Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The Inner Struggle

I have found myself more and more lately trying to figure out what folks are doing. It seems that we will raise a ruckus and a fuss over most anything. It is almost as if everyone else is doing everything they can to undercut and undermine everything and everyone else. Sound familiar? Seem that way to you?

So, where does all the turmoil and strife come from? Is it that others are being subjected to more wrong than others? Is it that some folks are more mistreated than others? Some folks are. Yet, it seems that the ones most mistreated are not the ones stirring up strife. So, where does the anger and discontent come from?

Today's word is a quote I came across that may help us: "You can't change what's going on around you until you start changing what's going on within you."

My biggest challenge isn't the things that people do but the things that I do about the things that others do. It is the inner struggle between doing what I should and doing what I want. It is the inner struggle between doing GOD'S will and revenging MY wrongs. It is the inner struggle between doing what is right and doing what is self-righteous. It is the inner struggle that is the biggest battle.

If we want to see true change, if we really want to see things in our world improve, it begins withing each of us. We must fight the inner battles, correct the inner turmoil, right the inner wrongs before we can change our surroundings. We must fight the inner struggle.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Today is the National Day of Giving. It is a day we try to reflect on what we have been given and try to share some of that with others. I hope that I don't need a reminder of how much I have been given, nor that it is not mine to keep. GOD gives us things to give, not to hold onto. Again, I add the caveat that you have to be wise and not wasteful; you also have to make sure you take care of you and yours.

So, with the National Day of Giving in mind, I am mindful of how much GOD has given me. I won't try to sit here and name all His blessings because none of us have the time, but suffice it to say that I have been given abundantly more than I could have ever thought, dreamed, or imagined. But, it is all from GOD, and I am not to act like or claim that it is MINE.

Today's word is Luke 6:38, NIV, which reads, "Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

I LOVE this verse. The very first part of the verse tells us how GOD expects us to use what He has given us and how He will repay us for using what He has given us. "Give, and it will be given to you..." If we will take what GOD has given us and use it wisely and rightly, He will give us even more. How much more? I'm glad you asked...

The second part describes the abundance of His giving to us: "...A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over..." It will be more than we ever thought possible, more than we had before. We will never out give GOD - NEVER.

Don't miss the last part of the verse..."For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." In layman's terms, "What you give is what you'll get." If you try to hold onto everything, you're probably not going to get much more. If you will use what GOD has given you the way He wants you to use it, you will receive more than you ever thought possible. Be wise. Use discernment. Then, remember, GOD didn't give us things to hoard; He gave us things to give.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, November 28, 2016


I noticed at the preschool today that it is "Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day". I don't really have any unique talent; I am about as average as anyone can be. I can't twirl fire or run a four minute mile. I can't dance (at all) or walk a high wire. I really don't have any particular unique talent. Yet...

Yet, GOD has made us each unique. There is absolutely no one in this world exactly like us. Even identical twins have unique finger prints, tongue prints and foot prints. Doesn't that make you feel special, that you are completely unique? That GOD took the time to make each and every one of us an unique masterpiece? It should.

Today's word is just something to remind each of us that GOD made us special: "GOD is looking at you right now and saying, "I made that one extra special.""

We all have different abilities and capabilities. We all have different talents and gifts that we have been given. We can all use our different gifts, our uniqueness, to make perfect harmony and to show that it is our diversity that makes us the same - unique.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, November 17, 2016


Today is National Fast Food Day. There are times that fast food is a necessary convenience but I try not to do it often. While I like a good, greasy cheeseburger and french fries as much as anyone, my cholesterol tells on me if I eat them too often. The worst thing I ever did for my cholesterol was have it checked.

While I like the occasional fast food meal, my absolute favorite place to eat is home. Nothing compares to cooking at home and sitting down with those you love and sharing a meal, nothing. You can do that in any setting, but it is always best at home. So, obviously, my thoughts today have been about home.

