Thursday, April 27, 2017

A new chapter

A really good friend of mine is retiring today. I have but one emotion - JEALOUSY. I am not envious our covetous but I am a little jealous of the thought of having a little more free time to be available to do other things. He has worked hard and is now about to begin a new chapter in his life. Congratualtions!

There will come times in our lives when it is time to begin a new chapter. We have quoted before that you can't move on to the next chapter until you stop rereading this one. Life is dynamic, ever flowing, ever moving, ever changing. We have to seek GOD'S will and rest assured that He has everything worked out for our next chapter - He does.

Today's word is a scripture that is quoted often. It reminds me that things change: "For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under Heaven." (Ecclesiastes 3:1, ESV)

Just as the seasons change throughout the year, seasons will change throughout our lives. Our children are born, then grow older, with A LOT of changes throughout that process. The older I get the more I remember all the things I used to be able to do. Yet, this season is also very precious, very humbling. To think that Trish and I are about to celebrate 29 years of marriage is staggering to me. It's hard to believe how quickly that time has flown.

There is a season for everything. Whatever your season is, seek GOD'S will and know that He has plans for the next. Whatever the chapter you find yourself in, GOD is there. Whatever comes, GOD has a plan. Whatever arises, GOD will see you through. David, congratulations on a new chapter!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Hungry and thirsty

I would dare say that I have never been "starving", though I have uttered that expression before. I have been very blessed that while I may not have had what I "wanted" to eat, I have never been without something to eat. I am truly blessed.

A body will not last long without food and water. Statistics and estimates state that the human body can go for about twenty-one days without food, but only about seven days without water. We have to have food and water, sustenance, for our physical bodies.

Today's word is Matthew 5:6, KJV, which reads, "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness; for they shall be filled."

Just as our physical bodies need nourishing and replenishing, so too does our spiritual body. When our physical body is hungry, we began to crave certain things: ice cream, hamburger, salad, broccoli, etc. What about our spiritual? What is your spiritual body hungering and thirsting for? You know the old saying, "There are two dogs living inside me, a good dog and a bad dog. Do you know which one defeats the other? The one I feed the most." Are you feeding your spiritual body as much as your physical?

You only eat when you're hungry. Are you hungry for GOD and His word? Are you hungry for what He has in store for you? Are you hungry for His will and His direction? If you are, today's verse says that you are "Blessed," and that you "will be filled". Just as sitting down to a good meal makes us want to sit down to another, we should also feel that way about sitting down and communing and supping with GOD. If you want to be fully satisfied, seek GOD hungry and thirsty.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Don't think too highly of yourself

I think we can all have a tendency to think too highly of ourselves from time to time. Now, listen, the fact is that if you are a child of GOD, you are a child of the King of Kings and the LORD of Lords. You are royalty, a prince or princess. Yet, none of that has anything to do with us personally; it all has to do with the fact that we accepted GOD'S invitation, and He accepted us.

There are some, though, that think that they are all that and then some. You know the type, the world doesn't just revolve around them, the world revolves because of them. Where the attitude of superiority comes from I do not know but I think we all have to fight it from time to time.

Well, I came across a quote from Rich Mullins, contemporary Christian artist that passed away in 1997, which reminds me that if GOD uses me it isn't because of me: "GOD spoke to Balaam through his donkey. I believe GOD still speaks through donkeys today. So if GOD should choose to speak through you, you needn't think too highly of yourself."

If GOD should choose to use me, I am humbled. Trust me, I know me. I know that there are countless others that would be better ambassadors, better spokespersons, better examples for GOD. Yet, sometimes, He will choose to use even me. Why? Because I am so high and mighty and powerful and so good at it? No, because He is so powerful that He can use even someone like me.

The next time you start thinking that you have it all figured out and that you have arrived. The next time you start to think that GOD will probably seek your advice. Stop. If you are being used by GOD it is because He has found you useful and willing. GOD is so good and so mighty that He even used Balaam's donkey. If He chooses to use you, remember that. I know I certainly will. And, when it comes to holier-than-thou attitudes, don't think too highly of yourself.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, April 24, 2017

People love to judge

I've shared before that some folks just love to hate. They can't help it; they need JESUS. But, suffice it to say that some folks just love to hate. Period. So, too, do some people love to judge. And, whether we will admit it or not, we have all fallen into the judgemental trap before.

