Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Dude Perfect

I've been watching a show lately that fuels my inner child. The Dude Perfect Show is a show about five (5) guys who met in college, challenged each other to some really difficult trick shots, made a youtube video, and became "famous" for their love of sports and competition. Now, I did a really poor job of summarizing but you get the gist.

However, it is much deeper than that. If you take the time to explore who each of these guys are, individually, you will find that they are all Christians. If you take the time to listen to each of their testimonies, you will find that they, collectively, know that GOD has brought all of this to fruition and they want to use this platform that He has given them to glorify and promote Him. Refreshing.

Today's word is one that I am sure I have used before but I just wanted to use it for a self reminder that everything I do should glorify, honor, and promote my SAVIOR: Psalm 19:14, NASB, reads, "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my rock and my Redeemer."

I want everything I do to be pleasing in GOD'S sight. Is it? Goodness no. I mess up all the time. I wish I could go a day where everything was pleasing but I have yet to make it through an entire day. I am not saying that bragging, I am saying that in complete and total openness and honesty. However, that doesn't stop me from trying to make sure what I do is pleasing and glorifying my SAVIOR.

My prayer is that I will be useful to my LORD. I pray that He can find a way to use me wherever I am, whatever I am doing. I pray that I will glorify Him and honor Him, and promote Him in whatever I am doing. And, if you haven't seen it, check out The Dude Perfect Show.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, April 29, 2019

A Fork

Have you ever been afraid? I mean, really scared? There is no feeling like being scared. Yes, it is usually irrational and unfounded but we have all been there; we have all at some time or another been scared. If you haven't you will.

I remember, as a young child, having a nightmare about someone chasing me with a fork, yes, a fork. This person in my dream chased me all over our neighborhood until I finally ran in through my parents' back door. As I closed the door, I caught the fork holders arm in between the door and the jamb and slammed the door on the arm several times until the fork fell to the ground. I locked the door and went into the living room, sweaty, panting, and sat down in a chair facing the front door. Finally catching my breath, the front door flies open and there stands the figure that had been chasing me holding a spoon. Then, I woke up.

Today's word is Psalm 56:3, NASB, which reads, "When I am afraid, I will put my trust in You."

For years, that dream about being pursued by someone with utensils was very real and would scare me from time to time when I thought about it. Unrealistic, yes. But, as a young person, it was still very scary. However, we know that we can trust GOD no matter what. We can rest assured that He has things under control and that He will take care of us. Sometimes, we need a little reminder that He is always on the alert, always providing protection.

We all get scared from time to time. We all need to know that someone has our backs. When you find it hard to sleep, or stay asleep, or go back to sleep, find peace in the fact that you can trust GOD to take care of everything. Even someone chasing you with a fork.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, April 26, 2019

Truly Successful

If you know me, you probably know that I am a very average guy. I got the results back on the blood work performed as part of my most recent annual check up and, with just a couple of exceptions, I fell into the middle of the range for all the parameters. Just average. I am average height, average weight, maybe average intelligence, hopefully average looks. Just average.

Now, if you look at my lovely wife, my beautiful kids, you will know that there must be something to being average. I mean, I have been really blessed: GOD is better to me than I deserve. Truth be known, I am sure that lots of people wonder what is wrong with Trish. I can tell you that she was made for me, and she likes average.

Today's word is a quote from Albert Einstein that says, "Strive not to be a success but rather to be of value."

Some people live their whole lives trying to be "successful" but can't even define what success is to them. Maybe you think success is a bank account full of money or a six figure salary or a $10,000 vacation, but, is that really the definition of success. Isn't being successful truly defined by the fact that we provide some value: to our SAVIOR, to our family, to our country, to our company, to our dog or cat? I can guarantee you have value to our SAVIOR, He died for you.

So, on this Friday, as we wrap up another week and prepare for another weekend, go out and provide value. If you do that, you may just find that you are truly successful.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Make the wait easier

Are you a good waiter? And, I don't mean someone who serves others; I mean, waiting on things. I am not a good waiter. I have shared before that if patience is truly a virtue, I am not a very virtuous person. I am fairly impatient, and for no particular reason.

