Monday, December 23, 2019

Wise men still seek Him

What are you looking forward to this Christmas? What is the one thing that will make Your Christmas Christmas? I know there are lots of children that are looking for, anticipating a certain gift or gifts. They have had their hearts set on a certain something for months and the anticipation is getting more and more real this close to Christmas.

Or, maybe it is a certain someone that you are waiting for. People travel from all over to be near their loved ones during Christmas, which is one (1) of the most fulfilling parts of Christmas. I know when I missed a couple of Christmases and it is difficult on both, the one that misses and the ones that are anticipating.

Today's word is Matthew 2:10, KJV, which reads, "When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy."

The Three Wise Men, or Magi, had been sent by Herod to find this new King that had been born and to let him know where He could be found. Herod wanted to do away with this new King to preserve his kingdom. However, this child had not come to be king of the world; He had come to be the SAVIOR, the King of kings and the LORD of lords. And, when the wise men saw the star that would lead them to the SAVIOR, they rejoiced. There is no better gift than the gift of salvation!

As we approach Christmas Day, I am reminded, again, that it is not about the presents, Christmas is all about the Gift! I look with anticipation. I look for the joy on my children's faces. I look for love from my family. I look for an opportunity to share what the holiday is all about. Wise men still seek Him!

Merry Christmas!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

For all the people

The Christmas Story found in Luke 2, includes an encounter of the angel of the LORD and the shepherds, who were watching over their flocks out in the field. I remember my very first part in any play was as a shepherd in a Christmas play. While I played several parts in that particular play, small church, I will never forget the first line I ever spoke in any play, "What, morning already?"

Can you imagine the shepherds out in the fields, tending their sheep, with no idea that GOD had come to earth in human form, and the angel of the LORD was letting them in on it. As a matter of fact, the Great News was being announced to them FIRST! And, Great News it was...

Today's word is Luke 2:10, ESV, which reads, "And the angel said to them, 'Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.'"

The lowly shepherds, the working class of working classes, were in on the good news! GOD didn't send His Son for some select group of people, some select group that met certain criteria. NO, He sent His Son, the SAVIOR of the world, "for all the people," including me. Isn't it amazing that GOD cares that much for everyone?

The Good News of JESUS CHRIST is just as relevant and needed today as it has ever been. People need to know that there is a loving and caring GOD that made a way for them to be right with Him. We can't do it on our own merit. We can't do anything to earn it. We could never pay enough to buy it. It is the gift of GOD, and it is for all the people!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

A righteous man

We talked a little about Mary yesterday, and her willingness to follow GOD, and the fact that she had found favor with GOD. Today, I have been thinking about Joseph, the earthly fiance to Mary, the earthly man that would raise our SAVIOR. He was selected by GOD, just as He had selected Mary. But, why Joseph?

Joseph was just an ordinary guy, going about his ordinary life, making furniture, building a few houses, doing what ordinary, engaged, carpenters do. Life was finally coming together. He had met the girl he would marry, plans were made, things were going the way he had always hoped, and thought, and dreamed, and prayed they would. Then, things changed; GOD had a plan. But, why Joseph?

Today's word is Matthew 1:19a, NLT, which reads, "Joseph, to whom she (Mary) was engaged, was a righteous man..."

Joseph was a man in right standing with GOD; he was a GOD'S servant. The rest of that verse tells us that Joseph was unwilling to make a scene of Mary being pregnant and it wasn't his. Now, GOD sent an angel to tell Joseph the entire plan, but, before he knew everything, he was still a righteous servant that wanted to do GOD'S will. Even when he found out that his fiance was pregnant, and it wasn't his, he still wanted to do the right thing and not debase her. WOW! He could be trusted, and GOD allowed this average, hard-working, carpenter to be a part of His redemptive plan!

I guess what I am trying to get through, but failing miserably, is that GOD used Joseph because Joseph was in right standing with Him; Joseph was His servant, and GOD knew that. Why Joseph? Because, Joseph was a righteous man.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, December 16, 2019

The favor I have been shown

There are only nine (9) days before Christmas. It is going to be busy and hectic and tiring but, I also hope fun and full of laughter and excitement. We have most everything purchased, I think. We still have little things to get done; there will be class parties and get-togethers here and there, but, that is all part of the fun and excitement of the season.

And, there is always that unexpected gift that I in no way deserve, which is most any gift actually. But, you know the one (1) I mean, the gift that someone you didn't expect to give you anything gives you. Or, the gift that you would NEVER buy for yourself but someone buys it for you. I don't know about you but I have certainly been shown a lot of favor in my life.

Today's word is Luke 1:30, NIV, which reads, "But the angel said to her, 'Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with GOD.'"

Mary found favor with GOD. She was chosen to be the earthly mother of the SAVIOR of the world. I could NEVER imagine what must have gone through her mind. I could NEVER imagine what she must have felt. I could NEVER imagine how humbling this must have been. But, I, too, have certainly found favor with GOD - He sent the SAVIOR for me!

There will be lots of moments through the Christmas season that will surprise me. However, nothing surprises me more than the fact that over 2,000 years ago, GOD chose to come to this world, to take on my sins, so that I could live forever with Him. I am greatly humbled by the favor I have been shown.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Because of Him

Alright, I admit that it doesn't happen very often, and rightfully so, but I do like a little praise every now and again; that's not easy to admit. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't like people making a big to-do over me or anything that I do, but, every now and again, to have someone recognize what I did is pretty nice, humbling but nice.

On the other hand, I think we give praise way too easily in other areas. We can have a tendency to praise athletes for playing well. Aren't they supposed to? Isn't that why they are out there? Again, I want to encourage them and give them some love but don't go overboard with it, especially when they have been gifted in that area. I know, I sound as if I am a little envious or jealous, but, I am not. I think we, and they, should give more praise where it is due.

Today's word is Psalm 148:13, NLT, which reads, "Let them all praise the name of the LORD. For His name is very great; His glory towers over the earth and Heaven!"

The LORD is worthy and deserving of all our praise. He has done, is doing, and will do such wonderfully, marvelous things in our lives, and that is worthy of all our praise. But, note that the verse tells us, "Let them ALL...", we should ALL praise Him; we should all acknowledge that every good thing we have is because of Him.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The tongue

Some things are really hard to control. I imagine that I wild horse, a mustang, is pretty hard to control. I would also imagine that a bull is pretty hard to control, or it certainly appears to be when I watch bull riding. I would bet that a kite in a hurricane would be quite the challenge. But, the thing that is hardest to control is probably the tongue.

I know that there are times that I shouldn't say anything, yet, I can't seem to help myself and I say it anyway. There are times when absolutely nothing needs to be said but I have to say something, so I do. There are also times that something needs to be said but I can't seem to bring myself to say it. The tongue is a difficult thing to control.

Today's word is Proverbs 13:3, NLT, which reads, "Those who control their tongue will have a long life; opening your mouth can ruin everything."

There is so much in this verse that I need to learn. The first thing is that controlling my tongue will give me longer life. Obviously, especially in today's world, being quite could keep you from being harmed by some evil person bent on harming people. But, also, controlling my tongue will produce a longer life by not having to beat myself up for all the things I said, which could cause ulcers, heart problems, emotional issues, etc.

Then, of course, there is the last part that reminds me that, sometimes, saying anything can ruin everything. I can think of several instances in my life where I should have remained silent but said something that ruined everything.

There are things in life that are really hard to control; the tongue is definitely on of them.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Nothing like it

My parents have seven (7) children. Yeah, I don't know how they did it; we have two (2) and, at times, it feels like there are a dozen. Anyway, I come from a large family that didn't always get along, didn't always see eye to eye, but always loved. We knew our parents loved us even when things weren't going the way a child might have thought they should.

As I mentioned, Trish and I have two (2) children. We went a long time without children, figuring that GOD wanted us to take care of the ones that were here. But, then, GOD gave us a chance to raise the two (2) that we are blessed to have. While I love Trish in a way like no one else, I really love our children, too. They are such a blessing.

Today's word is Psalm 127:3, NLT, which reads, "Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from Him."

We can testify, as I am sure that you can, that children are truly a gift from GOD. There is no way anyone can explain the act of childbirth without noting the miracle of it all. So many things could go wrong but it so seldom does. Why? Because, GOD gifts us with children; He allows us the blessing of raising the next generation. And, we don't take that lightly.

And, children are certainly a reward. They bring such great joy and happiness. They teach us things about life and about ourselves that we never would have known otherwise. They stretch us and grow us in ways we never imagined. There is absolutely nothing like it!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, December 5, 2019

What GOD wants me to see

We know that the eyes are the window to the soul. It is impossible to "un-see" something. Once we see it, it is always there. And, look, there are lots of things to see out there; there are lots of things that vie for our attention, things that try to get us to look. And, it is easy to allow ourselves to "look into things".

I will be the first to admit that I am as far from perfect as anyone has ever been. I don't say that bragging or boastfully, I say that with complete honesty. In the words of the great American, Clint Eastwood, however, "A man's gotta know his limitations." We have to know what tempts us, and stay away from those things.

Today's word is Psalm 101:3a, NLT, which reads, "I will refuse to look at anything vile and vulgar..."

The psalmist was writing that he was not going to allow things that were tempting to be looked at. Once again, it is impossible to un-see things; it is best not to look on them to begin with. If we will just determine, and I am talking to me, to not even look towards those things, we can keep ourselves from allowing things from permeating our thoughts.

