Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Fear Not

Our little guy has gotten to where he is afraid of the dark. It used to not be this way but for some reason, lately, he doesn't like to go into a dark room. It is the fear of the unknown that causes us all problems, not just a three-year-old.

We get really uncomfortable when we don't know what is going on or what is about to happen or when something really unexpected startles us. It is for these reasons that slasher movies and haunted houses are so popular. However, fear can paralyze us.

Yesterday, we talked about the shepherds being visited by the angel of the LORD and that they were sore afraid; they were terrified. Today's verse is Luke 2:10, KJV, which reads, "And the angel said unto them, 'Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people."

The shepherds were terrified but the angel of the LORD calmed there fears by saying, "Fear not. I bring you good tidings of GREAT JOY..." When Blake is scared, I am amazed at how just my saying, "It's alright buddy," soothes his fears. Once the shepherds saw that the angel was there to bring them good news, they could relax and receive the gift - it was for ALL people.

As we approach the day we celebrate the birth of our SAVIOR we, too, can relax. No matter what is going on in this world, no matter the evil, no matter the turmoil, we can FEAR NOT. Our SAVIOR is in Heaven fighting on our behalf.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, December 22, 2014

Sore afraid

Ever been afraid? It's amazing to me how brave we can be at times and how scared we can be at others. I think a lot has to do with the surroundings and our mind set (what's going on in our lives at that particular moment).

I think about camping out. Out in the "wilderness" there is nothing but stars and the moon to keep you company. When you hear something, you wonder what it might be; your mind can run wild with imagination. What you hear is a giant grizzly bear so starved and deranged that he smelt you from five miles away. What it is, though, is a tree frog with a cold. This all sort of reminds me of three others that we frightened on night...

Today's word is Luke 2:9, KJV, which reads, "And, lo, the angel of the LORD came upon them, and the glory of the LORD shone round about them: and they were sore afraid."

The three shepherds, on the night of our SAVIOR'S birth, were out in the middle of the wilderness, not expecting anything or anyone, and BAM, the angel of the LORD appeared. The description is that they were "sore afraid", they were terrified. Can't blame them, can you? Out in the middle of nowhere, these shepherds, the outcasts of society at times, had a visitor. I bet they were afraid. But, what a remarkable example for us.

GOD sent the SAVIOR'S birth announcement to the shepherds, not to kings or royalty, not to the news agency, not to the elite of the elite, not the upper crust, but to the shepherds. GOD is interested in each of us individually. You don't have to be rich, you don't have to have popularity, you don't have to have stuff; all you have to have is a willingness to accept the gift. And, you can rest assured, just as the shepherds realized, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, December 15, 2014

Overflowing Hope

There's a really old joke that goes something like this: A guy walks up to the fence at a little league baseball game and asks the outfielder, "What's the score?" The kid tells him that the score is 30 - 0. The man says, "Well, that's not much of a game." To which the young kid replies, "Yeah, but just wait until we get to bat." That young kid had some hope.

I think one of the easiest things to lose is hope. In this world where everything you see on television and hear on the radio is bad news, it is easy to lose hope. When you seem to do all you can just to see that it will never be enough, it is easy to lose hope. The solution is hoping in the Right One.

Today's word is Romans 15:13, NIV, which reads, "May the GOD of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."

It is when we put our hope in things that are not worthy that we end up hopeless. We can rest assured that GOD is worthy and that He will fill us with what we need. I like the way this verse says that we "may overflow with hope..." Overflowing hope only comes from GOD.

We may find ourselves down by 30 runs in the first inning. We may find ourselves down to the wire with no end in sight. We may often find ourselves with way too much month and not near enough money. We may find ourselves in the midst of the toughest battle we ever thought possible. If we will trust in GOD, we may find that He will fill us to overflowing with hope.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Key to Happiness

It seems that everyone is looking for the proverbial "key to happiness". Some people have to go out and "find themselves". If I had ever wandered out to find myself, I'm afraid I might never find my way back. What if what I find is worse than what I already have? What if what I find is something no one else would even want? Would that really make me happy?

Others try to find happiness in things. They will buy a new car, a new house, a new toy, or even try a new love, thinking that is what will make them happy. In the end, though, they find that it is just another payment, another thing to break down, a worse relationship than they already had.

Today's word is a quote from Mandy Hale that says, "The KEY to happiness is letting each situation be what it is instead of what you think it SHOULD be."

It does seem to prove true that most of my unhappiness stems from my trying to make something what it could never be. I think we all do that from time to time. We have these expectations of what our vacation should be or what our family get-together should be or what someone should be, and we set our ideal, our expectation, so high that it is unattainable. Then, when our expectations are unmet, we are unhappy.

Let's try enjoying the MOMENT! Let's enjoy the little things in each situation. Let's find the happiness in the normalcy of things. I bet if we will try to do that, we'll find that we were holding the key the entire time.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Checking it twice

"Oh, you better watch out, you better not cry. You better not pout, I'm telling you why..." This time of year, we are reminded that Santa is making a list and checking it twice. We are then told that he is going to find out who's naughty and who's nice. Yeah, you better watch out.

Throughout the year, I have done some pretty nice things. And, I have done some not so nice things. I guess if you weighed them in the balance, I would probably rate a big stocking of coal and a sack full of hickories. I try to be good, and some moments, I truly am. But, I usually do something equally bad, or worse, that would wipe out the little good, if that is how it really worked.

Today's word is Hebrews 8:12, NIV, which reads, "For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more."