We all know that GOD gives us three (3) answers to prayer: yes, no, and wait. We all want to hear, "Yes". We may be disappointed but eventually we realize that "No" was the right answer and that GOD certainly has our best interest in mind. BUT, those times that He tells us to "Wait" are often difficult to deal with. We like answers, and we like them now. But, there is a reason to wait.

Today's word is Lamentations 3:25, NASB, which reads, "The LORD is good to those who wait for Him, To the person who seeks Him."

While we don't like waiting, there is always a reason. Perhaps, we need to grow before we get what we have requested. Maybe there is something coming up in our lives (remember, GOD sees the BIG picture) that we need to get through prior to our prayer being answered. Maybe GOD knows that we just aren't ready for what we are asking, and we need to wait.

But, look, there is good news for us if we will wait on the LORD. Today's word tells us that the LORD is GOOD to those who wait for Him. I certainly want GOD to be good to me; He always is but I want His blessings. Don't you? Well, today's word tells us that He will be good to those who wait on Him. So, I am not a good waiter, but, I think, if I keep in mind that GOD has good things in store for my patience, it will make the wait easier.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Successful Planning

I have admitted before that I am a planner; I have a plan for planning. I usually begin any adventure with plan A, B, C, D, etc., Yes, I know, if plan B was any good, it would be plan A. However, I just feel better if I have a plan of action. How about you?

Have your plans always worked out? I know mine certainly haven't. I have made what I thought were absolute, fool-proof plans, only to see that I am the fool that could foil them. I have made what I thought were concrete plans, only to see that they were nothing more than a giant mud hole. I always make my worst planning mistakes when I don't include the LORD in them.

Today's word is Proverbs 16:3, NLT, which reminds us that we need to include the LORD in all of our plans: "Commit your actions to the LORD, and your plans will succeed."

More often than not, when I don't seek GOD'S will and advice in my planning, it is because I feel like I can handle it or that it is too small to concern GOD with. However, we all know that if it concerns us, it concerns Him. If we are having to make a plan for something, we should start our plans by seeking His will and His desire. I can guarantee you that if we do, our plans will be successful, if they are in His will.

Take a little advice from someone who has made a lot of plans, and a lot of bad ones. If you want things to be successful, if you want things to work out, seek GOD. Ask Him to direct your plans and your actions. Seek to do His will, and watch your plans succeed.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Human Anger

Do you ever get angry? I mean, really angry? I know I have. I have been angry at things, at occurrences, at drivers, at coaches, at umpires, at people in general. I am quite competitive, which can be a good thing at times, but, can also lead to angry outbursts at times. I can blame it on being part Irish, or that my family has those moments, but, the truth is, it is on me. I should do better at controlling it.

I read a story of a mother that drug her child while he held onto the door handle of the car because he didn't want to go to school. She drug her son about 50 feet, he fell, she ran over him. Her son, who didn't want to go to school, is now permanently damaged and changed. It is easy to allow our anger to get the best of us; if we are not careful, though, our anger will get the best of someone else, maybe even someone we love.

Today's word is James 1:20, NIV, which reads, "because human anger does not produce the righteousness that GOD desires."

I would doubt that anyone will ever say that I was displaying GOD in one of my angry outbursts. As a matter of fact, I would doubt that anyone saw anything remotely close to GOD and His goodness in any of my anger. I am ashamed to admit that I am absolutely sure that any anger I have displayed has done far more harm than good, for the glory of GOD, for others and for me.

I want to work harder on controlling angry outbursts. I want others to see JESUS through me, which happens very seldom already. I want to display the goodness of GOD. I want to produce the righteousness that GOD desires.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, April 22, 2019

Earth Day 2019

Have you ever had someone borrow something of yours and break it? Or, someone borrowed something of yours and when you got it back, it wasn't exactly the way it was when you loaned it? Or, they didn't even bother to give it back? We have those in our society who treat everything as theirs, and everything is disposable.

