Tuesday, July 24, 2018


As I have probably mentioned before, we try to refrain from using the words "always" and "never" around the house. Why? Because, they are dramatically incorrect, seldom do they reflect the truth. Like when someone says, "You always leave your clothes in the floor." So, there hasn't been a single time, ever, that you picked your clothes up? Or, "You never pick your clothes up." Same thing.

There are times, though, when "always" and "never" should apply. I am always going to love the LORD and my family. I am never going to betray them or deny them. Well, I certainly hope those two statements are true. However, whether I like to admit it or not, I am a man, a human, and I fail. I pray GOD will give me the strength and resolve to always do His will.

Today's word is Mark 14:29, NIV, which reads, "Peter declared, 'Even if all fall away, I will not.'''

JESUS had just told His disciples that they would all fall away, they would all deny Him. The "religious" Jews were coming to take Him into custody and eventually crucify Him (all for making a way for me to be saved). And, all the disciples would fear for their own lives and deny having been with JESUS.

It's easy to sit here and say, "Well, I wouldn't have done it." I would like to think that I wouldn't have. But, again, we are all human and we fail, just as the disciples did. What I do know, though, is that I love the LORD and I want to please Him. I want to do my very best to ALWAYS do His will. And, I NEVER want to let Him down.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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