Aren't you glad, that as a child of GOD, He's not just sitting there making tic marks every time we do something bad? Now, no one knows more about who is being naughty and nice, yet, He doesn't keep track of all the times we mess up. Instead, He just waits for us to ask forgiveness, then, He gives it freely. And, once He forgives us, HE REMEMBERS OUR SINS NO MORE.

Yeah, this time of year we consider if we are on the naughty list or the nice list. Yet, every day I want to be diligent to be what GOD wants me to be. When I mess up, which happens often, I ask forgiveness, and He freely gives it; that is better than any present you could ever receive from Santa, though, I am hoping for something really special.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, December 5, 2014

Need a Boost?

I remember doing some training that required climbing up some fairly rugged terrain. While we were all men, and manly men at that, there would be points during the climb where everyone needed a little help - a pull here, a push there. It's amazing what a little boost can do.

Another boost we all need from time to time is our batteries. There are few things more frustrating than a dead battery, especially if you are in the middle of nowhere, knowing no one. Hopefully, someone will come along, with jumper cables, and get you going.

Today's word is Psalm 31:24, NIV, which reads, "Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD."

When things get disheartening and it feels as though you can't climb another step or that no one will ever come along and help you get going again, take heart. Our Father knows our needs and will send us what we need.

I am amazed at how there have been times when I was really down and someone gave me a boost. Maybe it was an encouraging word, maybe a song on the radio, maybe a card in the mail, maybe just a smile. There have been other times that something I read made the difference. The thing is, that when you hope in the LORD, He will always help.

Need a boost? Take heart and hope in the LORD.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Explaining and Understanding

Ever have someone ask you to explain Love? Love is really hard to define. I mean, we all know what it is, most of us have truly felt it, but it is hard to explain to someone. Sometimes, the explanation isn't the problem as much as the understanding. It's hard to explain complex things, such as true love, to a three-year-old.

It is also hard to explain faith to an unbeliever. You can use all kinds of analogies, examples, expressions, but for those who have never felt, never asked JESUS to be their Savior, they just can't understand why I know that I know that I know.

Today's word is a quote that says, "I can EXPLAIN it to you but I can't UNDERSTAND it for you."

We can spend all day trying to explain complex things to people and they will never get it. Just as there is so much that I don't know that if someone started trying to explain it to me, my head would probably explode. It all comes down to the understanding.

In the matters of love and faith in JESUS CHRIST, these are the things that I just have to say they are better felt than talked about. Because, we can spend a lot of time trying to define it, trying to expound on it, trying to explain it but what I know about it you will never understand - because it is personal.

Keep trying to explain and educate as much as possible whenever and wherever possible. By all means keep telling others about JESUS CHRIST; keep telling folks about true love. Just realize there will be those things, those subjects, those emotions that all you can say is, "I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


While Christmas is still three weeks away, there is no doubt that it is heavily on our minds. I LOVE CHRISTMAS! It's the time of year that everyone is harried and stressed and worried and irritable, when dysfunction becomes front and center. Yeah, it's a great time!

I see people fret about what they are going to buy, how much they are going to spend, how disappointed they are that they don't have enough to spend. Everyone seems to get so wrapped up in the commercial part of Christmas that they forget what CHRISTmas is really about.

Today's word is, "The Magic of CHRISTMAS is not in the presents, but in His presence."

The Magic of Christmas isn't in what you get or what you give. The Magic of CHRISTMAS is found in what has been given - JESUS CHRIST. When we focus on the true Present of the Savior's birth, we will really begin to feel the Magic of Christmas.

Let me say without any reservation - I LOVE CHRISTMAS! I LOVE the giving of gifts. I like receiving gifts. I LOVE watching the kids with their gifts. I LOVE the lights! I LOVE the trees! I LOVE the music. I LOVE CHRISTMAS! Let's focus more on being in the presence of the Savior and less on the presents. If we will all commit to that, I think we will all find that we LOVE CHRISTMAS!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, December 1, 2014

Alabama Auburn 2014

I'll try not to get into the negativity that surrounds all of the deep-seeded rivalries in college football but I am a fan of college football, and Alabama in particular. While I am sure others will disagree, there are few rivalries better than Alabama vs Auburn. Throughout this rivalry, there have been big finishes - BIG!

Last year, Alabama tried a last second field goal, which came up short and Auburn returned for a game winning 109 yard touchdown. This year, at halftime, it appeared that Auburn had Alabama on the ropes but Alabama proved resilient and came back to score five touchdowns in a row and won an amazing shootout. You have to play to the end...

Today's word is a quote from Napoleon Hill, which says, "Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting."

Victory isn't always easy. As in football, there will be times when things seem to come easy and everything is rosy, then, there will be those times when anything that could go wrong does and you can't win for losing. For the most part, though, we often lose because we give up. Once you give up, it's over.

Whether in sports, in UNO, in a friendly game of horseshoes, or in life, victory is possible if you refuse to stop fighting. You may still come out on the short end of the scoreboard but you will be a victor for refusing to quit.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

I have so much for which to be thankful. People probably get tired of me saying it but it is absolutely true: I am so grateful for all the little things that I so often take for granted. The things that come to mind are the ability to walk and talk and think and comprehend. The ability to communicate and listen, to see and imagine, to come and go.

I have been blessed with all the extras - the best wife in the world, the privilege of being her husband and a dad to my kids. We have a very modest but comfortable home. We have vehicles to drive and places to go. We have a great network of family, biological, spiritual, and emotional. We have jobs that we enjoy, which allow us to have food and clothing, a feeling of fulfillment, and so much more.Yes, I have all of life's blessings.