I don't know why we judge. Sometimes, or maybe oftentimes, we judge because we want to tell ourselves that we are "better" than the person we are judging. "I may be wrong in so many areas BUT, at least I didn't do that," is what we find as our justification for judging someone else. I would venture to say that we've all had something in our lives that we aren't totally proud of. So, why do people judge so much?

Today's word is just something I came across that reminds me of why people judge so often: "Don't worry about the people who aren't happy for you. They probably aren't happy for themselves either."

It goes back to the fact that we have all probably done something, said something, been a part of something that we aren't proud of and that we are unhappy about. So, since we aren't happy about whatever it is that we have done, we try to bring everyone else down with us - "If I ain't happy, nobody's going to be happy." The judgemental attitude starts within our own heart.

We can't go around worrying about and getting frustrated about everything that everyone judges us for. I can tell you straight up that I am FAR from perfect, FAR, but I also know that I have received cleansing by asking for GOD'S forgiveness by Grace, through Faith in my SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST.

Those who love to judge love to judge because they are unhappy with themselves and they don't know what to do about it. What they need is a good dose of JESUS. Until they find Him, though, just know that some people love to judge.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, April 21, 2017

It's not ours

Someone will always inevitably refer to the room in which I work as, "Your office." To this I usually reply that it is the office that I sit in but it is not mine. I only occupy the office for as long as I am an employee here. I very seriously doubt that once I retire they are going to want me to come in and just occupy space.

The same can be said about our lives here on earth. While I am here, I am to be busy and do what GOD has called me to do. While I am here, I am to do my best to care for those things that have been entrusted to me. But, this is not my home. One day, I will leave this world for eternity, leaving everything that was "mine" right here.

Today's word is Psalm 24:1, ESV, which reads, "The earth is the LORD'S and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein."

GOD created this earth for us but it is not ours - it' s His. Ever borrow something from someone and was more diligent to care for it and make sure it was returned in as good of shape as when you borrowed it? We don't want to mess up someone else's stuff, right? We should have this same attitude when it comes to our stewardship of this earth that we currently occupy. Now, I don't mean anything radical by ANY means. I just mean we are to take care of ALL the things that GOD has allowed us to enjoy, including the earth.

So, why is this on my mind today? Because tomorrow is Earth Day. And, again, not advocating anything radical, just trying to remind us all to take care of where we are. There's nothing wrong with doing no harm, with trying to make the place better for my kids and their kids. Everything here is the LORD'S; He is just letting us enjoy it. Let's take care of it because it's not ours.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Who do you look like?

It is National Look A Like Day. A day set aside where we are to choose someone to look like. While I did not awake this morning and prepare myself to look like anyone other than me, I do get the old, "You look so familiar" quite often. It seems I can be almost anywhere and, upon meeting someone new, they will utter, "How do I know you? You look so familiar."

Some in my family will say that my brothers and I resemble each other, which we sort of do. But, they are built more and look a little more like my Pops' side of the family, while I am built more and resemble more of my Mom's side. Now, that doesn't matter. The fact is that we all have a familial resemblance, as family should.

Today's word is 2 Corinthians 3:18, NLT, which reads, "So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the LORD--Who is the Spirit--makes us more and more like Him as we are changed into His glorious image."

If you are a child of GOD, and I pray you are, you have had the veil of legalism removed and you should be reflecting the glory of the LORD. We, as GOD'S children, should be reflecting grace and mercy, just as GOD has reflected the same to us. This scripture tells us that if we will allow GOD to use us and to work through us, if we will draw nigh to Him and follow His commandments, He is making us more and more like Him as He is changing us into His glorious image. Isn't that a great visual? GOD is transforming us into what we should be.