Today is "Earth Day". It is a day that we should do something good for our planet, which is what I think we should do every day. Before you go thinking that I am something that I am not, allow me to assure you that I am not an extremist. I just think doing little things each day will add up. And, this Earth is a temporary home that we are borrowing.

Today's word is Psalm 24:1, NLT, which reads, "The earth is the LORD'S, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to Him."

So, the earth is the LORD'S; we are just borrowing it for a little while. Are we being good stewards of it while it is ours. I try not to litter. I try to not leave a mess wherever I go. I know that I don't like cleaning up others' messes and I don't want my children, my grandchildren, future generations to have to clean up after me. Again, not a radical, just practical.

I truly want to leave things better than what I found them. I want my kids to live in a nicer, safer, cleaner world than I grew up in. I doubt that is possible but I am going to try to do my part to ensure it. And, as with everything the LORD blesses me with, I want to be a good steward, which includes trying to take care of those things He has allowed me to borrow.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Good Friday 2019

Tomorrow is Good Friday, which means a lot of different things for a lot of different people. I admit that I am going to try to get some staining done on our back porch/deck, try to spend some time with my wife and children, and try to remember the true meaning of the day.

When I was younger, I used to wonder what was so good about Good Friday, the day we celebrate the crucifixion and death of our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST; that didn't sound so "good" to me for JESUS. I have come to realize, though, that JESUS'S death, the turmoil He went through, the suffering He endured, the death He came to die, the intercessory means He made for me made it a Good Friday for me.

Today's word is a very familiar passage but one I can't help but think of as we approach Easter: Isaiah 53:5, NIV, reads, "But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on Him, and by His wounds we are healed."

I read a quote from someone who stated that "If JESUS was GOD, and if suffering is a sin, and if GOD cannot sin, then, JESUS could not die for our sins." First, JESUS is GOD. Second, suffering is not a sin. We will all suffer. The Bible is very clear that it rains on the just and the unjust; we will all have our sufferings.

BUT, JESUS died for us because He ALONE was pure enough, holy enough, complete enough that He could take on the sins and sufferings of EVERYONE and defeat death, hell and the grave! Because of His sacrifice, because of His suffering, because of His crucifixion, because of His resurrection, we can all be saved! And, that, my friend, is why we celebrate Good Friday!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, April 17, 2019


I like the word "AWESOME"! Some say it is overused. Others have listed alternatives: "Whiz bang", "Holy guacamole", "Shut the front door", "Off the Chain", etc. And, while all of these words/expressions probably have their place and use, there is nothing that describes something like "AWESOME"!

Having an ice cream sandwich? Awesome. Having a Reese Cup? Awesome. Finding the one you want to spend the rest of your life with (and they at least consider the same)? Awesome. The birth of your child? Awesome. Watching your child succeed? Awesome. Salvation? Awesome. Helping lead your child to salvation? AWESOMEST!

Today's word is Psalm 47:2, NLT, which reads, "For the LORD Most High is AWESOME. He is the great King of all the earth."

The emphasis on "AWESOME" was mine but it is deserved and fitting. GOD is AWESOME. He could have chosen not to include me in His plan of salvation. But, He did! He could have chosen not to give me an abundant life. But, He did. He didn't have to give me a great family and health. But, He did. He didn't have to send His Son to die for my sins and make a way for me to live eternally in Heaven. But, He did!

There are certain things, certain moments, certain people that the word "AWESOME" just fits. You can try to use some hep, bodacious, breath-taking, mind blowing synonym but there is nothing that describes the best of the best like "AWESOME". And, nothing describes my LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST, like AWESOME!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

What to do and where to go

Have you ever been lost? Taken the wrong turn? Misread the map? I would imagine most of us have, even if it was just in a supercenter parking lot. Man, those parking lots are huge. I try to remember which row I parked on, or what the landscape was around me, but, even then, it is often hard to remember where the vehicle is.

How about in your spiritual life? Even been lost? Taken a wrong turn? I would imagine most of us have been there, too. I know I have been walking along enjoying the fellowship with the LORD, when suddenly I allow some distraction to lead me in the wrong direction. The children of Israel found themselves in a similar position many times in the Old Testament...