Today's word is just a thought that came to me: "We so often take for granted the very things that others would so deeply cherish."

I am the worst of the lot. I will complain about my arthritic knees and hips, while I am sure others would love to just be able to walk on sore knees and hips. I find myself complaining about the high price of electricity or gas or cable, while others would love to have the privilege of having a home.

This Thanksgiving, I want to be more grateful, more aware, more cognizant of the many rich blessings that GOD has bestowed upon me. I am going to quit taking for granted those blessings that I have that others would so deeply cherish.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

We need some help

There are times in each of our lives when we need a little assistance, a little help. It might be financial help. It might be something physical, like helping lift something. It might be spiritual, a little praying. It might be emotional, a shoulder to cry on. Suffice it to say that we will all eventually need a little help.

No one is immune from the wear and tear of this world. We will all have moments of happiness and moments of sadness. We will all have moments of strength and moments of weakness. We will all have moments of up and moments of down. It is in those latter moments that we need a little help.

Today's word is Psalm 55:22, NLT, which reads, "Give your burdens to the LORD, and He will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall."

In those times when we need help and no one seems to be able to lessen our load, GOD CAN. Whatever you may be carrying, whatever burden you may be bearing, whatever weight you are dragging, GOD can help. Give Him your burdens and He will take care of you.

And, notice the last sentence in the verse. "He will not permit the godly to slip and fall." It may seem that things are bad and only getting worse. It may seem that one more step is one too many. It may seem that one more straw is all it will take to break the camel's back. But, rest assured, He will not allow His children to fall.

We all will need help from time to time. Cast your burdens on the LORD; He will take care of you!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, November 24, 2014

The right Equipper

We recently purchased new cellphones but kept the same service. The phones are pretty nice; the service is still the same really sketchy service. Just this morning, I tried to send a text and it would never send it. NEVER. I walked around outside trying to get it to do better, no luck.

Same for my golf game, or lack thereof. I have purchased new golf clubs and still played just as poorly as I did with the old ones. You can have all the new stuff, made of the newest materials, with all the bells and whistles, but if you don't have the right equipper, the equipment means little.

Today's word is Isaiah 45:5, NLT, which reads, "I am the LORD: there is no other GOD. I have equipped you for battle."

Whatever may come our way, whatever problem or situation or opportunity, GOD has equipped us with the necessary tools to handle it. We don't have to worry about sketchy service or poor mechanics; He will give us what is needed for each and every battle.

We can buy all the new gadgets, all the latest equipment, but if we aren't hooked to the right Equipper, our efforts are in vain. It's all about the right Equipper.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, November 21, 2014

Pride can be a funny thing

There's an episode of M*A*S*H where Radar is Uncle Walter to a local lady's young son. Radar asks Capt. BJ Honeycutt to go with him to give the young child a full checkup. As they are walking along, BJ tells Radar that he is envious of him. When Radar says, "But, you're an officer and a doctor," BJ replies, "Yeah, but you have your family, and that is worth more than either of those."

We often allow ourselves to lose sight of the really important things. Our pride gets in the way and we begin to believe that we are more important than a relationship or that we are too good for certain things. When this happens, we tend to miss out on the most important things.

Today's word is a quote from Alice Hoffman that says, "Pride is a funny thing: it can make what is truly worthless appear to be a treasure."

Our pride can cause us to think that our education, our raising, our position, our whatever is more important than the people that helped us and/or continue to support us. A leader is no leader if he has no one to lead. Yes, our pride can certainly lead us to believe that something is more important than the truly important things. Don't allow your pride to blind you from what is most important.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, November 20, 2014

What you need is a good laugh

There is absolutely nothing like a good laugh, especially a good belly laugh. You know the kind; where your whole body shakes, you can't catch your breath, tears rolling down your face, yeah, a good belly laugh. I don't know why people don't laugh but some people seem as if there face would break if they did.

There are proven health benefits from laughter. Laughter has been shown to lower blood pressure, reduce stress, is a fun ab workout, improves cardiac health, increases T cells (they protect immunity), triggers release of endorphins (the feel good hormones), and laughter produces a general sense of well-being. So, laughter is good for our health.

Today's word is a simple quote I came across that reminds me not to take life so seriously. It says, "Life is better when you're laughing."

I think we all agree that life is definitely better when you're laughing, though, we all get in that rut from time to time that doesn't allow us to laugh. It is often quite hard to break that funk too. I have had funks last for weeks, which is an absolute shame but is the absolute truth.

We all know that laughter is good. We know that laughter is good for our health and well-being. We know that laughter makes life better. Go ahead - have a good belly laugh. You'll be glad you did.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Time for some cleaning

I like to weed eat. Now, I don't necessarily like weed eating as much as I have to but I do like to weed eat. You know what I like about weed eating? You can see what you are accomplishing. You can see that you are cleaning something up. You can see that you are making things neater. You can't always see that with other things.

I have seen things that looked really good from one side but the other side was horrid. I've seen a really nice, expensive fence that was only there to hide the junk behind it. I have seen cars with really nice paint jobs that were there to try to distract you from the poor mechanical shape it was in. I know we can all put up a false front to hide what we don't want anyone else to see.

Today's word is Psalm 51:10, NIV, which reads, "Create in me a pure heart, O GOD, and renew a steadfast spirit within me."

Sometimes, it is necessary for GOD to do a little cleaning, removing those things that are hindering good growth. We need Him to knock down the weeds and to create a clean, pure heart. You can't grow good things until the bad weeds, those things that steal from the good, are removed. GOD is the keeper of our hearts. Then, we have to be steadfast, determined, to keep the good things going.