There are lots of things out there vying for just a little of our attention. We have to be careful what we give our attention to. Some things are worth looking at and investing in, others absolutely are not. I want to see what GOD wants me to see.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Take refuge in the LORD

I am a bit of a control freak, maybe a little more than a bit. Now, I don't mean that I have to take control of every situation. I more mean that I feel that there is something for me to do in each and every situation. I am not one to sit on the side and watch things happen; I usually try to involve myself and control the outcome. Ah, there is the rub...

I don't have to control the means and methods, necessarily. I just want to control the outcome. I want my expected outcome to be the eventual outcome. Do you ever find yourself there? In almost every situation, I can find myself trying to influence what is potentially going to happen. I am not proud of this, I am just stating facts. And, my involvement hinders more often than not, and usually affects the outcome but not in positive ways.

Today's word is Psalm 118:8, ESV, which reads, "It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man."

It is better to trust GOD with the outcome than me. Why? Because, I am human and I mess things up - A LOT. Again, I don't intend to make things worse but I do. I don't see the big picture. I don't always see how one action is going to affect something ten actions down the road. I get too focused on me and how the outcome affects me and mine and I don't make the best decisions sometimes.

Men and women will let us down. They will fail us and hurt us, cause us pain and discomfort, stretch us and try us, but don't let that stop us from loving one another. We need each other. We need to be loved and cared for by one another. We need to trust one another. However, we need to put our ultimate trust in the LORD.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, December 2, 2019

I am just glad He does

I was a very inquisitive child, constantly asking questions and, I am sure, tiring my parents of answering. We have two (2) very inquisitive children, who asks a lot of questions. I don't usually tire of answering, however, they do ask questions that I often cannot answer. For the ones that I don't know, as I have probably mentioned before, my standard reply is usually, "That is just the way GOD made it."

There are things in this world that I cannot explain. I don't know how the earth moves through space at a rate of 66,700 mph and stays in orbit and not spin us off. But, I do know that that is the way GOD made it. I can't explain all the colors that are visible in a sunrise or a sunset, and photographs fail to adequately depict them, but I do know that that is the way GOD made it.

Today's word is Psalm 111:2, NIV, which reads, "Great are the works of the LORD; they are pondered by all who delight in them."

There are so many wonderful creations that we enjoy in this world that are simply just enjoyed. We can try to figure out how GOD does it but it is better to just enjoy. I know that my finite mind will never understand it all but I also know that I will always enjoy His many works.

As we progress through the Christmas season, we try to go to certain light displays. Some very creative people assemble great displays for us to enjoy. I am grateful that GOD has given others these talents for us to enjoy. Yet, the greatest light displays can't compare to the beauty of a cloudless sky full of stars. Again, I don't know how GOD does it, I am just glad He does.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, November 25, 2019

Give thanks to the LORD

It is Thanksgiving week, which is one (1) of my favorite weeks of the year. Actually, I like them all, but, some have more significance than others. This week, we should really reflect on all the things that we are thankful for, though, I try to do that every day because I have so much to be thankful for. So much.

I don't need a reminder to be thankful. I have some much to be thankful for that it would take me the rest of my life just to express my thanks for what I have, yet, I get more each day. I am so blessed beyond belief that I am thankful every day. However, it is Thanksgiving week, a week in which we should reflect on all the blessings that we have been given.

Today's word is one of thanks. 1 Chronicles 16:34, NIV, reads, "Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good, His love endures forever!"

Today's passage is a reminder of just two (2) things that I am forever thankful for. Number One is that GOD is good. GOD is good all the time; and, all the time, GOD is good. I am grateful that GOD is good. I am more thankful for His goodness to me. He has given me more than I could ever list, more than I could have ever dreamed, more than I could have ever hoped. Why? Because, He is good!

Number Two, His love endures forever. He will never stop loving me - ever. No matter what happens in life, no matter how much I mess it up, no matter how many times I fail Him, He will always love me. Now, I am not trying to mess it up or fail Him, but, I do. Yet, He will never stop loving me, or you. That is certainly something to be thankful for.

It is Thanksgiving week. Let's start today, and every day with, "Give thanks to the LORD."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Power of GOD'S Love

We had a power outage last night that lasted about an hour and a half. Our two (2) children didn't know what to do; without television or light enough to do something constructive/destructive, they were just lost. So, we after lighting some candles, I asked, "Why don't we read the Bible?"

I explained that years ago, before everyone had electric lights in their houses, once the sun set, people would probably read a little and go to bed. Well, they weren't ready to go to bed, so, we decided to read. We decided to read from Proverbs, with each one choosing a chapter. So, today's word comes from our candlelit Bible reading last night.

Today's word is Proverbs 10:12, NKJV, which reads, "Hatred stirs up strife, But love covers all sins."

Hatred is such a powerful and pitiful tool of satan. We see it and read about it every day. It is a shame at how easily we allow this tool of satan to infiltrate and influence our lives. I read about a man that was shot because of the football team he rooted for. We read about people being hurt or murdered because of a bad driving experience. We have a tendency to hate those who are doing better than us. As I have always tried to explain to folks, some people just love to hate. BUT,

"...But love covers all sins." When we love someone, we overlook their shortcomings, and them ours. Where there is love, there is no room for hate. More important, though, is the Love of GOD. He sent His One and Only Son to die for us, to be the price for sin, to buy us back from sin, because He loves us. And, the Blood of JESUS certainly covers ALL sins. Hatred is a powerful tool, BUT, it doesn't have the power of GOD'S Love.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

He will take care of you

Do you consider yourself a giver? Do you seem to do more for others, like doing for others, more than you do for yourself? There is a lot to be said for givers. They are kind and compassionate and generous and considerate. I can see giving tendencies in my life. BUT...

But, I tend to have a giving problem in one area of my life. I tend to try to fix things in my own and not allow GOD nor others to try to help me. Ever find yourself there? I mean, I seem pretty able to give material things to others, when necessary, but I have a difficult time giving the hard stuff to GOD. I know that He will take care of it, but I just seem to cling to it.

Today's word is Psalm 55:22, NLT, which reads, "Give your burdens to the LORD, and He will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall."

Today's word is very clear that I should give my burdens, my worries, my concerns, my struggles to the LORD. And, IF I just will, He will take care of me. Are you struggling with something today? I know we all are. Are you trying everything you can to straighten it out but it only seems to be getting worse? We all do. So, why don't we (and, I am really talking to me) give it to the LORD, Who will take care of us? I know that if I do, I can rest assured. Why?

Because, the second part of today's word tells us, "He will not permit the godly to slip and fall." Regardless of what is going on in our lives, if we will cast our burdens on GOD, He will take care of them and He will sustain us and keep us. Are you a giver? Give your burdens, your worries, your concerns to GOD. He will take care of you!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, November 18, 2019

Run to Win!

Alright, I have to tell it. I help coach my son's youth football team, which is a privilege, an honor, and a blessing. It is also quite a commitment that lasts over four (4) months. But, what a great opportunity to try to pour into these young boys, not just to play football, but how to treat others, the power of teamwork, the desire to persevere.

Our team struggled last year, going 0 - 8. Now, this happens in youth football because of the age brackets - one (1) year you could be the youngest team, the next the older. But, we didn't have a lot going for us last season but we kept reminding the boys that we weren't losing, we were learning. And, at their ages, they don't really think about winning and losing, they are playing a game. But, we kept trying to build on fundamentals and perseverance.

Today's word is 1 Corinthians 9:24, NLT, which reads, "Don't you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win!"

So, we began this season with a group of young men that worked hard, tried hard, and were willing to learn. We pushed and taught and worked hard. We won our first seven (7) games, two (2) in overtime and one (1) 6 -0, so nothing came easy, but, we stood at 7 - 0. Quite an accomplishment for a winless team last year. Then, we faced the undefeated, best team in the league, and they beat us 28 - 12, which was tough but not detrimental. We were in the playoffs.

In the semifinals of the playoffs, we faced a team that had lost two (2) games by a total of four (4) points. We fought for a 32 - 26 overtime victory, which gave us a chance to face the team that had defeated us in the regular season. We spent last week preparing, encouraging, challenging the kids to face the giant, to stand bold, to be fearless and courageous. And, they did, winning the league championship Saturday 18 - 12! It is a season they will never forget, and neither will I. Run to win!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Lifter of my head

Have you ever had troubles? I would dare say that we all have. We have all been troubled with health problems, family problems, financial problems, and the list goes on and on. There are times when it feels as if one problem arises before we can find a solution to the previous one; they seem to just compound and multiply.

During these times that troubles come, and they will again and again, I try to remember that what ever I am going through I am not going through alone. We know that GOD is with us no matter where and no matter what. We know that He has a way, and that He is working all things for our good. Hard to remember when we are in the midst of the troubled times but it is still 100% true.

Today's word is Psalm 3:3, NASB, which reads, "But You, O LORD, are a shield about me, My glory, and the One Who lifts my head."

When we are in the midst of the turmoil, GOD is our shield. He is protecting us from the fiery darts of the enemy. It may feel as if the storm is raging and that the onslaught is relentless but GOD is with us. He will never leave us nor forsake us. His strength will sustain us through the battle and carry us to the ultimate victory.