Today's word is Jeremiah 42:3, NLT, which reads, "Pray that the LORD your GOD will show us what to do and where to go."

The children of Israel knew that Jeremiah was GOD'S prophet and that he could ask GOD to direct them. We don't have to use a "middle man" today; we can go directly to the LORD and ask for His direction. We can seek His will and allow Him to direct our paths and our actions. But, how often do we?

If there is one thing I have learned about being lost, it is this: we are all going to get lost from time to time but you don't have to stay there. Ask for help. Ask someone to pray with you that GOD will direct your path and your actions. Ask GOD to reveal to you what He wants for you and from you. We have an advocate with the Father, JESUS. Ask Him what to do and where to go.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, April 15, 2019

Nothing to Fear

I bet we have all had situations in our lives where we were very fearful/fretful/scared of someone. It may have been a job interview, or a professor, or, unfortunately, even someone out to do us harm. Being afraid of someone is a very serious thing. The fear can keep us up at night, cause us to hurt ourselves as we try to protect ourselves, cause us to have unreasonable, paralyzing phobia.

It is easy to tell someone that is going through an episode of fear to "buck up," to "get over it," to "press on". However, to the person going through it, it is simply not that simple. Fear is a very real thing. Yet, if you will remember way back, we discussed that fear will cause us to do one of two things: Forget Everything And Run or Face Everything And Rise.

Today's word is Proverbs 29:25, NLT, which reads, "Fearing people is a dangerous trap, but trusting the LORD means safety."

As we mentioned, when we fear someone, we can get ourselves into trouble because, all we can think about, every action we make, every reaction we have is based on that fear. Our distraction from that fear could cause us to pull out in front of another vehicle. It could occupy our mind in such depth that we miss the true danger of the car that we didn't notice. It can trap us into not doing what we have been called to do.

On the other hand, trusting GOD will keep us safe. We can trust that GOD sees us no matter where we are, no matter what our situation, no matter what we fear. He is with us today, tomorrow, forever. If we will faithfully serve Him and do His good will, we have nothing to fear.

Be Blessed,
Micky T

Friday, April 12, 2019

Smart Enough

Have you ever made a mistake? I know this may come as quite a shock to you, but, I have made a few, a few bazillion. I have days when it seems that I make a mistake and compound the situation with several more mistakes. I have days when, if not for mistakes, it would appear that I have done nothing all day. How about you?

So, how do you overcome your mistakes? Do you sit and mope? Do you complain that YOUR mistakes were actually caused by someone else? Do you try to explain that while it looks like a mistake it is actually just someone's misinterpretation of your stellar ability? Or, do you own up to it and admit that you made a mistake?

Today's word is something I try to keep in mind when I make mistakes, and is not intended to offend anyone: "Making mistakes is something everyone does. Learning from them is not."

We all make mistakes, regardless of what others may want to lead you to believe. It is what we do about those mistakes, it is about owning up to those mistakes, it is about learning from those mistakes. It is okay to make a mistake, but, when you do, learn from it, help others with what you learn from it, don't repeat it. It feels bad enough to make a mistake; it feels even worse not to learn anything from it.

I guess what I am trying to say is to not let mistakes define who you are. Yes, we all mess up. BUT, we are not just the sum of all of our mistakes. We can learn a lot from mistakes but we have to be open and honest enough to admit the mistakes we make, humble enough to learn from them, and smart enough to not repeat them.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Worth the effort

I am a liar. I don't admit that flippantly; I admit that humbly. I have been trying to teach our children that we don't lie. I was explaining to our daughter yesterday that we have all lied, and I have told some horrible ones. To this she replied, "No, you just tell funny lies." She means that I say things that are blatantly untrue just to be funny. But, the truth is we have all lied.

I don't know why it is so hard to go about our day not lying. I don't mean that I lie constantly about everything. However, I do catch myself "embellishing" even the simplest things to make it more interesting. Or, is it to make me more interesting? I think most lies stem from either trying to keep yourself out of trouble or from trying to make yourself out to be something you are not. Then, there are those other lies...