I don't always look forward to weed eating. I bet GOD doesn't always enjoy having to discipline His children in order to get the bad stuff out. Yet, the end results are so rewarding.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Learning from the children

Watching the little man the other day, I was reminded how simple things could be if I would only let them. He was having a grand time just driving two half eaten Doritos around the coffee table. In his three-year-old mind, they were firetrucks on a mission to "help somebody".

He "drove" the two Doritos around the coffee table, stopping here and there to mitigate any emergency that cropped up. There were no expensive toys, no extensive graphics, no complicated controls; just two half eaten Doritos and a wonderful imagination. His sound effects were astounding; his lesson was humbling.

Today's word is part of a quote from Paulo Coelho, which I have paraphrased: "Learn from children: be happy for no reason and always be busy with something."

Yeah, the lesson really resonated with me. I have a tendency to allow things to bog me down, to wear me down, to steal some of my happiness. Yet, here was a three-year-old having a grand ol' time "driving" two Doritos around the coffee table in order to "help somebody". He was happy for no particular reason, though, Doritos can usually make me happy. And, his joy was in doing something to help someone else. Children can teach us so much, if we will only look and listen.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, November 17, 2014

You'll get it back

You ever lend money to folks knowing you'll never get it back. Yeah, you know the ones. They will ask if they can "borrow" some money but you know that "borrow" for them is synonymous with "give". It gets pretty easy in these situations to become jaded and not want to help anyone out.

How do you know who really needs to borrow money and who really doesn't? How do you know when you are really helping someone or just aiding them in their slothfulness? How do you know when giving someone something is the right thing to do? All good questions...

Today's word is Proverbs 19:17, NLT, which reads, "If you help the poor, you are lending to the LORD--and He will repay you!"

It takes some discernment when it comes to "lending"; we need to be sure that we aren't enabling, which I am sure I have done. But, when we do it sincerely, when we do it knowing GOD wants us to, when we do it knowing GOD is in it, we can rest assured that we will never miss what we give. But, it is even more than that...

If we give, knowing we are led by GOD, we can also be assured that GOD will give it back. I don't know about you but I have been blessed beyond my wildest imagination. GOD has given me more than I deserve, more than I ever expected, more than I can ever thank Him for. If GOD leads you to give to someone, He will repay you!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, November 10, 2014

Blessed and Highly Favored

When people ask me how I am doing, my usual reply is, "Blessed and Highly favored." Some people look at me like I am the idiot that I can be, while others look at me like I am bragging. Well, let me clear that up - I am bragging - on GOD! He has truly blessed me and favored me far more than I deserve. FAR MORE.

I think we often lose sight of all that we have been given because we focus too much on what we think we lack. Yes, there are lots of people in this world making lots more money and living in much nicer houses and driving much fancier cars and eating the finest of foods but, if they don't know JESUS as LORD and SAVIOR, they aren't nearly as favored as I am.

Today's word is John 1:16, from the New Living Translation, which reads, "From His abundance we have all received one gracious blessing after another."

I have said it before but it doesn't lessen it...do you know how blessed you are to have been able to get yourself out of bed this morning? To have dressed yourself? To have had something readily available to eat? To have been able to get up and walk and talk and move and speak and hear. Yep, you're blessed!

I don't know about you but I have received one gracious blessing after another. I am indeed Blessed and Highly Favored.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, November 7, 2014

There's no qutting

Well, yesterday was a cardio day. I HATE cardio days. I know they are a necessary evil. I know that they are benefiting me in ways that I will one day realize. I know that doing the cardio will help me in the long run. But, as I climbed on that elliptical yesterday, there wasn't a lot of want to.

It's not just cardio that we have to, sometimes, overcome. We are often confronted with things that are difficult and taxing, that just plain suck. Yet, we have to find a way to get through it; we have to find the strength to muddle to a finish.

Today's word is a simple prayer that reminds me from whence my strength comes. It says, "Thank you, LORD, for giving me the strength to keep going when all I really want to do is give up."

Psalm 121 begins by saying, "I lift my eyes unto the hills, from whence comes my help. My help comes from the LORD, which made Heaven and earth." GOD gives me the strength to keep on going when all I want to do is quit.

We will all face those things that will cause us to want to throw our hands up and say, "I give up." When those times occur, and they will, call on GOD. He will give you what you need to keep going because He loves to see His children succeed.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Health and Nourishment

My thoughts today are on the impending health fair that we will have at work today. It is an annual event in which they check blood sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure, bmi, etc. I usually do pretty well with the blood pressure and blood sugar but I excel with cholesterol.

I am a cholesterol manufacturing machine. I can take the medication or not take the medication and have numbers off the chart either way. I really try to eat fairly healthily but it has little effect on my numbers. I try to exercise fairly regularly but that, too, seems to have negligible effects. But, I have to do what I can.

Today's word is Proverbs 3:7 & 8, NIV, which reads, "Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones."

If we want to be really healthy, there is nothing better that we can do than to fear the LORD and shun evil. There are so many bad things that we can get into that will have detrimental effects on us physically. I won't go into long lists but we will suffice to say that doing certain evil things can cause you to get diseases that will KILL you, often slowly and painfully.

Not only will shunning evil keep you healthy, it will nourish you. I have had a busy stretch where that I haven't made it to exercise as often as I had been. But, once I got back into the routine, I felt better than I could have imagined. Sore? Yes. Tired? Yes. Achy? Yes. But, better.

