received from the guys I served with.

Then, I have asked guidance from family, friends, pastors, teachers. I have sought guidance through prayer, Bible study, meditation. When I have something going on and need answers, I am not afraid to ask. I think we all will ask, the problem comes in taking the advice and applying it.

Today's word comes from Proverbs 11:14, NIV, which reads, "For lack of guidance a nation falls, but victory is won through many advisers."

I think we can all attest to the fact that if we had only heeded some advice we wouldn't have found ourselves in certain dilemmas/situations. I think, looking back through history, if nations had listened to good advice, we could have avoided some of the conflicts we have had. The verse tells us that nations have fallen for failing to listen.

Decisions are hard to come by at times. And, I think the tougher the decision, the more we have our opinion about it, the more personal it is, the more difficult it becomes. Yet, there are folks out there who love us and will give us good guidance if we would only listen. Victory is won through many advisers. Don't be afraid to ask. Don't be afraid to hear what they have to say. Don't be afraid to do. Who knows, you may just end up in the Navy. You never know...

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Maybe it's time for something better

I used to have an old car that would leave you stranded at the most inopportune times. It would never fail that when I really needed to be somewhere, it would really need to break down. The one thing you could depend on about that car was that it was completely undependable.

We worked on it, replacing various parts, chasing wiring, troubleshooting codes, etc but never straightened it out. We probably spent more time, blood, sweat and tears than the old car was ever worth. Eventually, I figured it was time we had something better. But, we had no money - we had spent it trying to fix the lemon.

Today's word is just something I came across some time ago and that I have subtracted from/added to, which says, "As much as you want to plan your life, it has a way of giving you something unexpected and better than you ever had planned - that's GOD!"

We didn't really have the money to purchase another vehicle but we certainly couldn't keep pouring money down the money pit that was the lemon. So, we prayed about it, decided on what we thought we could do, and we bought an old car at an auto auction for $400. I didn't expect it to last long or to take us very far but maybe it would get us through. We drove that car 58,000 miles, even to Ohio and back, and it never left us stranded.

The lemon was a much better looking car, a much prettier car, but it was nowhere near the vehicle as the one we replaced it with. Sometimes, we think we have it all worked out but something changes our plans. Often times, that change is even better than anything we could have ever thought for ourselves, like a $400 car that carried us through - that's GOD!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

My time

Man, my time is limited. It seems that there aren't enough seconds in the minutes, minutes in the hours, hours in the day. I cannot seem to get anything done, much less everything that needs to be done. You ever been there?

I don't know about you, but I, then, often like to talk about "My time". Yeah, I want a little more "My time". What exactly is "My time" and what would I really do with it? In our present society, we meet so many others that seem only interested in doing things their way in their time.

Today's word comes from Psalm 31:14 & 15a, NIV, which reads, "But I trust in You, LORD; I say, 'You are my GOD.'" My times are in Your hands..."

We seem so wrapped up in "My time", when the truth is that it is all GOD'S time. He has something for us to do, and the more we concentrate on doing what He wants, the more we will see that we are using our time wisely.

I know that this is not what the scripture is saying. But, if we will trust in GOD, we will see that our time is in His hands. And, He controls the hands on the clock. I think I need to concentrate more on letting GOD control time.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

It ain't over

Yogi Berra has a quote that says, "It ain't over til it's over." That just simply means not to give up, to keep on pushing, it's not over until it's over. So many people are willing to throw in the towel, to roll over and play dead, to cede the victory way too soon. I am going to stay until it is over.

Years ago, I played for a softball team that was a middle of the pack team. We would win a few but we would lose more. We were playing the number one team in the league this particular night, a team that had trounced us twice before. However, tonight was going to be our night.

After the first inning, we found ourselves down by seven or eight runs. But, little by little, we began to get a few hits, drive in a few runs, stay close. In the bottom of the seventh inning, the last inning in softball, we were down six but ended up tying the game. Then, for the next several hours, they would score one, we would score one; this continued until about three in the morning. Finally, in the bottom of the twenty - something inning, we scored two runs and won. WOW! The longest game I had ever been involved in, and we won because it ain't over til it's over.

Today's word is an anonymous quote, which says, "Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end."

You gotta keep pushing, keep believing, keep on keeping on. Yes, there will be times that efforts seem futile. There will be times when trying seems the hardest thing in the world. There will be many times when giving up seems to be the simplest answer. But, don't do it! Keep pushing. Everything will be okay in the end.