As we go through life, our looks are going to change. I know mine certainly have; not that they were ever very good but they are certainly not what they used to be. But, those are our physical looks; our spiritual looks should be changing as well. However, our physical looks and our spiritual looks should be moving in different directions. While we grow older physically, we should be growing more mature spiritually. While we begin to look like our Dads or Moms physically, we should also look more and more like our Heavenly Father. So, who do you look like?

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Let's not forget

I have been really forgetful lately. I mean REALLY. Now, part of it is age, I am sure, and part of it is having young children, which can create sleep deprivation, and part of it is having so much to do and so little mind to keep it all straight, and part of it is the fog that comes with the allergy season and antihistamines. But, even when it seems I forget things, I will never forget what a blessing it is to live in this great country.

We are blessed to live in a country that you can choose not to participate in religion, if that is your desire. Now, I don't know how anyone could look at all the great things GOD has given us and not  see that it wasn't coincidence, it is GOD. Some would argue that how could GOD be in control and all the bad things that happen happen? Evil isn't because of GOD; evil is because of an absence of GOD, just as darkness is the absence of light. It is only because of GOD that we have the great blessings that we have. And, it is because people don't serve GOD that we have the evil that exists.

Today's word is a quote from Ronald Reagan that says, "If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under GOD, then we will be a nation gone under."

If you've ever had the opportunity to travel to depressed parts of our world, you know how truly blessed we are to have what this country affords us. I didn't have to walk miles to collect water from a river and walk miles back to deliver it to my house. I didn't have to hope to kill some wild animal so that my family could eat this morning, I just opened the fridge. I don't have to worry about the government wanting me dead because I don't worship a certain religion. We are truly blessed.

However, the blessings that GOD has bestowed upon us and continues to bestow upon us has little to do with us, and more to do with His goodness and grace. We should always try to be cognizant of the goodness and blessings bestowed upon us by our merciful and wonderful SAVIOR. Let's not forget.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Want to be great?

I think most people want to be great at something. Most people want to be remembered for some accomplishment, something noteworthy. There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to be known for something, just want to be known for the right something.

I have never been a great athlete, singer, musician, writer, actor, anything. I have tried to be great at a lot of things but have failed miserably at most everything. As I have matured, though, I find that all I really want to be great at is being a good man. Being the servant that GOD has called me to be, being the husband, the father, the son, the brother, the friend that GOD intends for me to be is all I truly want to be.

Today's word is a quote from Matthew Henry that says, "Nothing can make a man truly great but being truly good, and partaking of GOD'S holiness."

We'll start with the last part first...none of us are worthy of GOD'S mercy and grace. And, none of us can do anything to make GOD love us more nor love us less. However, there is also nothing we can do to EARN salvation - it is GOD'S gift. So, if you want to be found worthy enough to enter into GOD'S house and spend eternity with Him, it is only through His holiness that that is possible. And, it is when we accept His gift and practice His holiness that we will find that we are better than we used to be.

Finally, if you want to be a great man, you have to be good. I don't mean look good, act good, appear good - NO, BE GOOD. When we try to be good on our own accord, we find it very difficult. When we allow GOD to direct us, we will find that being good is easier. I can only be great at being a good man if I allow GOD to help me be good. I pray that I always allow GOD to direct my steps and to help me be the good man He has designed me to be. You want to be great? Allow GOD to direct you.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Take up your cross

The old saying says, "You want to hear GOD laugh? Tell Him your plans." There is no doubt that I have had plans that I thought were good plans, but they were not GOD'S plan, which is the best plan.

Some people won't give up their plan for anything. I have seen marriages fail because one spouse has decided that they were going to do things their way regardless. I have seen jobs lost because someone decides that they will do things their way and not worry about the good of the company. I have seen a lot of personal plans go down in flames because they were driven by selfishness and not with a servant's heart.

Today's word is Luke 9:23, NIV, which reads, "Then He said to them all: Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their crosses daily and follow me."

Many people interpret this verse to mean that GOD has something really difficult to do such as continuing in a horrible job, just to prove our devotion to Him. That is not what this verse is referring to. What is meant by taking up our crosses daily and following JESUS is simply to give up our selfish will for His will. We must deny our own selfish nature and take up GOD'S plan for our lives.