Yes, it is important to try to maintain a healthy lifestyle. We can really aid ourselves by trusting GOD and shunning evil. Now, let's go see how high that cholesterol meter can really read!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, November 3, 2014

See and say

I have a simple approach to things. If you know me, you know that I am a very simple guy. My approach is that I believe half of what I see and a fourth of what I hear. It really comes down to perception. I have had the wrong perception of things that I thought I heard or saw, which brought about this approach.

I am sure we have all done it. We hear something but we allow it to meander through our minds and what we eventually think we heard is not exactly what we heard at all. Then, when we share what we think we heard, it causes more erroneous perceptions; same thing with what we often think we see.

Today's word is a quote that I don't know to whom it is attributed but I really like it. It says, "Don't let your ears witness what your eyes didn't see; don't let your mouth speak what your heart doesn't feel."

We often allow our perception of things to cloud the truth. We allow what one person tells us to influence our belief about someone else. While everyone may have an opinion of everyone else, I truly try to form my own opinions of everyone and not take theirs. If the evidence doesn't substantiate it, I try not to let my ears formulate it.

It's easy to get drawn into things we never intend to be involved in by allowing others to influence our decisions. We would all be better off to allow ourselves to see it to believe it and to only speak the truth. You know, believe half of what you see and a fourth of what you hear.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, October 27, 2014

GOD'S Comfort

A really dear friend of mine suffered an unimaginable loss recently. I cannot fathom the pain and sorrow, nor the questions. It is at times like this that I cannot think of a single thing to say. Not a single thing. There just is not any word that could possibly make it any better. Ever been there?

Have you ever been in a situation where words you say fail to convey what your heart truly feels? Have you ever been in the situation where the words others say fail to ease the pain your heart feels? Yeah, I would imagine that we have all be there...

Today's word is Psalm 119:50, NIV, which reads, "My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promise preserves my life."

When nothing seems to ease the pain, when words seem to fail to express, we can take comfort that GOD is still on the throne, and that He can help us through. We are reminded that sorrow is for a night but joy comes tomorrow. While it isn't easy to see that, while it isn't easy to sense that, while it is impossible to even believe that, we can rest assured that GOD does not fail, His promise will preserve us.

For my friend, I love you. I am praying for you. I know GOD will comfort you and His promises will endure.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Always on my mind

There's a fairly popular song, "Always on my mind," that has been released by several artists. Brenda Lee released it in 1972, Elvis in 1972, Willie Nelson in 1982, which won a Grammy Award, and even the Pet Shop Boys in 1987. Yep, the Pet Shop Boys. It has been a really popular song.

The gist of the song is that I haven't shown you the love that you deserve; that I haven't done the little things to show you how I truly feel; that I haven't done what you needed me to do in order to prove my love but You were always on my mind.

Today's word is a C.S. Lewis quote that says, "Humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less."

I find it absolutely amazing how much I think of myself. I don't mean that I think HIGHLY of myself. I mean that I think about MY plans, and MY day, and MY stuff, and MY this, and MY that. Thinking so much of yourself can lead to quite an ego, which I try to fight every day. Lately, though, I have begun to wonder if MY thinking has caused others to think I didn't think enough about them.

Please believe me when I say this...I know it's not all about me. I am what I am, where I am by the AWESOME GRACE of GOD. I cannot thank Him enough. I cannot praise Him enough. I cannot give Him enough credit for all that He has done, is doing, and will do. It's not about me. If I've ever made you feel second best, I'm so sorry that I was blind. But, you were always on my mind.

LORD help me to be better at thinking of others more, and of myself less.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, October 17, 2014

It can be scary

There are some really scary things going on in our world right now. There are the skirmishes, the battles, the wars against ISIS and terrorism and just the worldly unrest. Closer to home, Ebola has been in every headline, Enterovirus D68 is pretty scary, especially with winter coming and everyone being indoors, closer to each other.

Then, we have the everyday fears with the economy, with gas prices that are still dragging us down, grocery prices that are still rising, medical costs and the whole "affordable care act"; there are a lot of things going on that can potentially scare the beejeebies out of you.

Today's word is Psalm 56:3, NIV, which reads, "When I am afraid, I put my trust in You."

So many of the things going on, we have no control over. I have ideas about all of them, but they aren't going to listen to me nor implement any of my strategies. If I have no control, and if I can do nothing to make it better, what am I to do? I am to put my trust in GOD. GOD knows everything that is going on. He knows all the challenges and fears that are before us and that surround us. He will provide what we need to get us through.

When I am afraid, I put my trust in GOD.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Your awesome responsibility

We are all responsible for certain things. Some of us are responsible for getting out of bed and making good grades in school. Some are responsible for getting up every morning, cooking breakfast, getting everyone out the door for school and work, then, going to work themselves. Some are responsible for getting out of bed, feeding the livestock, milking the cows, cooking breakfast, getting everyone else ready, then, going to work themselves. You get the idea; we are all responsible for things.

To meet our obligations, our responsibilities, we have all been given certain abilities. Some folks are really good motivators and can get people moving and things accomplished. Others are really good planners and organizers; they know how and when and where everyone needs to be, and what they are to do when they are there. Others are really good financially and keep things paid up and food coming in. But, we have more than that...

Today's word is a quote from Zig Ziglar that says, "You are the only person on earth who can use your ability. It's an awesome responsibility."

We have all been blessed and equipped with certain abilities, certain talents. Only you can use yours. I am probably one of the least talented individuals you will ever find. I have seen people with tremendous talent that just didn't use it. I have seen people with spectacular abilities that they just allow to go to waste. I wish I could use what they have but only they can use it.

