Monday, February 15, 2021

Honor GOD

 Are there things that you are really good at? Are there things that you just excel at? I am pretty sure that we all have things that just seem to come natural to us. Now, I have to admit that I don't have much. I have always been pretty mediocre at most things. Oh, I have tried A LOT of different things to evaluate my "talent" but, very few things have proven fruitful.

For those who are blessed with GOD-given talent to do certain things, I pray that you don't forget that it is GOD-given. It is easy to fill ourselves with self-pride over our accomplishments, when all honor and praise should go to Him. If He has gifted you in a specific area, and He has, be sure to give the credit to Him, and remember to thank Him for His gifting.

Today's word is Proverbs 29:23, NKJV, which reads, "A man's pride will bring him low, but the humble in spirit will retain honor."

I have mentioned before that there is not too many things more off-putting than to hear someone brag about how sensationally talented they are. Don't get me wrong, they are exceptionally talented, they have worked hard to hone their craft, they have put forth the effort, practiced for hour upon hour, but GOD has still given them the talent. Why not thank Him?

I know people that are so super talented and, yet, so super humble. Why? Because, they know that it is GOD that has given them every good and perfect gift. Yes, they have practiced and worked to build it and strengthen it, but they would have had nothing to build and strengthen if GOD hadn't provided in the first place. Honor GOD with the talents He has given you.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

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