People will fight GOD'S plan and then curse Him that He isn't working in their lives. They will continue to try to do things their way and, then, accuse GOD of not caring for them. The fact is that GOD has a perfect plan, and if we will just give up our own selfish plan, we will find peace in His. You want true peace and contentment in your life? Give up your selfish plan and trust GOD to lead you in His. You will never find your true calling, your true worth, your true meaning until you take up your cross.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, April 10, 2017

Money can't buy

I bet if you were to ask one hundred people, "If they could have one wish what would it be," almost all would want more money. Money is a strange thing, you can't eat it but you can buy things to eat with it. You can't build shelter with it but you can buy a place to live with it. You can't improve your health with it but you can certainly destroy yourself chasing it.

I think we all know people that will work all the times and chase the dollar with all that they have. They will sacrifice family, friends, health to make one more dollar. While they think they are doing all their hard work for the betterment of family, what family really needs a lot of time is some time.

Today's thought is one that my Pops reminded me of years ago, and one that I have heard since: "Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life."

What good will it do you to die rich? The old question goes, "Do you know what you leave behind when you die?" The answer - EVERYTHING. When we are called to meet the LORD, we will leave everything we have done, everything we have accumulated, everything we have tried to save in this world. We will not take anything from this world with us into eternity, except, of course, our decision to accept JESUS as our SAVIOR (or not).

We've all got to make a living. We all have bills to pay and things to do. We all have loved ones to care for and to provide for. But, just as they need the necessities of life, they also need us. Our loved ones need more than the money we can provide; they need us involved in their lives. They need the things that money can't buy.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Where to find peace

Yesterday's post was about storms, which we all have, we have all had, we will all have again. Yet, in our storms, we can rest assured that our SAVIOR is unsinkable. No matter how the tempest may rage, if we keep our eyes on the Captain, we will arrive safely to our destination.

Today, I would like to talk about peace, and where to find it. Peace seems to be a difficult thing to find, especially lately. There seems to always be something going on, some busyness to attend to, some upset ranter on television, some irate person you come in contact with that, if you are not careful, will steal your peace.

Today's word is John 16:33, ESV, which has been quoted many times but reminds us of where to find our peace: "I have said these thing to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world."

We can search for peace and never find it, if we aren't searching where it can be found. We can try all the different fads or all the different whatevers but we will not find true peace outside of the peace bestowed upon us by our SAVIOR. JESUS is the Prince of Peace; peace, true peace, only comes from the PRINCE.

When the storms of life are raging, and they will. It is comforting to know that my LORD and SAVIOR has been there, done that. There is nothing that could befall me that He is not aware of. There is nothing that could arise that would catch Him by surprise. There is no storm that cannot be calmed by Him simply saying, "Peace be still." A relationship with JESUS CHRIST is where to find peace.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, April 3, 2017


Allow me to say unequivocally that our little boy HATES thunderstorms. If you just mention that it may storm, thunder and lightning, he is really attune. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't like thunderstorms either. As a matter of fact, I have shared before that, as a youngster, I used to hide if it started thundering and lightning.

I heard a story about myself this weekend that I was unaware of, or I had certainly suppressed the memory of. Apparently, back in elementary school, a storm was brewing and I left school and walked home (a little more than a mile). The school, then, called my Mom and told them that upon taking us out for recess, I found a way out and walked home. Hard story to believe; who would take children out for recess with a storm brewing?

Today's word is a reminder that if we belong to JESUS, we don't have to worry about storms: "Having JESUS as our SAVIOR doesn't mean sailing on a boat with no storms. It means having a boat that no storm can sink."

Whether the storm you are experiencing today is an actual thunderstorm or a storm of life, if JESUS is your SAVIOR, leading your life and your decisions, you can rest assured that He has you in His hands. He will protect you and not allow anything to harm you; He is working it all for your good, and no matter how bad it seems, the ship we're on is unsinkable.

Storms will come. Some will rage and be violent for what seems like forever. They will be trying and testing. They will be tiring and tempting to give in and give up. But, if JESUS is your Captain, the storm may rage but the SAVIOR will save. Do you have JESUS guiding your ship in the storms?

Be Blessed,
Mickey T