And, don't miss the second part of today's word, "...and the One Who lifts my head." When we are down, when we are struggling, when we are just trying to trudge along, GOD lifts our head so that we can see our victory, His glory. Just as we take our down-trodden loved one by the chin and lift his/her head, GOD will lift our depressed heads, and say, "I Love You." He is my shield and the Lifter of my head.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

GOD gives us the spirit of power

Our youth football team is playing for the league championship this Saturday, which is quite the accomplishment for a team that didn't win a single game last year. The young boys have worked hard and have performed well. However, as we approach another week of practice, another week of going through the same plays, the boys have lost some interest.

It is hard to keep momentum and interest of older folks but it is really hard when you are talking about 6, 7, and 8 year olds. It doesn't help that the team we are playing for the championship is the one (1) lose we have suffered this year. Some of our boys are concerned about the outcome before we even begin.

Today's word is a passage we have used before but is a good reminder that we have no reason to fear. 2 Timothy 1:7, ESV, reads, "For GOD gave us a spirit, not of fear, but of power and love and self-control."

Whenever we are afraid, which is a natural response to stimuli, that fear is not coming from GOD. GOD has given us the spirit of power! IF we would just plug into Him, and I am talking to me, I thing we would be amazed at what He can accomplish through us. Plus, you can't focus on the task at hand if you are constantly fearing what is around you, and what may or may not happen. Focus on the power that GOD has given you, the power to talk to the LORD of lords.

We are playing for the league championship, and I want our young players to fight. I want them to take the field confident and courageous. I want them to look over at the opponent and think, "LORD, with you on my side, I've got this!" GOD gives us the spirit of power!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Even water from a rock

There is an old saying that is absolutely true that says, "You can't squeeze blood from a turnip." This is usually used when someone is asked to pay something or more than they can pay. We have all been there from time to time, when there is way more month left than money. We wonder how in the world we will ever get everything done.

There have been times in our lives that we were struggling financially for one reason or another, a job loss, a place of employment closing, everything tearing up at the same time, etc. And, it never failed that when we were at the lowest point in the struggle, GOD showed up in the most miraculous ways. I would get a call to do a job with someone that paid just what we needed. Or, we would have something given to us by someone that didn't know why they were supposed to give it to us. Of course, it was all orchestrated by GOD.

Today's word is Psalm 114:8, NLT, which reads, "He turned the rock into a pool of water; yes, a spring of water flowed from solid rock."

The children of Israel had been wandering in the desert and were thirsty. They had been complaining about their plight, as we so often do, and wanted Moses to better the situation, as we so often do. There in the desert, GOD brought forth water from a rock, solid rock. We may not be able to squeeze blood from a turnip but GOD can bring water from a solid rock.

We will all have our times of struggles in this life and in this world; it is just a fact of life. As Christians, though, we know that we have GOD on our side and that He will supply all of our needs, even water from a rock.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, November 7, 2019

You are His

There is a quote attributed to Leila Janah that says, "Talent is equally distributed, opportunity is not." There are some really intelligent people that for reasons beyond his/her control cannot afford to go to college. They would do really well in college, they would make great instructors, doctors, corporate leaders, but, they don't have the means necessary to attain the higher education.

There are others that really don't want to go to college; they don't want to be instructors, doctors, or corporate leaders but their parents have been a little more economically blessed or savvy and they have made a way to assist or pay for higher education. Now, their children will go and will get a degree of some kind but they will never apply themselves as some of the less fortunate ones.

Now, I am not saying that either child, either situation is better than the other. GOD has a plan for each and every one of us, whether we be rich, poor, handsome, looks-challenged, athletic, non-athletic, intelligent or intellectually-challenged. Not only does GOD have a plan for us, regardless of circumstances or abilities, He has a place for us.

Today's word is Galatians 4:7, NLT, which reads, "Now you are no longer a slave but GOD'S own child. And since you are His child, GOD has made you His heir."

As children of GOD, we don't need to get wrapped up and frustrated by all the circumstances in our lives. Now, we need to do our best to use what GOD has given us. But, we definitely need to recognize the fact that, while things may not seem equally distributed in this life, we are heirs of the King. This world may beat us down and keep us down, BUT, one day we will enjoy the benefits of being a child of GOD, the King of Kings and the LORD of lords. Look up child, you are His!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Drink from your own well

We try to teach our children Christian, godly principles constantly. Every now and again, however, something comes around that presents a perfect teaching opportunity. Recently we have known of someone that took something that wasn't his/hers. They were at a local big box store, saw something that they "had to have" and stole it.

Our children were talking about the fact that it didn't cost a lot of money. The store had a bunch of them. The alarm didn't go off when the person walked out of the store with the item he/she hadn't paid for. All valid points, I tell them, but it is still theft; the person that took something that wasn't theirs stole it. We are not to take things that aren't ours.

Today's word is Proverbs 5:15, NLT, which reads, "Drink water from your own well - share your love only with your wife."

We are talking about taking something that isn't ours. The first part of today's word reminds us to drink water from our own well. We are to not take stuff that doesn't belong to us. We have our own stuff. The child that took something that wasn't his/hers, has more stuff that seven (7) kids really need. But, he/she wanted something that wasn't his/hers. We have to remind ourselves that we have our own well, our own stuff.

The second part of today's word is another reminder to keep ourselves focused on our spouse. Our marriage vows stated, "...and pledge my troth only to long as we both shall live..." Pledging our troth, our truth, our faith, our loyalty to the one we marry for as long as we live. We shouldn't go out trying to take what isn't ours. GOD has given us many blessings; drink from you own well.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, November 4, 2019

Leap and Praise the LORD

When was the last time you were really happy? When was the last time you expressed your true happiness? I have to admit that I am not the most demonstrative person. I usually try to keep my emotions and reactions in check. Oh, they get away from me from time to time but, I am usually quite stoic and expressionless.

But, there are those times when happiness is building up and I can no longer keep the emotional eruption from happening. I might let out a big whoop, but, most likely, I am going to pump a fist and run, whooping the entire time. There is nothing like seeing someone's true expression of happiness, and, of course, gratitude.

Today's word is Acts 3:8, ESV, which reads, "And leaping up, he stood and began to walk, and entered the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising GOD."

The story in Acts 3 is of a man that had been crippled, unable to walk, his entire life. His existence was for friends to bring him to sit at the door of the temple each morning so that he could beg for support from passersby. In that time, there were no subsidy programs, no other way to make a living for this man, except to beg.

When the Apostles came by and the man asked alms, he was told that they had no money but what they had, they would freely give, which was the power of JESUS CHRIST to Heal! This man, lame from birth, rose up, walked, then he leaped and praised GOD! He was filled with happiness and he outwardly expressed it!

GOD does amazingly wonderful things for each of us every day. I am not saying we should run around and whoop and holler. But, I am saying that if you feel it building within you, it is okay to leap and praise the LORD!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, November 1, 2019

More than just a choice

I was sharing with someone recently that I never want to be the one someone settles for. We were discussing a job interview someone had gone on and that this person was told that the position was offered to someone else but if that person didn't accept the position, then, it was theirs. While that may seem like a positive, it carries negative connotations.

If you are the one someone settles for, the one that gets the position if my obvious choice doesn't take it, will the employer ever truly be satisfied with your performance? I ask that because we have all had to settle for things from time to time. And, while they were alright, or acceptable, they never quite measured up to what we thought our first choice was.

Today's word is just a reminder that we shouldn't allow ourselves to be someone that is settled for. Mark Twain once said, "Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option."

Many people have spent their lives, their happiness, pursuing someone that they felt that they couldn't live without, while the person they were pursuing strung them along waiting for another option. It is a tough place to be in; a tough place to find yourself. It is difficult to give up something or someone that you really think is all that, BUT, oftentimes, it is the best thing you can do for yourself.

I know today's post is a little different from most but I just had the thought on my mind this morning that we shouldn't want to be something/someone that is settled for. JESUS loves each of us enough that He died for us. The King of kings and the LORD of lords has adopted me into His family and I shouldn't allow myself to be an option. I think that if you find yourself in a situation where you are one option for someone else, find another someone else. GOD made you more than just a choice.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Draw closer to GOD

Here on Halloween Eve, there is no shortage of scary movies available for your viewing pleasure. Almost every channel is advertising, every ad on your homepage is providing listings, everywhere there is opportunity to see a horror movie. I know some people really like horror movies, I am not particularly a fan, and not for the reason you are probably thinking.

Horror movies do not usually "scare" me. Most of the time, horror movies are boring. They are gory, poorly acted, and predictable. It is always the jock that will look around and see four (4) of the folks they came with missing and say, "I'll go look for them." But, for some folks, horror movies really scare them. I have a verse for you, if you have something scaring you today.

Today's word is Psalm 56:3, ESV, which reads, "When I am afraid, I put my trust in You."

We have talked before that FEAR is just False Evidence Appearing Real. Often, we fear things that aren't real because our minds start telling us that what we see is real. It is easy to allow this to happen because of all the evil things we see in our world every day. There is absolutely no doubt that there are evil people committing evil deeds in our world each and every day. And, you don't have to watch a horror movie to see it, just watch the news. BUT...

