Friday, April 5, 2019

Friday Breakfast

The kids and I sort of have a standing date for Friday breakfast. Not every Friday, sometimes other things arise, but most Friday's, they get up a little earlier than usual, get ready for school, and we go have breakfast together before I deliver them to the school. I cannot truly express how much I cherish that part of my week.

Now, the breakfast is nothing extravagant; it is usually a fast food breakfast, with way too many calories, an ample serving of oil, and may be followed with some heartburn. BUT, the fact that I get a few minutes with my kids, making a memory is worth every bit of it. I don't want to sound too mushy or soft, but, I realize that they aren't going to be children long, and everything we do, everything everyone does, will leave a lasting impression.

Today's word is a Chinese proverb that reminds me how important it is to put good things into my children: "A child's life is like a piece of paper on which every person leaves a mark."

I am well aware of how little time, during a typical week, I get of my children's awake hours, when compared to school and extra curricular activities. I am not complaining about either of those things, but, I am aware that I need to be leaving the best marks on my children's papers. I want them to know that they are loved, supported, and have parents that they can come to.

I am also aware that everyone else is leaving marks on their papers, too. I want to be able to erase all the bad ones I can, if I can. I want them to know that just because someone says it, that doesn't make it true. I want them to know that GOD loves them more than they could ever imagine, and I want them to see the Father's love through their own flawed, earthly Dad. And, maybe I can do some of that by sharing Friday breakfast.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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