We recently moved from the middle of nowhere into a neighborhood. We felt it was best for Trishia's commute and for our two little ones to have other children to play with. Around our former home, there was one neighbor and no children, which was nice for us but gave the two little ones no one to grow up with. Now, moving into a neighborhood doesn't guarantee that they will have friends, good friends, but it does increase their chances.

Upon moving, I really missed our rural homestead. I missed the solitude and tranquility, I still do. But, I have come to realize that as long as Trish and the kids are happy, I can live wherever they want to live. Because, you see, the house, the neighborhood, the setting doesn't make the home - those in the house make the home. And, I love our home.

Today's word is a thought about home. Nothing compares to home-cooked food in a loving home. So, today's word: "Fill a house with love and it becomes a home."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Clean out the Fridge

According to the bulletin board at the preschool, today is "National Clean Out Your Fridge Day". It is important from time to time to clean out the fridge. We have a tendency to have leftovers and, then, forget that they are in the fridge. So, about once a week, we go through and clean out all that has been in there for longer than we feel it would still be safe to eat.

Just as we need to clean out our fridge from time to time, we equally need to clean our hearts. Just as we have a tendency to put leftovers in the fridge, we tend to allow leftover hurts and feelings to stay in our hearts until they are way beyond their expiration date.

Today's word is Psalm 51:10, KJV, which reads, "Create in me a clean heart, O GOD; and renew a right spirit within me."

We need to let go of those things that pollute our hearts. For some of us, it may be something we are doing; for others, it may be something they are not doing. It may be some little nugget that you've allowed to be pushed back into the darkest corner and, over time, it has become spoiled. We need to clean it out. However, we must allow GOD to do the cleaning, for the heart is His abode.

Got some things that need to be tossed out? Why not ask GOD to clean out your heart today? If you're holding on to old hurts, old grudges, old wrongs, that stuff has spoiled and is only going to rot and cause a stink the longer it sits there. Let's pray for GOD to give us clean hearts. Then, go clean the fridge.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, November 10, 2016

We are called to be Warriors

 A warrior is a brave or experienced soldier or fighter, someone engaged in some struggle or conflict. If you live in this world, conflicts and struggles will come, often. As we have mentioned before, everyone is either going through something, have been through something, or are about to go through something. Struggles and conflicts will come as long as GOD keeps us alive in this world.

There is nothing that satan likes better than to see GOD'S children suffer and struggle. He loves to see GOD'S children defeated and deflated. And, as we just said, struggles and conflicts are coming. When they arise, and they will, we have a couple of choices: we can either be a worrier or we can be a warrior.

Today's word is simply that: "Be a Warrior, not a worrier".

When things are going wrong, it is perfectly normal to wonder when things are going to improve, and how. It is perfectly normal to pace the floor a little and wring our hands a little. It is perfectly normal to feel the weight and the severity of the situation. Yet, sitting down and just worrying about tomorrow is not what we as Christians should do.

We are the children of the most High, most Powerful, most Omnipotent GOD. He is own our side. And if He be for us, who dare be against us? We will all walk through the dark times and the lowest valleys; we live in a fallen world and it is just something that is going to happen. But, remember the words of David, "Yea though I walk THROUGH the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil..." We are called to keep walking. We are called to keep pushing. We are called to be Warriors!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

GOD sets up rulers

It's early, and the unofficial presidential results are in - Donald J. Trump has been elected the 45th President of the United States of America. This excites some, pains others. This is exactly what some wanted, is the fear of others. Truth be known, if it had been the other way, if Hilary Clinton had won, it would have had the same effect.

One of the greatest privileges/blessings we enjoy in this great country is being able to vote, and vote freely. We are granted the opportunity, the privilege, the blessing of peacefully electing the most powerful leader in the free world, perhaps the entire world. And, when the candidate we are pulling for doesn't win, we feel as if the end is near. IT"S NOT.

Today's word is Daniel 2:21, NLT, which reads, "He (GOD) controls the course of world events; He removes kings and sets up other kings, He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the scholars."