But, when I am afraid, I draw closer to GOD. If I will concentrate on Him and His goodness, He will comfort me, remind me of His goodness, and allay those fears. So, today, and every day, we have nothing to fear. However, if you start to feel those pangs of fear rising, draw closer to GOD!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, October 28, 2019

He will Rescue us

Our local football team has had a rather disappointing year, which happens from time to time. They have played hard but the results, as for wins and loses, have been less than they would like. It is a challenge to keep fighting when it seems that no matter how hard you work it just doesn't seem to get you anywhere.The key though is to keep fighting.

This past week, apparently there was a scuffle that broke out during the game and one of the teams' managers got involved because they were trying to rough up his teammate and friend. Now, this manager wasn't very big but he wasn't going to stand there and watch them try to hurt his friend.

Today's word is Jeremiah 1:19, NIV, which reads, "They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you and will rescue you, " declares the LORD.

It is great to have friends that will come to our rescue; I know we can all use more of them. What is even better, though, is that we have a GOD that will fight for us and rescue us. This world has a tendency to beat us down and to try and defeat us. However, as today's word tells us, it will not overcome us because we have GOD on our side.

Maybe things aren't going exactly like you thought they would. Maybe because of circumstances beyond your control, or maybe because of the evil efforts of others, you are feeling defeated and deflated. Rest assured, though, that the evil of this world will not overcome. We have a SAVIOR that has defeated death, hell, and the grave. He is with us, and He will rescue us.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Harmony - worth the effort

Do you have people that get on your nerves? I mean, really get under your skin? I am sure we all do. I am sure I am one of those people for others. I am absolutely positive that there are people in my life that when I ask, "How ya doin'," they take it as a personal offense.

We all have people in our lives that are difficult to be around. I know there are some folks in this world that absolutely bring out the worse in me, and vice versa. There are a select few in this world that the second I see them my blood pressure begins to rise. However, I am trying to work on not being that person for others. The reason?

Today's word is Psalm 133:1, NLT, which reads, "How wonderful and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony!"

I know others are watching how I treat others and how I respond to others. As Christians, we know that others are watching us because we should be different than others in this world. Yet, we are humans. We have those who just grate us and can get to us like no one else. We have those that just seem to take pleasure in our displeasure. But, as I said, I know others are watching, and I want to be a good example. But, it doesn't just stop there...

As our verse tells us, it is wonderful and pleasant to get along with others. Yeah, I know, sometimes it isn't practical because the other person doesn't want it. However, as much as possible, I want to try to get along with others and to live in harmony with others. No, it's not easy. No, it won't be possible with some. But, to live in harmony, I think it is worth the effort.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How Blessed we truly are

Anyone who has children has heard the response, "Why?" when said child has been asked to do something. It doesn't matter what the something is: picking up clothes from floor, not talking about others, walking outside in twenty-degree weather with no shoes, when asked not to do something, the little one will ask, "Why?"

I think it is human nature not to be told/commanded to do things. We like to do things our own way, in our own time. But, just as our parents told us, we tell our children to help them avoid certain outcomes. We want to help them avoid certain outcomes, certain consequences, certain potential formed habits that will hinder his/her growth and health.

Today's word is Psalm 112:1, NIV, which reads, "Praise the LORD. Blessed are those who fear the LORD, who find great delight in His commands.

We teach/instruct our children to pick his/her clothes up so that they aren't slobs when they get older. We teach them not to talk about others because we should try to be kind and respectful, just as we want others to be of us. We teach them not to go outside barefoot when it is twenty degrees because we love them and don't want them to suffer the possibility of being sick. We teach them because we love them.

GOD has given us commands and commandments to keep us from the pitfalls and the consequences of poor choices and to help us grow and mature into the creations He has meant us to be. He commands us because He loves us. And, just as we are trying to teach our children how to do things right and proper and appropriately, GOD, too, is trying to teach us to do things right and proper and appropriately. And if we will obey His commands, we will see how blessed we truly are.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, October 21, 2019

Imitate Him

They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, which is probably true. Thankfully, I don't have anyone trying to imitate me. Well, they don't mimic my good qualities anyway. I have seen times in my life when I have tried to imitate others. Whether it was a singer, an athlete, a movie star, a profession, I would try to act like, to imitate, those I "admired".

In today's society, we have a lot of people imitating a lot of bad examples. It was no different when I was younger, we just didn't take it as far. And, listen, I am not passing judgement in any way, shape, form, or fashion. Why? Because the truth is, I should be imitating some far less and I should be imitating the One A LOT more.

Today's word is Ephesians 5:1, NASB, which reads, "Therefore be imitators of GOD, as beloved children."

We all know that our children will imitate us; all the wrong habits and hang ups anyway. I have seen myself in our two children more times than I care to count, and SELDOM is it something that I think, "Wow, that is me." No, usually, it is , "Oh no, that is me." The point is, though, we imitate the ones that we admire or that we love, and who should we admire or love more than JESUS?

I want to work on my imitations. I want to be more like JESUS in everything that I do. I have a long ways to go but, if I truly work on it and really try, I know I can improve. Imitation is truly the sincerest form of flattery. I want to work on flattering my SAVIOR. I want to imitate Him.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Glorious Destiny

I am sure that we have all felt slighted and mistreated. I am sure we have all had times when we felt we went the extra mile, put forth the extra effort, did the extra work, only to receive no extra. Should we have expected extra? Probably not; there is no guarantee of any extra. But, we may have felt it was justified, it was warranted.

When these occasions happen, the occasions where we feel slighted, treated unfairly, we can do one of three (3) things: we can wait and let it seethe until we explode; we can voice our displeasure BUT recognize that there may be consequences for voicing such; or we can wait and rest in the fact that GOD sees what we are doing and He will make things right by and by.

Today's word is Psalm 73:24, NLT, which reads, "You guide me with Your counsel, leading me to a glorious destiny."

When things aren't going exactly the way we think they should, maybe we should be willing to ask ourselves, "Why do we feel that we deserve special treatment?" I know it is easy to get into the rut of feeling sorry for ourselves; I do it as well as anyone. However, we also should know and understand that we live in a broken and fallen and human guided world, where, sometimes, things just seem a little unfair. And, yes, it is easy to say, "Well, nobody ever said that life is fair." Right, it isn't, but, there are times when it seems more unfair than usual. However, it's not about where we are; it is about where GOD is taking us.

As our scripture reminds us today, "...leading me to a glorious destiny." We can be certain that JESUS has gone to prepare a place for us in Heaven, and that He will one day come and get us to go live eternally with Him. We can also be certain that in this life, regardless of circumstance, regardless of fairness, His plan is to give us a glorious end, even here. Keep your head up. GOD is leading you to a glorious destiny.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Rejoice in the LORD

We got away for a few days. I had a short conference down on the gulf and Trish and the kids got to go with me. It is always nice to spend time with those that you love, and the resort the conference was held at is one that really caters to getting away and spending time. I think our kids had a blast.

I have probably shared before that hearing waves crash on the shore is really relaxing to me. It can be from a boat going down the river to the the ocean on the beach; I just really enjoy hearing the waves crash. It doesn't hurt that, most of the time, wherever as wave can crash, it is usually really pretty scenery: open spaces, blues, scenic landscapes. I stand in awe at GOD'S creations.

Today's word is Psalm 104:34, NLT, which reads, "May all my thoughts be pleasing to Him, for I rejoice in the LORD."

After leaving such a beautiful, relaxing, serene venue, we have to drive back home. The drive in normally a little over five (5) hours. Yesterday, driving through some pretty heavy rain, some really crazy motorists, and a few crashes (no one appeared hurt, praise the LORD), the drive took almost six and one half hours. And, there were a few times that I probably didn't have the best thoughts of my fellow motorists, not at all. But, today's verse reminds me that GOD knows my every thought.

I do thank Him for allowing us the time together as a family to get out and see His great creation. I stand in awe of His goodness, mercy, and grace. I pray that all my thoughts will be pleasing to Him. I truly rejoice in the LORD.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Respond, not React

It is hard, sometimes, to not just allow emotions to take over and do or say what this fleshly body wants to do or say. I am just being honest; I am only human. There are those moments when we all feel the need to lay hand, and feet, on someone, then, pray for them later. Now, of course, we don't do it, but I am sure we all feel it.

There are those times when we feel as if we have been slighted, cheated, mistreated, and the immediate reaction is that we want to get even, settle the score, get them back. But, instead of reacting, what would be our response? Our reaction is usually a quick, thoughtless, aggression, where a response is a thought out, calm, non-threatening action. So, how do we respond?

Today's word is Titus 2:12, NIV, which reads, "It (GOD'S Grace) instructs us to say, "NO," to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in this present age."

The difference between our reaction and our response is in Whom we allow to direct it. If we allow our own fleshly desire to take over, we are probably going to react. If we will give it a little thought, a little prayer, we may find that GOD'S Grace will allow us to, instead, respond. I agree, it is never easy to wait, but, sometimes, it is the best thing we can do.

It is possible to have better responses. And, in all honesty, I am REALLY talking to me today. There will always be those times when we feel cheated and mistreated, BUT, if we will allow GOD to direct us, He will give us the Grace to respond and not just react.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, October 7, 2019

Aren't you glad?

Isn't it amazing how things change? I don't know about you but things have certainly changed in my life, physically, mentally, financially, and spiritually. I have less hair than I used to, and lots of it is gray. I don't remember things like I used to, but, some things are good to forget. Trish and I have a little more material stuff than we did when we first got married. And, while I still have a long ways to go, a lot of improvement to accomplish, I have grown significantly spiritually.