Look, you are going to find yourself tired and confused and ready to give up occasionally; that's pretty natural. It's okay to sit down and catch your breath. It's okay to take the time to develop a new plan. But, if it's not okay, it's not the end. See it through to the end. It may take twenty something innings, but you just may pull it out.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, July 8, 2013

Just a little peace

In the world in which we live, it is often hard to find a little peace. There seems to be an ever constant flow of frustration and strife and ill will. I don't know about you, but there have been may nights that I have had trouble sleeping due to the struggles going on in my life.

Listen, we seem to be bombarded on every side lately. It seems that I can't get a breath from one incidence before the next one occurs. I seem to have the "gift" lately of irritating and infuriating everyone else without any effort on my part. Most of the time, I cause the discomfort just by being there...

Today's word comes from 2 Thessalonians 3:16, NIV, which reads, "Now may the LORD of peace Himself give you peace at all times and in every way."

Look, there are some folks that a mere, "Hello" sends them over the edge; there is nothing we can do about that. Then, there are those times when no matter what we do, it only seems to make things worse. Lately, I have been stuck in the rut that no matter what I do, it is the wrong thing to do. Yeah, it seems that every time I think it is getting better, something else crops up to set me "right".

When these things happen, when things just seem to keep bogging down, when nothing seems to want to go our way, I know that the Prince of Peace is on my side, and with Him, nothing is impossible. Yeah, things have been in a state of unrest lately but I know that peace is on its way. And, if I offend you by breathing, just remember that we all have our challenges - I am yours.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, July 5, 2013


We love taking pictures. When I say, "We," I probably actually mean, "Me". Trish loves taking pictures but she also doesn't mind being in pictures. I really try to take the photos so that I don't have to be in them. I tell people all the time that I have three days in my whole life that I looked "good". That, however, is a different story.

Photography is a wonderful hobby, and a decent way to make a living for some folks. In this age of digital photography, we lose sight of the fact that film used to have to be developed. And, when you went to the photo center to pick up your prints, you received the negatives.From these negatives, the positive image could be produced.

Today's word is an anonymous quote about photography and life, which says, "Life is like photography, we develop from the negatives."

Life is a really vibrant, colorful, radiant picture, but there are those dark and less colorful times, the negatives.
While life is going good and everything is coming up roses, we don't do a lot of developing, we just keep walking around being "pretty". However, if we don't develop along the way, we began to fade and yellow and show signs of deterioration. When this happens we need to produce a new positive. And, the only way to produce a new positive is to use the negative. It is from the negative that we develop.

We have to go through some of the negative stuff in order to develop the new us. It is never easy. It is absolutely no fun. It, sometimes, seems that it is not worth the effort. It is painful and depressing. But, it is only from the negative that we produce a better positive product. Let's use our negatives to develop something positive. I think we would all be surprised at the results.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Time Management

Sorry that it has been a few days but I have been busy. Yes, that sounds like a pretty lame excuse but it is the truth. It seems that the harder I go, the more behinder I get. You ever been there?

I mean, it seems that I no sooner get one thing done than two more replace it. Lately, though, I seem to get more and more behind. Now, there have been good things but still busy. Trish and I celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary (I know, Bless her heart), my boss of fourteen years retired, we've taken on a few extra things at work, and then, the day to day things. It has been busy.

Speaking of busy, today's word is a quote from Jeffery J. Mayer, that says, "If you haven't got the time to do it right, when will you find the time to do it over?"

Yes, things have been busy but I have been trying to do them right. I didn't say that I had accomplished everything or that everything was done correctly but I have striven to do them correctly the first time because I don't have the time to go back and redo them. As I like to say, "Let's do it right the first time and only have to do it one time."

I apologize, once again, for the break in posting but I really have been pretty busy. Hopefully, things will get back to a more normal pace before long. If they don't, however, I am still going to strive to do things right the first time. The Good LORD knows I don't hav

True Liberty

Tomorrow is Independence Day here in America and, being that we are off from work, I probably will not post. So, with Independence Day in mind, I have a thought - LIBERTY.

If you were to ask others what true liberty is, you would probably get as many answers as people asked. Liberty means so much to so many, yet, so little to others it seems. Men and women have paid the ultimate price to give us the freedoms, the liberties, we enjoy. I WILL NEVER FORGET THAT.

Today's word is a quote from William Hazlitt, which says, "The love of liberty is the love of others; the love of power is the love of ourselves."

When you love liberty, you want everyone to be free from oppression and bondage; you want everyone to experience the freedoms that you enjoy. Some people won't allow themselves to love a particular sect or nationality or religion; JESUS tells me to love everyone. I will state again that I may not love what they do, I may not believe what they believe, I may not love what they love but I can always love them. You see, liberty gives us the freedom to love. We don't have to love sin but we can most definitely love the sinner.

Tomorrow when you sit around with family enjoying the day off, think about the many that gave it all to give us the freedom to love. Then, LOVE!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T