You have been gifted with some very special abilities that no one else has. You have been given some very special talents that no one else can do. You have an awesome responsibility to use that with which you have been gifted. No one else can use it - it's your responsibility.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The good you ought to do

It has been a few days. Things have been rather busy and I have found difficulty in trying to get everything done. Speaking of doing, have you ever had the feeling that you should do something, then, not do it? I am sure we have all  had that feeling, that urging that we were supposed to do something for someone but we ended up not doing it.

How about the little things? Ever did something that you knew you shouldn't do but you did it anyway? You know, everyone else does it. No one will ever know. The way they have treated me, I deserve this. As much as they have, they will never miss what little bit I take. Any of that sound familiar?

Today's word comes from James 4:17, NIV, which reads, "If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn't do it, it is sin for them."

It doesn't matter if everyone else is doing it. It doesn't matter if no one will ever know. It doesn't matter what you think you deserve. It doesn't even matter how much someone else has. It doesn't even matter that we know what is right. No, what matters is doing what is right. What matters is doing what is right, even when what is right is the last thing we want to do. Why? Because we are GOD'S children and reflect Him.

James tells us that if we know what we ought to do, and we do, then, when we don't do it, it is sin. It takes action. It isn't about knowing what is right, it is about doing. It is about doing the good you ought to do.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Prayed lately?

In our busy lives, it seems that we often run out of time to do some of the most crucial things. We are so tired with all that we have going on that we can't find the time to unwind and exercise, which would do us more good than we could ever imagine. We are always running and trying to do the next thing that we often eat whatever we can when we can, instead of having a good, balanced meal that would benefit us.

There are other things. The main one on my mind today is prayer. It seems that there is so much going on and I am always behind that I don't seem to have the time to devote to prayer that I should, or that I would like. Oh, I pray, and GOD listens to all our prayers; and, He knows how busy we are. But, I really love those times when I can just concentrate on talking to GOD.

Today's word is Colossians 4:2, NIV, which reads, "Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful."

Just as we need to be diligent in our attempts to exercise and eat right and rest and unwind, we also need to be diligent in our efforts to commune and communicate with GOD. We need to be devoted to praying, to talking with our Heavenly Father. Yes, He already knows but He still wants to hear from us.

This verse also reminds us to be watchful, to be sure that we don't let that relationship slip. It is easy to get overwhelmed with everything else and become slack in our prayer life. We also need to be thankful; every good and perfect gift comes from above. GOD has blessed me so much with so much that I cannot thank Him enough. I need to thank Him every chance I get. Thank You, LORD, for being so good to me, for being such a loving and devoted Father.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Happy Birthday Pops

Today would be my Pops' 75th birthday. Pops passed away eleven days after his 74th birthday; it's been almost a year. I miss him everyday. Pops and I were buddies. Now, when I was growing up, he was Pops, the disciplinarian, the authoritarian, the father that fathers should be. However, as I grew into my "own man", we became pretty good buddies. It is amazing that the older I got, the smarter he became.

Pops was never into sports. He grew up on a farm, plowing with mules, working in the cotton fields; he never had time for sports. I came along and loved sports, which Pops didn't understand but accepted. He grew to love baseball, especially the Atlanta Braves. He and I had a lot of conversations about baseball, and about life, while working, fishing, just sitting on the porch. I miss him.

Today's word is one I have probably used before but it reminds me that I will see Pops again. John 16:22, NLT, reads, "So you have sorrow now, but I will see you again; then you will rejoice, and no one can rob you of that joy."

Losing someone you love to death is painful. There are no words to describe it; there is no magic bullet to fix it. But knowing that I will see Pops again makes his passing a little easier. One day we will sit around again and talk about baseball on the porch of our Father's house. Happy Birthday Pops! I love you!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

There are choices

Choices, choices, choices. We make choices all day every day without even thinking about most of them. We decide what we are going to eat, what we are going to wear, what we are going to do to entertain ourselves. There are lots of choices to make.

We make choices concerning how we talk to and around others. We make choices concerning what we listen to and how we allow that to affect us. We make choices concerning how we will live our lives and what we will fight for and what isn't worth it. Yep, there are choices to make.

Today's word is just a thought that developed from something I read a while back. It is simply, "When something bad happens, you can either let it define you, destroy you, or motivate you."

Bad things are going to happen; no one is immune to it. No matter how hard you are trying, no matter how much you put forth the effort, no matter how hard you are trying to "live right", bad things are going to happen from time to time.

It really sucks when things go bad! However, when they do go bad, and they will, we have a choice to make. We can let those bad things define us - today is bad, every day is going to be bad. We can let those things destroy us - mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually. Or, we can use those things to motivate us - Yes, today is bad but I am going to push hard for a better tomorrow.

Bad things will happen. Our reaction is our choice.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, October 6, 2014

College Football

I really like college football, especially SEC football. There is something special about SEC football that makes it almost addictive. I say, "Almost," because I am not as addicted as I once was. I used to be so bad that it would keep me awake at night when my team lost, and my team has done some losing (they've done some winning too).

How silly it is when I look back now at how I used to let it consume me. I mean, there are young men that played the game, even professionally, that realized that it's a lot of fun but it isn't the most important thing. I think of John Croyle, Danny Wuerffel, Tim Tebow, Jay Barker, Will Herring, and countless others that realized that the biggest thing they could get out of sports was the opportunity to share GOD'S word, and it's an amazing word.

Today's word is 1 Corinthians 2:9, NIV, which reads, "What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived - the things GOD has prepared for those who love Him."

