Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Let's not forget

I have been really forgetful lately. I mean REALLY. Now, part of it is age, I am sure, and part of it is having young children, which can create sleep deprivation, and part of it is having so much to do and so little mind to keep it all straight, and part of it is the fog that comes with the allergy season and antihistamines. But, even when it seems I forget things, I will never forget what a blessing it is to live in this great country.

We are blessed to live in a country that you can choose not to participate in religion, if that is your desire. Now, I don't know how anyone could look at all the great things GOD has given us and not  see that it wasn't coincidence, it is GOD. Some would argue that how could GOD be in control and all the bad things that happen happen? Evil isn't because of GOD; evil is because of an absence of GOD, just as darkness is the absence of light. It is only because of GOD that we have the great blessings that we have. And, it is because people don't serve GOD that we have the evil that exists.

Today's word is a quote from Ronald Reagan that says, "If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under GOD, then we will be a nation gone under."

If you've ever had the opportunity to travel to depressed parts of our world, you know how truly blessed we are to have what this country affords us. I didn't have to walk miles to collect water from a river and walk miles back to deliver it to my house. I didn't have to hope to kill some wild animal so that my family could eat this morning, I just opened the fridge. I don't have to worry about the government wanting me dead because I don't worship a certain religion. We are truly blessed.

However, the blessings that GOD has bestowed upon us and continues to bestow upon us has little to do with us, and more to do with His goodness and grace. We should always try to be cognizant of the goodness and blessings bestowed upon us by our merciful and wonderful SAVIOR. Let's not forget.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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