But, not just talking about me personally, other things have certainly changed and continue to do so. So called "smart devices" have gotten considerably smaller and far more powerful. Kids today have far more information at their fingertips than I could get by spending a week at the local library. Today's kids will never know what it is like to have to go outside and turn the TV antennae in order to receive additional "programming".

The more things change, though, the more we can rest assured that GOD does not change. Today's word is Psalm 102:27, NKJV, which reads, "But You are the same, And Your years will have no end."

The Psalmist, of course, is referring to GOD, WHO is always the same and will have no end. GOD never wakes up with a headache and takes the day off. He never has aches and pains from overdoing it in the yard. He never ages, never has the decline in physical or mental abilities that we so often experience. No, He is always the same. ALWAYS.

And, we know that, on top of never changing, He will always be. GOD has always been, He is right now, He forever will be. We don't have to worry about Him declining and retiring, or, worse, that He will pass away. No, GOD is not bound as we are. He is always the same, and He will always be here. Aren't you glad?

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Just sing

Are you a singer? And, no, I don't mean a great singer that folks would pay money to hear. I am sure there are lots of people that would pay me money not to sing. But, I am asking if you sing. Do you find yourself going along through your day singing?

In our house, we are singers, non-judgmental singers and listeners. If you have a song on your heart, or mind, sing. There are times, while traveling in our car, the four (4) of us will sing a song. Maybe not always in harmony, but always harmonious. When we feel like praising GOD in song, let it rip. After all, He is the audience.

Today's word is part of Ezra 3:11a, NLT, which reads, "With praise and thanks, they sang this song to the LORD: 'He is so good! His faithful love...endures forever!'"

Singing is begins with the heart. The first part of today's passage reads, "With praise and thanks..." Don't you have things to be thankful for? Isn't GOD worthy of our praise every single day? So, a heart is full of song because it is full of praise and thanksgiving. GOD is worthy of praise, and I thank Him for being my LORD.

Then, look at the body of the Israelites song: "...He is so good! His faithful love...endures forever!" That should give you a song that you have to sing because your heart can't contain it! GOD is so good! He has bestowed upon me more blessings than I could ever count in a lifetime! Sing of His goodness. Sing of His love. Just sing.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

GOD of Wonders

Have you ever had anything happen in your life that you just couldn't explain. I mean, there was no rational, human, everyday explanation? When these things occur, I know that GOD has given us a miracle.

I would dare say that we have all experienced more miracles than we could ever count, though, we probably don't recognize or acknowledge them all. GOD does things for us every day that I so often take for granted. The fact that my family and I can get from point A to point B safely is quite the miracle in and of itself.

It shouldn't surprise us that GOD bestows upon us countless miracles, large and small. The miracle of childbirth is one that will always blow my mind. The joys of raising a young life is something that I could never describe. Yes, there are also the difficulties, which I could never describe either, but, the fact that we are allowed to witness new life and to take part in those lives is truly a miracle.

Then, I have mentioned before that the miracles I see every day that I so often take for granted are the things like being able to walk and talk and run and walk and read and hear and comprehend. What miracles GOD has so graciously bestowed upon us all!

Today's word is Psalm 77:14, NASB, which reads, "You are the GOD Who works wonders; You have made known Your strength among the peoples."

We worship the GOD of Wonders!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Seasons of life

According to the calendar, we are in Autumn/Fall. However, here in the south, it is still very much summer. The weather forecast is for 97 degrees today and tomorrow, and 98 degrees on Thursday. I would say that that probably doesn't sound very fallish, does it.

With that being said, though, I know that winter is coming. It may be a really mild winter, much like the one we experienced last year. Or, it may be a winter such as we experienced a couple of years ago, in which we received five (5) appreciable snowfalls. That is really unexpected in the south. The point is that there is no need to worry about the changing of the seasons, GOD has already established all of that.

Today's word is Acts 1:7, ESV, which reads, "...It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by His own authority."

JESUS was telling his disciples, and us, that it is not for us to worry about the whens. It may seem like things are never going to change, never going to improve, never going to work itself out, BUT, JESUS reminds us that, just as seasons change throughout the year, without our help, GOD has everything else in order and things will work out the way they should on His schedule.

Yeah, I am ready for the heat to ease a little, especially for our footballers and cheerleaders, and I know that it will. We are all probably going through some seasons in our lives that we would like to change as well. Just as we can have faith that our seasons of the year will change, we can also be sure that GOD will change our seasons of life.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, September 30, 2019

Love someone

According to the National Day Calendar, it is National Love People Day. My first thought when I read that was, "WOW, what a good reminder!" My second thought was, "WOW, we need to be reminded to love people?" I mean, shouldn't loving others be something that comes rather naturally?

I admit that there are people in this world that are hard to love; they don't love themselves, they are angry at the world, they hate everyone. However, a friend of mine told me years ago, "Don't ever call anyone worthless that JESUS died for, and He died for everyone." Everyone is deserving of love, even if it is hard to give.

Today's word is 1 Corinthians 13:8, NLT, which reads, "Prophecy and speaking in unknown languages and special knowledge will become useless. But love will last forever!"

There are lots of things that people hold onto that are useless and completely worthless. There are people in this world that will do ANYTHING for fame or fortune. But, one day fame will be gone and fortunes don't go into eternity with you. Love, on the other hand, is always eternal; our loved ones that have passed into eternity are just as loved today as they have ever been.

If I haven't told you lately, I love you. I appreciate the privilege of being a small part of your life and you being a part of mine. It is National Love People Day, and while it should go without saying, go out and love someone.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, September 27, 2019

Welcome Home

I've been gone most of the week to a trade show/work shop/conference. I am glad to be home. I missed my family very much. I missed church. I missed work. I missed the football team I help coach. When you are apart, there are just a lot of things that you miss.

On the flip side, once you have been away, there is nothing like the homecoming. Trish was glad to see me home. The kids were ecstatic to see me; they even made me "Welcome Home" signs. It seemed that I was missed at work. And, the football team, coaches and players, were glad to see me last night. It is nice to be welcomed home.

Today's word is Matthew 25:21, NKJV, which reads, "His lord said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful servant: you were faithful over a few things,I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.'"

As good as the homecoming was yesterday, and it was special, there will be another homecoming for us, Christian, one day. We will stand before our LORD and He will welcome us home. My prayer is that I am found faithful, like the servant in today's passage. I want to hear GOD tell me that I have been faithful, and to come on in.

We will have a homecoming one day. We will all stand before GOD and give an account. We will all hear Him say either, "Enter in," or "Depart from Me, for I never knew you." I am glad I have made the decision to follow JESUS. I pray that, if you haven't, that you will, too. Because, there are few things better than hearing, "Welcome Home"!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Only He can

We have had two (2) families in our communities that have suffered the heartbreaking loss of a child in the last few days. There have been countless other families that we are not aware of that have suffered the same tragedy. I cannot imagine the pain that they are experiencing; I pray we never do. I also pray that we can be of assistance and encouragement.

I have said before and will say it again, I don't know why things work the way they do. I don't know why little children get cancer and evil dictators and despots live to make life miserable for thousands, maybe millions, of others. I don't know why bad things happen to good people. I do know, however, that my faith is in the LORD, and He will give us what we need to get through whatever comes our way.

Today's word is Psalm 73:26, NIV, which reads, "My flesh and my heart may fail, but GOD is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."

As I said, I don't know how difficult the trials that others are facing must be. I can't imagine the pain and suffering some are having to endure. I can't fathom the challenges and trials some of you are having to go through. My heart goes out to all of you.

What I do know, though, is that GOD is good. He is with us in our good times; He is closer in our dark times. While we may not always understand what we are going through, we can always rest assured of the One that is with us and His love for us. He will give us the strength to make it through, as only He can.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

If we will only listen

Have you ever received some good advice? Did you heed it? Did you follow it? It is one thing to hear something; it is an entirely different thing to listen. We hear sounds all the time, the refrigerator running, cars passing, noise on the television. But, we listen when we notice the refrigerator is making a different noise, when the car passing is playing a song too loudly, or when the weather warning comes across the airwaves.

There are times when we really need to listen. I know I have been blessed with folks in my life that have truly tried to impart some wisdom into me but, often, I didn't listen. Other times, however, when I listened and applied that wisdom, those lessons, I have found that it has benefited me in ways that I could not imagine.

Today's word is Psalm 85:8, NIV, which reads, "I will listen to what the LORD says: He promises peace to His people, His faithful servants..."

When we listen to what the LORD says, we will find ourselves in perfect peace, no matter what the clamor or noise is around us. It is when we stop listening to GOD and start hearing all the distractions that we find ourselves restless and uneasy. We have to be careful what we hear. We have to be even more careful what we listen to.

The next time you find yourself in the midst of a loud, raucous, rowdy day, take the time to listen to what GOD is trying to say, to the peace He is trying to bestow. We may be really amazed at what we will hear, IF we will only listen.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, September 16, 2019

Keep in step

Yesterday was one of those days that will live with me forever! I was blessed with the opportunity to help baptize our two (2) children. What a special and humbling and rewarding experience. They both were saved last year but had not come to the place where they were ready for baptism but they finally made that decision and yesterday was the blessed event.