Yes, I love my life. I love living this life. I am having a ball here on earth. But, it pales in comparison with what is awaiting GOD'S saints. I love the way the scripture describes it - NO eye has see, NO ear has heard, No human mind can conceive - we can only imagine what GOD has prepared for those who love Him.

College football is great! I really like it. But, I am reminded by the example of those who saw that it was for a season, it was a stepping stone to where GOD wanted them. It's not just college football. Whatever GOD has you doing, use it for His glory and to lead others to His blessings.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, October 3, 2014

Speak what is true

While no one likes to admit it, we have all lied from time to time. I am not proud of lying. As a matter of fact, I am ashamed for lying. The funny thing is, I have lied about some of the most minor, minute things - things that would never have mattered but I lied about anyway. It is a shame...

As I have gotten older, I have become much better at speaking the truth. That's not to say that I don't still occasionally lie. I think we all know when a little untruth is the right thing to do. If someone asks if you like their new hairstyle, the truth may be that you don't, but, to save the friendship, you'll say, "I really like it." In instances such as that, I have gotten better at saying, "I like it if you do," and I leave it at that.

Today's word is from Proverbs 8:7, NIV, which reads, "My mouth speaks what is true, for my lips detest wickedness."

When it comes to sharing the love of CHRIST with others, I speak the truth. The truth is that GOD loves you. He doesn't want you to spend eternity separated from Him. He has made a Way through JESUS CHRIST for us to have an everlasting relationship with the ONE TRUE GOD. That is the TRUTH.

All the other things, "working your way to Heaven", following a strict code to merit Heaven, "killing the infidel" are all lies that GOD detests and will not proceed from my lips. The world needs to hear the TRUTH. So many folks are trying to spread lies that some people will believe; let's tell them the TRUTH!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Troubled Waters

The conference I have attended this week has been in New Orleans. In 2005, New Orleans was completely ravaged by Hurricane Katrina, which left thousands dead, hundreds of thousands homeless, and millions eternally changed.

People often ask why this happens or why that happens or why this particular thing happened to such a good person or why bad people never seem to have anything happen to them. The truth of the matter is that things happen. Even on our best day, something bad can, and often does, happen. It is just a reminder that we live in a fallen and evil world.

Today's word is a quote I came across that I do not know who originally said, "We are sometimes taken into troubled waters, not to be DROWNED but to be CLEANSED."

I don't know why bad things have to happen, other than the fact that we live in a fallen and evil world. I do believe, though, that sometimes we go through things to purge the bad things out. Your clothes would never get clean if the washing machine didn't agitate them. If we didn't have to go through a few things every now and then, we would never wash off what fouls us.

There is no doubt that I need a good reminder from time to time about how dirty I really am. Yes, I try to live right; I try with everything I have to be the person that GOD wants me to be. Yet, there are times I go through the wringer. I will try to remember that the troubled waters aren't there to drown me, but to cleanse.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The Hard Part

I am at a conference in a town known for its partying. It is my first time to attend this particular conference. I am grateful to be here; there are lots of good technical sessions, every equipment supplier imaginable, and endless networking opportunities. It is truly an honor and privilege that my boss has allowed me.

I have heard stories of others that, at this particular venue, have allowed themselves to be drawn in by the partying opportunities. They tell me of those who have gone out, stayed out all night, and struggle to get to dinner the next night. I am not judging them, to each his own, but I recognize that, whether they like it or not, I represent my company, and I plan to represent the best that I can. More importantly, I know that I represent my SAVIOR, and, once again, I plan to represent the best I can.

Today's word is a quote from the late General H. Norman Schwarzkopf, which says, "The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it."

We all know how to behave and how to act and how to conduct ourselves. We all know the right things to do, the right things to say, the proper manners. The hard part is doing those right things. The hard part is letting go of temporary satisfaction for continual integrity.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with having some fun and enjoying life. There is nothing wrong with letting your hair down and cutting loose. There is something wrong with forgetting who you represent, and to Whom you belong. We know the right thing to do.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Busy, Busy, Busy

It's been a few days since posting because I have been really busy. It seems that I am working, working, working and not accomplishing anything. I mean, I know I must be gaining ground on some of it but it is hard to see.

Life is that way sometimes. It seems that the harder we try to get things done, the less we seem to get done. Yet, if we keep trying, eventually, we will see the fruits of our labors. It is difficult to see it all now but I know that GOD will see me through and help me with all that I do.

Today's verse is Proverbs 16:3, ESV, which reads, "Commit your work to the LORD, and you plans will be established."

During those times that it seems I am working hard and losing ground, I keep in mind that if I am doing things with the mindset that I am doing it for GOD, if I am committing my efforts to GOD, if I am diligently trying to please Him as I serve others, He will help me accomplish what needs to be accomplished. If I will do my part, and work hard to accomplish my duties, He will help me meet the deadlines.

There will be stressful days. There will be times when it seems that there needs to be more of us. There will be times when it seems that our efforts are futile. However, if we will commit what we do to GOD, He will help us succeed.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, September 22, 2014

In everything set an example

I have noticed our, now, three-year-old exhibiting my mannerisms, which isn't necessarily a good thing. I have a tendency to say, "Goodness," or "My goodness," when things aren't going exactly according to my plans. He has picked this up.

I can also see him doing some of my gestures, trying to walk the way I walk, sitting the way I sit, even trying to eat the way I eat. It is rather humbling, and scary, to see him mimic me. I really need to be a good example.