Today's word is Psalm 34:13, NLT, which reads, "Keep your tongue from speaking evil and your lips from telling lies."

In the verse preceding, David asked, "Does anyone want to live a life that is long and prosperous?" I am sure the answer is that we all want to. That question is followed by today's verse: "Then keep your tongue from speaking evil and your lips from telling lies." If we want to live a long, prosperous life, we can't go around spreading gossip or telling lies; one will get you killed, the other will get you fired.

We have already established that we all lie. Anyone who states that they don't lie is a liar. Again, not everyone is telling gigantic fibs that will alter the universe, but, we all like to make ourselves out to be something that we are not from time to time. We all want to save face and deflect blame from time to time. We all want to cover up our sins and shortcomings from time to time. We all lie. But, we don't have to. All we have to do to keep ourselves straight is to remember that if we want to live a long, prosperous life, we need to stop spreading gossip and telling lies. Not always easy to do, but, certainly worth the effort.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

National Sibling Day

According to the National Day Calendar, today is "National Sibling Day". I have four (4) sisters and two (2) brothers, so, six (6) siblings. When people say, "I couldn't imagine having a family that size." I always reply, "I couldn't not." We have always been a large family; I wouldn't know anything different. I wouldn't want to know anything different.

Yeah, having a large family has its challenges. Of course, there are financial challenges; trying to keep nine (9) people fed and clothed had to be quite a challenge for my parents. Also, with nine (9) people, there are nine (9) attitudes and personalities, some of which were good, some not so. But, with all that being said, I had a great childhood, and I have a great family.

Today's word is Galatians 5:26, NLT, which is a good reminder about how to treat our siblings, and others: "Let us not become conceited, or provoke one another, or be jealous of one another."

It's not always easy to share everything with everyone, as is the necessity of siblings. We all  want our own things, our own space, our own time, but we also can't be so self focused that we become completely selfish. It becomes very easy, at times, to become jealous of others, when what we should do is celebrate their successes with them.

Happy "National Sibling Day" to all that are my biological siblings, and to all that are my spiritual brothers and sisters. My life would not be full nor complete without you. I am blessed to call each of you family.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

That is love

As I have probably mentioned before, I believe that love is an action verb, not just an emotion. You show someone that you love them by the things that you do, not by the things that you say you'll do. Not that you are trying to "buy" someone's love but you prove that you love someone by doing. I think we often miss this in our day to day lives. Love is action.

Love is also a choice. GOD allows us to choose who we love, who we will spend the rest of our lives with. Then, we have a choice each day to continue to choose to love that special someone. For one reason or another, countless people wake up one day and choose not to, their choice.

GOD also gives us the same choice when it comes to loving Him. We can choose to love GOD or we can choose not. He didn't make us spiritual robots with no freedom; He gave us free will, and we can use that free will to choose to love Him or not. Now, why anyone would choose not to love GOD, I do not know. I do know there are serious consequences for not loving Him, but, I love Him because He is my Great Father. And, He has loved me continually from the beginning.

Today's word is Jeremiah 31:3, NIV, which reads, "The LORD appeared to use in the past, saying, 'I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness."

Not only does GOD choose to love us, He has made that choice from the beginning, every single second of every single day. It is often overused, especially by me, but has it ever occurred to you that there is nothing you can do to make GOD love you more; and, there is absolutely nothing you can do to make GOD love you less. GOD has chosen to love us from the beginning, forever. That is love.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, April 8, 2019

A guy my age

Well, I have reached the age that, when I have my annual check ups, my doctor always says something like, You are in perfect health, " or, "You are in great shape," and it would be perfectly fine if it ended there. However, there seems to always be the disclaimer, "...for a guy your age." Again, I don't really know what that means.

I mean, am I in good shape, or am I not? Am I in perfect health, or am I not? What does the disclaimer, "for a guy your age" really mean? When I shared this with a friend of mine, he laughed and said, "It means you could die any second." Then, I thought, "He is right. But, isn't that true for any of us?"