We have been attending New Believer classes, which have led the baptism candidates through what baptism signifies. Baptism is not required to be saved, you don't need to be baptized in order to get to Heaven, but it allows the world to see an outward expression of an inward change. It was such a blessing to be in the baptistery with our children.

Today's word is a reminder for us all that we are to walk as our SAVIOR. Galatians 5:25, NIV, reads, "Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit."

As Christians, we now have the Holy Spirit living within us; He abides within us. And, since we live by the Spirit, our actions should indicate that He lives within us. We should allow GOD to direct our paths, to lead us to where He wants us to go and to do what He wants us to do. Then, if we are being led by the Spirit, we should do what He leads us to do; we should try to keep in step with the Spirit.

Just as my children followed salvation with believers' baptism, we want to continue to disciple them and encourage them to put GOD first and to listen and obey His call. A good reminder for us all - if we live in the Spirit, we should keep in step.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, September 12, 2019

GOD has it

Sometimes, things are just hard to understand. I have mentioned before that I can be as dumb as a bag of hammers. But, even with that being said, there are other times when things are just too complicated for me to understand. You know what I mean? There just is no human way to explain and/or understand why things happen the way they do.

It is hard to understand why bad things happen to good people. Why innocent little ones have to suffer so much. I can really rack my brain and wear myself out trying to figure out why these things happen. When these things happen it is easy to ask, "Why did GOD allow this to happen?" What we need to understand, though, is that GOD is not at fault for these things.

Today's word is Proverbs 2:6, NASB, which reads, "For the LORD gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding."

So, why do really bad things happen to really good, innocent people? Because Adam and Eve gave in to the wiles of satan in the Garden of Eden. Since that original sin, since Adam and Eve gave in to sin, we have lived, and continue to live, in a broken and fallen and shattered world. And, in this evil world, bad things happen, even to good people. Why? Because satan/sin controls this world. BUT...

But, we can rest assured that this is not the end. While I don't know why things have to happen the way they do, I do know that GOD is working on my behalf. My prayer is that we can all see GOD working in our lives and the lives of others. I pray that He is gracious and merciful. I pray that I will seek Him and His wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Because, I truly believe that the only way to make sense of some things is to just know that GOD has it.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Go out and Tell Someone

Do you root for your team? I mean, really root? I know some folks that go all out; I'm talking face paint, body paint, costumes, etc. I have some favorite teams, and I am a guy that could use something on my face, but I am not that extreme. However, I still like to talk about my team, still like to pull for them, still root for them strongly.

Are you a Christian? Do you root for GOD? Do you tell others about Him as much as you share about your favorite team? Hey, I am asking myself these questions more than anyone else. I know there are times and places that you can't but do we do it when we can? Are we as excited about GOD on Monday as we are our favorite college team on Saturday?

Today's word is Psalm 79:13, NASB, which reads, "So we Your people and the sheep of Your pasture Will give thanks to You forever; to all generations we will tell of Your praise."

Again, there are times and places that we can't, and some are certainly not receptive to JESUS, but, when we can, where we can, we need to try to sing GOD'S praises. He is worthy of our praise, deserving of our praise, and the only One worth praising. As our word today reminds us, "...we are Your people and the sheep or Your pasture..." We belong to GOD; that is worth talking about.

Look, it is okay to root for your favorite teams; I know I certainly do. I also want to tell others about the Greatest life they could ever hope to live, which is by Grace, through Faith in JESUS CHRIST. Let's go out and tell someone!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Made known to all

We all have secrets, some good, some not so. We recently gave Trish a surprise birthday party, which was mostly a secret. At least as much as a seven-year-old and a six-year-old can keep a secret. It is fun to do surprising things for folks; it lets them know that they are special.

There are other secrets, though, that eat us alive from the inside out, and we all probably have them. These are the secrets that we regret; things done that we wish we had never done; things said that we wish we had never said. We hope no one ever finds out; we pray that no one ever finds out.

Then, there are the secrets that we keep for the greater good. Maybe they are government secrets that you keep because of your service. Maybe they are secrets that you keep because of the confidence of a friend. Maybe they are secrets you keep to protect peace and harmony. These secrets are vital to keeping things working correctly and efficiently.

Finally, there are the things that we don't know; secret things that we hope to find out someday. JESUS, during His earthly ministry, talked about Heaven but there were not many finite details. We may wonder what we will do for all of eternity. Or, will we have a job in Heaven. Or, what the mansion looks like. There are lots of things we don't know. There is John's description in Revelations and there are others' speculations but no one knows for sure. I do know that I am looking forward to seeing it all. Aren't you?

Today's word is Luke 8:17, NLT, which reads, "For all that is secret will eventually be brought into the open, and everything that is concealed will be brought to light and made known to all."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, September 9, 2019

Respecting Authority

We all have bosses, right? I mean, even if you are the CEO or the owner of a company, your customers, your Board of Directors, someone is still your boss. And, if you are a Christian, we all know that ultimately, we answer to GOD, Who appointed it all and is the Supreme Authority.

I am amazed at how easily some folks will bash his/her boss, how quickly they will try to undermine the authority that has been given to authority. Now, while there have been many that have abused his/her authority, most don't. The other part is that people confuse the person and the position. The authority is conveyed upon the position, therefore, the respect and honor is to whomever sits in that position. A position that GOD has appointed.

Today's word is Romans 13:2, NLT, which reads, "So anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against what GOD has instituted, and they will be punished."

As this verse tells us, when we rebel against authority, we rebel against what GOD has instituted. We can try to explain it away by saying that it is against the person but the fact is GOD has instituted it, not man. If we truly believe that GOD has designed everything, that GOD has instituted everything, that GOD is in control of everything, we can see that He has put everything in place, including those who have authority over us. While we may have a hard time with those over us, we should pray for GOD to help us accept His plan.

We will finish as we begin - we all have bosses. No matter what you do, no matter where you go, no matter how old you are, there will always be those that are in authority. The best thing we can do for all of those in authority is to pray for them that GOD will give them direction and that they will listen. Then, we need to respectfully accept GOD'S will. I think that if we will do that, we will find things much easier.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, September 6, 2019

Teach someone else

I have a card in my wallet that will take me anywhere I want to go. Anywhere. If I want to explore the canals of Venice, Italy or the Eiffel Tower in Paris or the Grand Canyon or the Space Station, it can get me there. The card I am talking about is my library card; it can take me anywhere I could ever dream of going.

I don't remember at what age I learned to read; I just remember being able to. I can tell you that it was before I started first grade (I did not go to kindergarten; it wasn't mandatory when I came along). I had older siblings and I pestered my Mom to death, so, she worked with me and taught me to read. By the time I started my first day of first grade, I could read a newspaper and count and write to 1,000. That isn't bragging on me; it's bragging on those who invested in me and instilled in me the benefits of learning.

Today's word is Psalm 119:16, NKJV, which reads, "I will delight myself in Your statutes; I will not forget Your word."

With everything we do, we have to learn the rules/laws. If you are playing sports, you have to learn the rules of the game. If you are a cheerleader, you have to learn how to tumble, then, learn the routine of the squad. If you are driving, you have to learn the rules of the road (or, you should). If we want to live the life GOD has for us, we need to study and learn His precepts and statutes. No, He is not a scorekeeper, keeping up with your good and your bad to see how they balance out, but, I want to please Him and keep His commandments. Don't you?

The only way to truly know the rules of the game, the routines, the rules of the road, the statutes of GOD is to read the manual. The manual for living the Christian life is the Holy Bible - read it. Then, when you pray, thank GOD for those who have invested in teaching you. Finally, teach someone else.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, September 5, 2019

He is enough

We have all been through things, going through things, or about to go through things. No doubt, we are here to live life, and to live it abundantly. However, we live in a really broken and fallen world. And, there aren't many seasons go by that we are not burdened by worries, or strife, or sickness, or something.

We have discussed before that, oftentimes, it seems that we turn around only to get hit in the face with something else. There are those seasons in our lives that there seems to be no relief; things are piling up high, and quickly. So, what do we do when things are going from bad to worse to worser to worsest?

Today's word is Exodus 3:14, NASB, which reads, "GOD said to Moses, 'I AM WHO I AM"; And He said, 'Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, "I AM has sent me to you."'"

Whatever we may be facing or going through, we serve the I AM. I AM means, "I was; I AM; I forever will be." GOD is able to meet whatever need may arise in our lives. He is able to answer any question we may be struggling with. He is able to take burdens that are weighing us down and wearing us out, and put them far away. He is able to settle any doubt and calm any fear that may arise. He is I AM.

We are all going to go through some things. We will have questions that there are no answers. We will have struggles that seem insurmountable. We will have sorrows that seem inconsolable. We will fight battles that seem unwinnable. But, for all of our circumstances, we have the GREAT I AM. And, we can rest assured that He is enough!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Don't be afraid to listen

As much as I hate to admit it, I do have an ego. Now, as I have gotten older, I don't really have much of anything to be egotistical about but I do have one. In all honesty, though, I have learned that it is not about me - it is all about my SAVIOR. And, when I keep that in mind, it is amazingly easy to see how little I have to brag about personally.

Another truth is that no one likes begin around an arrogant, egotistical, blowhard. NO ONE. You know the type. They will tell you how easy it is for them to bench press a house, make a thousand dollars a day, cypher complex problems, out run, out perform, do better than you in anything, including sweating. It is exhausting. It is unappealing.