No, I'm not saying that Donald Trump is a king. What I am saying is that GOD sets up the rulers and takes down rulers. Now, He works through His people to accomplish these things; He gives us free will to decide our own fates. We are to pray and dutifully seek GOD'S will in everything and, then, go out and vote our conscience.

GOD has everything under control whether you voted for President-elect Trump or Hilary Clinton. Whatever happens under whoever's term, rely on GOD. GOD sets up rulers. Congratulations Mr. Trump.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, November 7, 2016

Stopping Traffic

At the preschool, they have a "Today Is..." hanging occasionally, and today it read, "Today Is National Traffic Director Day". It's important to have someone direct traffic in the instances that everyone is vying for the same lane from every direction. If it weren't for traffic directors, more accidents would occur at the location of accidents.

Normally, the flow of traffic is uniform and steady. Yet, there are times, especially on certain interstates, when the traffic is a mass of cars, all doing eighty-five miles per hour. There are other times when traffic creeps along and eventually comes to a halt. There are times for traffic to move fluidly, and there are times for traffic to stop.

Today's word is a quote from Vance Havner, which says, "Christians, like snowflakes, are frail, but when they stick together they can stop traffic."

Lately it has been the ones with the loudest voice stopping traffic. Whether they are correct in calling everyone to halt and bringing everything to a standstill is a matter of opinion. However, one thing that is for sure is that if you band together, unite with one purpose, you can make people notice; you can bring things to a halt.

We, as Christians, seem to have a hard time agreeing and uniting on things. If we would only take the time to pray and seek GOD'S will and talk to one another, we might find that we, too, are united. If Christians would band together in one voice, unite with one purpose (to do GOD'S good will), we could stop traffic.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, November 3, 2016


Years ago, as a youngster, I watched reruns of the television series Mission Impossible. What I remember about the show, mostly, is that when they would receive their mission, the tape would always end with something like, "This tape will self-destruct in five seconds." Then, the tape would destroy itself, thus leaving the team with the only knowledge of the mission.

Self-destruction comes in many forms. We often do things that cause harmful side effects and unnecessary damages to ourselves. Why? I don't know. Temptation? Discontentment? Dissatisfaction? Greed? Envy? A singly moment of temporary pleasure? Whatever the reason, we tend to be our own worst enemy.

Today's word is Proverbs 6:32, NLT, which reads, "But the man who commits adultery is an utter fool, for he destroys himself."

It is those things that we know we ought not to do but that we proceed with doing anyway that cause us the most damage. Again, why we do them is as varied as the acts that we perform. It is utterly foolish to think that we can sin and not cause ourselves significant damage. This verse tells us that it is destroying us.

We are all tempted and tried, tested and taxed, but we have to be mindful that it can all lead to way more harm than we could ever imagine. I want to seek GOD'S will and try to serve Him and acknowledge Him in all that I try to do. I want to be useful. I want to avoid self-destruction.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

My heart's desire

We've all heard the expression, "My heart's desire is...". We all have things we want, things we want to see happen, things we want to accomplish for ourselves and our loved ones. There is nothing wrong with having a "heart's desire" and with wanting to fulfill that "heart's desire", usually.

Our heart's desire becomes an issue when it doesn't align with GOD'S plans for our lives and His will for our lives. It is not good to have a heart's desire that is evil and sinful and just plain wrong. And, there are lots of those out there...

Today's word is Psalm 10:4, NASB, reads, "For the wicked boasts of his heart's desire, and the greedy many curses and spurns the LORD."

Even the wicked have a heart's desire, and it isn't good. There are lots of folks in our world today that will eagerly and readily share with you their evil plans and desires, which do not align with GOD'S. They will even boast of the evil in their hearts and do everything they can to fulfill what is in their hearts to they point that they not only disobey GOD, but they curse Him and spurn Him.

Be careful what you desire in your heart, it will drive your actions. I want to be in the center of GOD'S will. I want to be in tune with my SAVIOR'S desires. I want to be useful in His service. I want to see good things for my loved ones. That is my heart's desire.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T