Today's word is Psalm 62:1, NIV, which reads, "Truly my soul finds rest in GOD; my salvation comes from Him."

It is true that we don't know when our time on this earth may come to a very abrupt end. As a child of GOD, though, we really have no need to be concerned with any of that. We can rest safely, surely, confidently that to be absent from the body is to be present with the LORD.

It is a good feeling knowing that when this life is over, hopefully, many years down the road, that my eternity is with JESUS, in Heaven, for eternity. We can find rest in that. We can find peace in that. We can find assurance in that. We can feel great and confident about that, especially a guy my age.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, April 5, 2019

Friday Breakfast

The kids and I sort of have a standing date for Friday breakfast. Not every Friday, sometimes other things arise, but most Friday's, they get up a little earlier than usual, get ready for school, and we go have breakfast together before I deliver them to the school. I cannot truly express how much I cherish that part of my week.

Now, the breakfast is nothing extravagant; it is usually a fast food breakfast, with way too many calories, an ample serving of oil, and may be followed with some heartburn. BUT, the fact that I get a few minutes with my kids, making a memory is worth every bit of it. I don't want to sound too mushy or soft, but, I realize that they aren't going to be children long, and everything we do, everything everyone does, will leave a lasting impression.

Today's word is a Chinese proverb that reminds me how important it is to put good things into my children: "A child's life is like a piece of paper on which every person leaves a mark."

I am well aware of how little time, during a typical week, I get of my children's awake hours, when compared to school and extra curricular activities. I am not complaining about either of those things, but, I am aware that I need to be leaving the best marks on my children's papers. I want them to know that they are loved, supported, and have parents that they can come to.

I am also aware that everyone else is leaving marks on their papers, too. I want to be able to erase all the bad ones I can, if I can. I want them to know that just because someone says it, that doesn't make it true. I want them to know that GOD loves them more than they could ever imagine, and I want them to see the Father's love through their own flawed, earthly Dad. And, maybe I can do some of that by sharing Friday breakfast.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Boldly and Confidently

I have a prayer request. I don't know who reads this blog but I hope you will do me a huge favor. There is a young girl, a third grader that is battling leukemia. It had gotten better, but it has come back, a complete relapse. Her parents' and her resolve and faith are strong but I know they would be grateful for your prayers. So, please pray for Rozlyn.

I am grateful that I can take my prayers, my concerns, my problems to the LORD directly. We can pray to GOD through our advocate, our intermediary, our SAVIOR, JESUS. The Bible tells us that He sits at the right hand of the Father making intercession for us. He makes our requests, even when we can't put it into words. I am more humbled than I could ever express that I can talk directly to GOD.

Today's word is Ephesians 3:12, NLT, which reads, "Because of CHRIST and our faith in Him, we can now come boldly and confidently into GOD'S presence."

There are lots of places in this world that I wouldn't be welcome or that I wouldn't fit in: I am not the right type, don't possess the proper intelligence, don't have enough money. But, praise the LORD, because of my faith in JESUS CHRIST, because He is my SAVIOR and LORD, I can talk directly to the King of kings and the LORD of lords. How amazing is that?

You, as His child, have the same privilege, the ability to talk directly to the Father. And, today's word tells us that we can enter into His presence boldly and confidently. Not because of anything we have done or anything we could ever do,but, because, we are His. So, in your spare moment today, please pray for Rozlyn, her family, her doctors, her treatment. Take it to the Father boldly and confidently. Thanks.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Family of Faith

We are approaching the Easter Holiday, the day we celebrate the empty tomb, the resurrection of our LORD and SAVIOR. It is very humbling to me to even think that GOD thought I was worth the trouble; that I was worth giving up His only begotten Son, to make a way for me to go to Heaven. I am forever grateful that someone shared with me His love and the plan of salvation.

Here at Easter season, we collect a special offering, the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering, which goes to help "home" missions. Annie had a heart for missions and wanted everyone to know the love of JESUS and to hear the plan of salvation. She worked tirelessly for those things that she believed, including sharing the message of CHRIST.

