Thursday, March 20, 2014

It's for your own good

When I was a youngster, probably about nine or ten, I was involved in some kind of mischievousness, which caused my Mom to declare that she was going to give me a whooping. Now, for those of you who do not know, there is a difference between a whipping and a whooping, and I was to receive the latter.

Well, I figured if I ran away from my Mom, then, she couldn't whoop me. So, as she went to grab the belt, I took off running. It wasn't but half a block or so away that I began to realize that Mom was not chasing me. "Hmm," I thought, "She knows she can't catch me. Now, I won't get that whooping." A few minutes later, though, it came to me why Mom wasn't chasing me...she knew I would have to come back home.

Today's word is from Hosea 6:1, NIV, which reads, "Come, let us return to the LORD. He has torn us to pieces but He will heal us; He has injured us but He will bind up our wounds."

The Israelites had run away from GOD and had chased every whim and every fancy. They had become the harlot for the rest of civilization. They had sold out for pleasure and money. They had a whooping coming, and GOD had given them one. But...they had to return because all nurturing, all sustenance, all everything comes from GOD. Yes, occasionally, He has to give us a whooping but it is to correct our improper behavior/our sin, then, He will love us and nurture and fix us and heal us and wrap us in His arms.

Yeah, I had to return home and face the music for my discretion and for my running. But, after the whooping and with a little time to think, I realized that it was for my own good. We may get a whooping but it is for correction, which is what we need sometime.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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