We were discussing in our small group yesterday about how many people seem to want to "say" they want a relationship with GOD, yet, they continue doing the things they are doing. And, listen, before you think I am judging, I am not. We have ALL sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD. What I am talking about this morning, though, is those that try to say that GOD has changed and that He will accept our sins. And, I can tell you that He will not.
The Bible tells us that GOD does not change: He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Whatever was wrong in Genesis is still wrong in 2019. The Bible will cause one of two reactions in people: the Bible will either change you to try to follow the teachings of the Bible. OR, people will try to change the Bible to fit whatever sin they are committing. I can tell you, without a single doubt, that the former is the only way the Bible works.
So, what causes us to want to have a relationship with GOD, yet, refuse to follow His teachings, refuse to give Him Lordship of our lives, refuse to commit to Him? It is a heart problem. You see, there are tons of people with a head knowledge of GOD but, until He changes the heart, you have no personal relationship with Him. Why is this so difficult? Well, the answer can be found in today's word...
Today's word is Jeremiah 17:9 KJV, which reads, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?"
We allow our hearts to decide that our will is better, more important, more beneficial, more righteous than GOD'S. We allow our hearts to decide that what we want is more important, more correct, more holy than what GOD wants. We allow our hearts to determine that we will miss eternity in Heaven with JESUS CHRIST because what we want to do is more important than having a real, personal relationship with Him. Why?
Because, we refuse to give up our sins, our desires, our wants. We refuse to give our heart to the GREATEST and hold on to the worst. We allow our hearts to tell us that what we want, what we think, what we want to do is far better, far greater, far more important than spending eternity with the SAVIOR. We have to be careful what we allow our heart to tell us; it is deceitful - above all things.
Be Blessed,
Mickey T
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