Thursday, October 2, 2014

Troubled Waters

The conference I have attended this week has been in New Orleans. In 2005, New Orleans was completely ravaged by Hurricane Katrina, which left thousands dead, hundreds of thousands homeless, and millions eternally changed.

People often ask why this happens or why that happens or why this particular thing happened to such a good person or why bad people never seem to have anything happen to them. The truth of the matter is that things happen. Even on our best day, something bad can, and often does, happen. It is just a reminder that we live in a fallen and evil world.

Today's word is a quote I came across that I do not know who originally said, "We are sometimes taken into troubled waters, not to be DROWNED but to be CLEANSED."

I don't know why bad things have to happen, other than the fact that we live in a fallen and evil world. I do believe, though, that sometimes we go through things to purge the bad things out. Your clothes would never get clean if the washing machine didn't agitate them. If we didn't have to go through a few things every now and then, we would never wash off what fouls us.

There is no doubt that I need a good reminder from time to time about how dirty I really am. Yes, I try to live right; I try with everything I have to be the person that GOD wants me to be. Yet, there are times I go through the wringer. I will try to remember that the troubled waters aren't there to drown me, but to cleanse.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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