Today's word is Proverbs 13:10, NLT, which reads, "Pride leads to conflict; those who take advice are wise."

There is very little more unbecoming than someone full of themselves. And, often, those full of themselves will not listen to wisdom or instruction - after all, they already know everything. We can allow ourselves to be so full of ourselves that we can't get any of the good stuff in. We can get to the point that we think we know everything and miss out on some of the biggest and best life lessons; those things that will prepare us for the future and help us persevere to the end.

Here are the facts. Don't get so full of yourself that you fail to take in what you are going to need later. There are lots of folks in this world that will fill you with worthwhile and necessary things, if you will only listen and take it in. I am talking to me, too. I still have a lot to learn. I remind myself of this fact every day. Don't be afraid to listen.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Who I am

If you haven't seen the movie Overcomer yet, I would recommend it. It is about an asthmatic runner, a disappointed coach, a dying father, a decimated town, and finding GOD'S path for each of us in this life. As we all know, life isn't about what happens to us; it is about how we respond to what happens to us.

In the movie, the question is asked, "Who are you?" How would you answer that? I tell people all the time that I don't confuse what I do with who I am. I am blessed to work for the greatest organization, to coach sports, to play a guitar, to have a couple of hobbies. BUT, while those are things that I do, none of them tell you who I am.

Today's word is a quote by Eric Allen, which says, "Don't chase your dreams. Chase the GOD Who has dreams for you."

We all have "our" dreams, and there is nothing wrong with dreaming of what you want. But, when our dreams take us farther and farther from the One Who created us and has the perfect plan for our lives, we will never accomplish the dream nor be what we are created to be. Fulfilling our selfish dreams will only leave us seeking the next thing. Pursuing GOD will lead us to the Best Thing.

Now, who am I? I am a child of GOD. The husband to Trish. The father to Blake and Olivia. A son, a brother, an uncle, a cousin, a friend. I am a humble servant seeking the will of my Father daily. This is who I am.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Gracious and Attractive

I have probably shared before that it isn't usually "what" I say, it is usually "how" I say it. Inflection, intonation, the sound of your voice can carry a lot of emotion and say something other than what you are trying to say. I try to remain very cognizant of "how" I say things.

However, the "what" we say carries just as much, if not more, weight than "how" we say it. We all know that you can really damage someone's reputation by saying something that ought not be said. We all know that you can really hurt someone's self-esteem, his/her self-confidence if we aren't saying the right things. If we don't say the right things to folks who are lost and bound for hell, how are they going to know the Truth?

Today's word is Colossians 4:6, NLT, which is a good reminder of knowing what we are saying, and how to say it: "Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone."

Paul reminded the Colossians, and us, that we need to make sure that our conversations are gracious and attractive. Saying nice things, gracious things, is the "what" we say. And, having our conversations "attractive" means they are nicely said - the "how" we say it. If we say the right things the right way, people will listen. AND...

It doesn't stop there -  if we use gracious and attractive speech, we will have the right response for everyone. Everyone needs a good word, which can include telling others the truth, and the Truth. And, folks will be more apt to listen and respond when we say the right things the right way. People are probably listening to us far more than we realize - give them speech that is gracious and attractive.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

You'll be glad you did

We go to church. Yes, there are times when I may be traveling for work, or we may be out of town on a vacation, or something of that nature, but, if we are in town, we are at our church. And, lots of times, when we are on vacation, we seek out a church. We go to church.

And, we go to church on Sunday morning, Sunday night if something is going on, Wednesday nights, during revivals, whenever there is something happening at the church, we try to be there, including "business meetings". Not only do we go to church, we NEED to go to church.

Today's word is Hebrews 10:25, NLT, which reads, "And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of His return is drawing near."

We need to go to church because it is where we can meet with fellow believers and draw, and give, encouragement. This world can be a difficult place to navigate. It can beat you down, tear you up, and leave you lonely and hurting. But, at church, you can find others that will help you shoulder your load, and that will lift you up and encourage you. We are here for one another.

If you aren't a regular member of a church, I encourage you to find one. Find a good, Bible-preaching, Bible-teaching, GOD-honoring congregation and become a part of it. Get involved; you'll be glad you did.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Sing praises to His name

Around our house, we love to sing. Now, other folks may not enjoy it as much as we do but we love to sing. There is just something that gets you moving or that moves your spirit when you sing a joyful song. After all, the Bible tells us to make a joyful noise unto the LORD. Even if others may find it a little less appealing than you, if you are joyfully making it, then, make it.

And, what better to sing about than our LORD? He has done everything for us. Shouldn't we be telling others about His goodness and mercies? And, again, one of the best ways to do that is to sing His praises.

Today's word is Psalm 135:3, NASB, which reads, "Praise the LORD, for the LORD is good; sing praises to His name, for it is lovely."

There is so much in this verse: we have a reason to sing praises to the LORD - for the LORD is good! When you have good news, don't you love to share it with others? I mean, we will share gossip and hearsay and bad news at the drop of a hat. Why not share about the goodness of the LORD just as easily, just as quickly?

And, we sing praises to His name, for it is lovely. You might be thinking, "My singing is not lovely." To that, I refer back to making a joyful noise. Here, though, "it is lovely" is referring to the fact that the name of the LORD, "His name", is lovely. We sing because He is worthy of our praise. Sing praises to His name!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, August 26, 2019

Eternal Security

We all know people that have a lot of stuff: big houses, nice cars, LOTS of money. They have the advantage that they can go anywhere they want, whenever they want. They are financially well enough that when one of his/her central AC units goes out, it is no big deal. They have A LOT.

Now, don't get me wrong, I am not at all envious, jealous, or covetous. Good for those who have worked hard and obtained a lot. But, I am concerned for a lot of them, and lots of others, that they put more worth in the STUFF than in the SAVIOR.

Today's word is Mark 8:36, NASB, which reads, "For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul?"

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being wealthy - nothing. However, the wealth of this world pales in comparison to eternity in Heaven. One day, we will all stand before a Holy and Just GOD and give an account for everything we have done. When that happens, all the worldly wealth you can imagine will fail to get you into Heaven. Only the blood of my SAVIOR, by Grace through Faith in Him, will make us justified to enter.

If you, or someone you know, has all the wealth in the world, everything you could ever imagine, but you don't have JESUS, you will one day face eternity without the SAVIOR. While the earthly riches make this life a little easier, accepting JESUS as SAVIOR provides eternal security.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, August 23, 2019

Grateful for everything

In the face of full transparency or full disclosure, I want to admit that sometimes I seem like an ungrateful person. I have mentioned before that I can find myself wondering about a different house, a newer truck, a bigger television. What a bunch of first world problems. Lots of folks would love to have any house, any truck, any television; I should be grateful.

I have those other times when I just take things for grated. I have the most beautiful, god-filled wife, lovely, absolutely normal children, a good family, a good job, folks I love that also love me. Yet, I, sometimes, just act like I am supposed to have these things - taking them for granted.

Today's word is just something I came across that reminds me to be grateful: "What if today we were just grateful for everything?"

I want to do my very best today, and every day, to display an attitude of gratitude, and attitude of thankfulness and gratefulness. I have blessed beyond all measure. I have been given more than I could have ever hoped, dreamed, or imagined. And, as I have said before, when this life is over, I will be more alive than ever, living forever with my SAVIOR.

Join me in this endeavor to just be grateful. I am sure I will find myself still being ungrateful or still taking things for granted. But, I want to make a conscious effort to be grateful for all the many, many blessings GOD has so generously given me. What if we were just grateful for everything?

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, August 22, 2019

We have hope

What is hope? The dictionary/official definition might be something such as, "a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen." When we hope, we have a desire for some particular thing to happen. And, trust me, we all hope for things.

I have faith; faith that GOD is working everything for my good; faith that GOD has it all under control; faith that one day I will live with Him eternally. But, I also have hope; I hope Trish and I will live long, healthy lives; I hope our kids will do well in school, be well rounded, well grounded, and become productive parts of society. I hope that Trish and the kids know how much I truly love them.

Today's word is Psalm 71:14, NIV, which reads, "As for me, I will always have hope; I will praise You more and more."

King David knew that he served the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, and He could do anything. David's hope wasn't in some arbitrary ritual or habit; his hope was the Blessed Hope of GOD. Now, we know David hoped for safety and protection and direction. BUT, it wasn't what he hoped for; it was Who he hoped in. We can rest assured that GOD is still GOD and He will see us through.

Is there anything you are hoping for today? If our hope is in GOD, we can feel positive that He hears and He listens. He will never leave us nor forsake us. He is preparing a home for His children in Heaven. Our present struggles don't even come close to the joys that will one day be experienced. There is no need to get discouraged or down. We have Hope!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, August 21, 2019


I have probably shared before that my wife will say that I play too hard. I am a touch sarcastic and can come across as being a complete and total bear, which is absolutely not true. However, given the opportunity to make someone laugh at another's expense, I usually take it. But, when it comes to someone's true feelings, I always try to treat them the way I want to be treated.

I have always believed that we are to treat others the way we want them to treat us. Yes, it is in the Bible so we should. But, I want others to know that they are loved, just as I a want to know that others love me, which is what this verse tells us.

Today's word is Matthew 7:12, NASB, which reads, "In everything, therefore, treat people the same way want them to treat you..."