I have often thought about missionaries and the difficult task they undertake. I can't imagine the anticipation and the anxiety that goes along with being a missionary. To be called somewhere that you have probably never been, to start a church, to plant seeds, to talk to hundreds, maybe thousands, of people that really have no reason to listen. Being a missionary is certainly GOD-called, and I pray for each of those that answer the call.

Thinking of missionaries and their tireless efforts led me to today's word: Galatians 6:10, NLT, reads, "Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone--especially to those in the family of faith."

I guess what I am getting at, or what is getting through to me today, is that GOD has provided a way for us to take part in the Great Commission. Now, we are to go and share the Message with those that GOD puts in our path, but, we can also have a part in missions locally and world-wide by giving to those called to be where GOD put them, those in our family of faith.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, April 2, 2019


We took a trip to the zoo yesterday. Trish had to work, unfortunately, but the kids and I went to the zoo, which was a fun and adventurous trip. They really didn't stop to look at the animals a whole lot. I mean, we would look at the giraffes or the elephants or whatever but only as we were passing by, on our way to whatever they were looking for, which they eventually found.

We spent a couple of hours riding the train that went around the zoo and going down a slide at the zoo. We are blessed with a couple of really cool, really active kids. They like seeing things, such as animals you don't see every day, but, they would rather be doing something. There is a lot to be said for folks who like to do things. I pray that they will always be doers, go-getters, hard workers.

Today's word is just a quick reminder that hard work is prosperous in so many different ways: "Some people dream of success, while others wake up and work hard at it."

Success seems to come naturally to some, and seems to always elude others. But, the truth is, if you are working hard, for the right reasons, you are more successful than you give yourself credit. Being successful has nothing to do with the size of your bank account, your house, your vehicle, or your ego. Being successful means that you apply yourself usefully.

I look at my two children and am humbled and amazed at how diligent and determined they are. I am glad that they love to learn by doing, and aren't afraid to do. Of course, their knowing and growing in GOD is the most important. I am grateful that I get the blessing of watching them grow and learn and explore. My prayer is that I can help them be successful in whatever they choose to try to accomplish; that I can help foster and nurture their spirit and creativity. My prayer is that I can help them be successful.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, April 1, 2019

Above all things

We were discussing in our small group yesterday about how many people seem to want to "say" they want a relationship with GOD, yet, they continue doing the things they are doing. And, listen, before you think I am judging, I am not. We have ALL sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD. What I am talking about this morning, though, is those that try to say that GOD has changed and that He will accept our sins. And, I can tell you that He will not.

The Bible tells us that GOD does not change: He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Whatever was wrong in Genesis is still wrong in 2019. The Bible will cause one of two reactions in people: the Bible will either change you to try to follow the teachings of the Bible. OR, people will try to change the Bible to fit whatever sin they are committing. I can tell you, without a single doubt, that the former is the only way the Bible works.

So, what causes us to want to have a relationship with GOD, yet, refuse to follow His teachings, refuse to give Him Lordship of our lives, refuse to commit to Him? It is a heart problem. You see, there are tons of people with a head knowledge of GOD but, until He changes the heart, you have no personal relationship with Him. Why is this so difficult? Well, the answer can be found in today's word...

Today's word is Jeremiah 17:9 KJV, which reads, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?"

We allow our hearts to decide that our will is better, more important, more beneficial, more righteous than GOD'S. We allow our hearts to decide that what we want is more important, more correct, more holy than what GOD wants. We allow our hearts to determine that we will miss eternity in Heaven with JESUS CHRIST because what we want to do is more important than having a real, personal relationship with Him. Why?

Because, we refuse to give up our sins, our desires, our wants. We refuse to give our heart to the GREATEST and hold on to the worst. We allow our hearts to tell us that what we want, what we think, what we want to do is far better, far greater, far more important than spending eternity with the SAVIOR. We have to be careful what we allow our heart to tell us; it is deceitful - above all things.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T