Notice that the verse tells us, "In everything..." In our conversation, in our actions, when we are alone, when we are with our friends, when we are trying to impress, when we are praying. In everything we should be aware of how our actions and our words affect others. Why? Because we know how others' actions and words affect us.

I want to be cognizant of what my actions and my words say about my relationship with JESUS. I want to be a blessing to others and represent my SAVIOR well. I want others to know that they are loved by THE ONE AND ONLY GOD. I want them to be able to see Him through me. I want to treat others the way I want to be treated.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

All day every day

Sometimes, I am a very poor example of what I should be. I get frustrated and irritated and allow distractions to influence my behavior, which in turn, influences my witness and my testimony. I want people to know that I am a Christian, that JESUS CHRIST is my LORD and SAVIOR. But, I have to admit that I don't always act like it.

I am not saying any of this boasting; LORD knows it is nothing to boast about. I am truly admitting that I could and should do better at telling others about my SAVIOR. I should do better at telling others of His amazing love and wondrous concern and care for each and every one of us. He loved us enough to die for us - that is LOVE.

Today's word is Psalm 113:3, NASB, reads, "From the rising of the sun to its setting, The name of the LORD is to be praised."

We should be praising GOD every moment of every day. Yes, I know that we can't be maniacal about it; that if we are always over the top that others will start to tune us out. If we aren't sincere, it will mean very little to those we are trying to tell about JESUS. But, we don't even have to tell it; we just have to live it. Live like you are His, and that you are humbly honored to be so.

I want everyone to know my JESUS. I want them to know that there is a SAVIOR that cares about them and loves them and wants to have a personal relationship with them. I want to praise Him all day every day.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, August 19, 2019

So, what do you do?

"So, what do you do?" That is the question we are often asked after meeting someone new. What we do isn't just a conversation starter; it tells a little about what are interests are, what our background is, even a little about our knowledge. And, for some, I am sure they acquire even deeper information from the responses to that particular question.

But, my question is, "So, what do you do as a Christian?" GOD has saved us to do a certain work that He has prepared for us and for which He has prepared us for. We all have different abilities and capabilities. We all have different gifts and talents. And, we can all use those abilities, capabilities, gifts and talents to glorify our LORD.

Today's word is Ephesians 2:10, NIV, which reads, "For we are GOD'S handiwork, created in CHRIST JESUS to do good works."

GOD made us each, uniquely designed to do His work. Again, He has something for each of us to do. And, no matter what it is that you can do, if we pray about it and think about it long enough, we can usually find a way to use what GOD has gifted us with to help others and to promote and further His Kingdom work.

Now, don't confuse doing good work with Christianity. Being saved has nothing to do with our works. Being saved is simply by Grace through Faith in JESUS CHRIST. But, once we have made our decision to accept JESUS as LORD and SAVIOR, we want to use what He has gifted us with to help others find Him, too. So, what do you do?

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Be proud of the effort

So, how do you measure success? For some, it may be losing a few pounds. For others, it may be fitting into a certain size. For even others, it may be finishing that half marathon he/she has been training for for years. I guess my question, though, is do you have to accomplish the end goal to be proud, to be successful?

Coaching youth sports can cause some people to measure his/her success by the wins and loses of the team they help coach. But, look, sometimes you just get out-sized, out manned. I know there are those out there that will disagree with that statement but, trust me, if you only have 6 athletes and the team you have has a true 11, chances are that you are going to lose. But, does that mean you were unsuccessful?

Today's word is just a thought that says, You don't have to reach the entire goal to be successful. Be proud of the effort.

i try to remind the guys I coach with that if the team we are working with is better at the end of the season, if they are more polished, more accomplished, know more about how to play the game correctly, we have been successful. Success isn't measured by wins and loses but by effort and personal gains.

There are lots of us that are trying our very best, putting forth our best effort, and whether it is noticed or recognized doesn't dictate our success. If each day we are striving for the goal, putting in the effort, we are being successful. Be proud of the effort.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Be on your guard

There are times in life when it is easy to get discouraged. I have shared many times that we all will be faced with discouragement, one of satan's greatest and most utilized tools. He knows that if he can discourage us, in our own strength, we will become willing to down and quit. Hey, we have all been there, or we are headed that way.

Discouragement is a nasty thing. It doesn't take much discouragement to undo years and years of encouraging words. It doesn't take much discouragement to bring the biggest, strongest, hardest hitter to his/her knees. But, thankfully, we have friends that will lift us up and sustain us. We also know that GOD is working everything for our good.

Today's word is 1 Corinthians 16:13, NIV, which reads, "Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong."

In today's passage, we are reminded that we can defeat courage by being on our guard. We have to watch for satan's darts flying towards us. We have to know that he is going to launch his attack, and he loves to do it at our weakest moments. We have to know that he will use anything and everything in his arsenal to try and take us down. Be on you guard.

We also know that we have to stand firm in the faith. We have to know that we know that we know that GOD is working everything for our good. We have to faithfully move forward and not back down. We have to know that GOD is fighting for us; we just have to remain faithful. If we will do that, we can be courageous and strong. satan is out there, waiting for the opportunity to take a shot - be on your guard!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Give them one

We all know someone who needs a kind word. If not, then, we may be the one in need of a kind word, or two. As a matter of fact, I would dare say that we could all use a kind word from time to time, maybe even every day. There is something encouraging, sustaining, soul-lifting in a timely kind word.

Helping to coach youth sports has taught me a little here and there. Now, I have a lot to learn - A LOT. What I do know, though, is that there are times that you need to be demanding but, there are more often times when the kid needs to hear something kind and encouraging.

Today's word is Proverbs 16:24, NLT, which reads, "Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."

The first part of this passage tells us that kind words are nourishment, they feed us. Every one of us needs a kind word from time to time to remind us that we are loved and cared for and doing what GOD has intended us to do. And, just as food nourishes our body, kind words nourish our soul.

The last part tells us that kind words are not only nourishing, they are healthy. Just as we try to exercise and eat right, we need kind words to make us healthy - mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually. And, so do others. As you go about your day today, try to find someone that looks like they need a kind word - then, give them one.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, August 12, 2019


Well, my lovely wife had a birthday last Friday. I had been busy planning it for the last couple of months; not her birthday, it happens without planning, but the little party and presentation. I wanted to make her feel special and to know how special she is to me. I hope she felt that.

Anyway, one truth is that we are all getting older. I believe it was Kris Kristofferson that said, "The old are getting older and the young are doing the same." I heard a wise man once say, "It is usually only the birthdays that end in zero that give us trouble." There is something about aging that reminds us of our mortality. However, GOD has a reminder for us, too...

Today's word is Isaiah 46:4, NLT, which reads, "I will be your GOD throughout your lifetime - until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you."

I think we often get so caught up on aging that we forget to live; and I really mean me. But, if we just remember that we are GOD'S, we can more enjoy the journey. GOD reminds us in today's passage that He made us and that He will care for us - throughout our lifetime. We know that He will NEVER leave us nor forsake us. NEVER.

Aging is part of life. I tell people all the time that I am blessed to still be aging; it is something that not everyone gets to do. I am blessed to live the life that GOD has allowed. I am blessed to live this life with my wife and children. I also know that GOD is with me; He made me, and He will care for me, throughout.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

First day of school

Well, today begins another school year; this year we have a second grader and a first grader. Man, where does the time go? It literally seems like just the other day they were little babies. Time moves really fast. As a friend of mine used to tell me, "With kids, the days are long but the years are short."

We try to remind our children that they have to work hard and study hard. They have the opportunity to go to school and learn, which they should take advantage of and soak up all they can. We try to remind them that it is all about a firm foundation; what you learn today strengthens and prepares you for what you learn tomorrow. Same goes for our Christian walk.

Today's word is 2 Timothy 2:15, KJV, which reads, "Study to show thyself approved unto GOD, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed..."

This just simply means that we should make every effort to do GOD'S work, what He has called us to do. We should study and prepare and be diligent in our efforts to learn all we can and, then, to apply what we have learned for the work of GOD and for His glory. Just like school work, we should be diligent in our Christian walk/work.

We pray daily for our kids, and all kids and teachers and everyone that has a part in our children's education. We also try to make sure that each day our kids hear about GOD, through stories and His word. We want them to be prepared in their school work and in GOD'S. Have a great first day of school!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

GOD is all mighty

I have played a lot of sports, most of it bad, but I have played. Now, I coach a lot of sports, again, probably bad, but, I coach. You always have those on the team(s) that think they are the greatest thing since ramen noodles. There is no one that compares to them.

I have to remind them, especially the little running backs that are running through holes big enough for me and not getting touched for fifteen yards, that they may run the ball but there is someone else that made the hole. We may think we are big and bad but we are always stronger together.

Today's word is Psalm 62:11, ESV, and reminds us from whence comes true strength: "Once GOD has spoken; twice have I heard this: that power belongs to GOD."

It truly is that we can do nothing without GOD. It is from Him and through Him that we have the strength to do anything. However, we can read in the Bible that through Him we can do all things - all things that are in His will and that He is calling us to do.

The point is that we may think we are all that and a bag of chips but the truth is that whatever ability we have, whatever strength we have, what ever we accomplish is only through the power, strength, and desire of GOD. I have to remind myself of this from time to time; my strength is futile and failing but GOD is all mighty.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T