Today's word is one I have probably used before but it has really been on my mind lately. It is Titus 2:7, and today we will use the North American Standard Bible (NASB), which reads, "In all things show yourself to be an example of good deeds, with purity in doctrine, dignified."

I need to be a good example in all things. Those around me, especially our little ones, need to see a good example from me. How are they going to learn to give if they see me try to hoard everything? How are they ever going to learn to share if they don't see me do the same? And, it goes much deeper than that.

They need to see my example in how I eat, how I exercise, how I treat others, how I read my Bible, how I study GOD'S message, how I respond to negativity, how I correct bad behavior in myself and in others. There is so much they will learn from me; they need to see JESUS displayed through me. In ALL things I need to show myself a good example.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, September 19, 2014

Turn the page

I've mentioned before that I don't forget much. If you did me wrong fifteen years ago, I'll forgive you but I won't give you the opportunity to do me wrong again. However, I, also, won't hold it over your head forever either. The only person that suffers from holding a grudge is the one holding the grudge.

There are some people that just cannot let it go. Yeah, you poked me in the eye. Yeah, it hurt. No, I will not give you the opportunity to do it again. But, I won't continue to beat you over the head about it for the next century. It serves no purpose to continue to hold that grudge other than to give me an ulcer.

Today's word is a quote that says, "You can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one."

Yes, you should remember when you are wronged, because no one deserves to be wronged, especially twice by the same person. However, if all you do is hold on to that and bring it up again and again and again, all you are doing is creating dissension and disharmony. In addition to that, you are giving yourself an ulcer and depriving everyone around you peace.

You will never move to the next phase of your life until you get tired of this one. You'll never read the next chapter until you stop re-reading this one. Turn the page.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Big Faith

I like King of the Hill. Yeah, I know, it's not the best show to watch, and it isn't the most politically correct show at times. I just like the characters and the overt patriotism. There's just something in me that is drawn to supporting my country.

Anyway, in one particular episode of King of the Hill, Boomhauer's brother, Patch, is engaged to marry a former flame of Boomhauer's. Yet, Patch is still trying to live the bachelor's life while just days away from getting married. Boomhauer calls his brother on this and all the others think that Boomhauer's dressing his brother down stems from jealousy about his brother marrying an old flame. Needless to say, in the end, the truth is found out, and the marriage is called off.

I said all that to say that there is a scene in that particular episode when Hank tells Boomhauer, "Well, Boomhauer, you used to always beat your brother at everything, but this time it looks like he's going to be you to getting married." As Boomhauer is walking away, he tells Hank, "Dang ol' life ain't no dang ol' race, man, talkin' bout dang journey man."

Today's word is a simple quote that says, "Let your FAITH be bigger than your Fears."

We never know what life is going to present us. We can be walking along thinking that everything is going just lovely and the next thing you know, a passing vehicle hits a puddle and covers us with mud. That doesn't mean that life is bad, it just simply means that our journey will have some mud puddles. Yet, if we wallow in that moment, the depth of that moment, the displeasure of that moment, we begin to think that life is bad and that it is always bad and that it will always be bad. We have to have faith that it will be better - BECAUSE IT WILL!

Don't let your fears overrule your faith. Don't let your fears steal tomorrow's joy. Let your FAITH be bigger than your Fears! Life isn't a race, it's not about today, it is the culmination of a lifetime. Live FAITHFULLY!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, September 12, 2014


Today is National Day of Encouragement. There is nothing better than a little encouragement. I am who I am today because someone took the time to encourage me to do something, to be something, to be better than the person I was becoming. Now, I am far from what I should be, not even what I could be, but I am also very far from what I was.

One word of encouragement could make all the difference in the world to someone. Why not try to encourage someone? Yeah, I know, there are those who seem bent to destroy themselves and take everyone with them in the process. They need encouragement. But, on the other hand, maybe they are in your life to strengthen you for what is coming next.

With the National Day of Encouragement in mind, today's word is, "The struggle you are in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow. Don't Give Up!"

As you've heard me say before, "Sometimes, Life Sucks". It just does. Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug. But, just because today sucks doesn't mean tomorrow will too. You may find that what you are going through today will be useful in helping someone else overcome tomorrow.

There will be struggles but without them there would be no strength. Don't Ever Give Up!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Things I take for granted

Ever have a pot boil over? Man, it can really make a mess. There is little that compares to scorched milk boiling over onto the cook top. However, when a chocolate or caramel fountain "boils over", we find that to be very pleasing and appealing. I guess it's about how you look at things.

There are so many things I take for granted every day. I have mentioned before that the little things: walking, talking, seeing, hearing, thinking, comprehending, are all things that we do so effortlessly that we often forget how blessed we are to do them. On top of that, I have the best family, a great job that I really enjoy, pretty good health, and, when this life is over, I am going to Heaven!

Today's word is just a saying I came across that sums things up. It says, "The things you take for granted, someone else is praying for."

While scorched milk boiling over onto a cook top is an inconvenience, there are so many folks out there that are praying for their next meal to come along. Even when my family tests my patience, there are those who are lonely and are looking for someone, anyone that will spare a little time for them. I hear so many people complain about their jobs, and there are so many more just praying for a chance to work somewhere so that they can provide for their family.

I know that I am blessed beyond imagination. I know that I have so many things that I often take for granted. I have been given things that I fail to appreciate as much as I should. I have come to realize that the little things that I so often take for granted, someone else is praying for. LORD, thank You for Your many blessings!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The Truth

What is truth? The dictionary definition is "that which is true or is in accordance with fact or reality." So, the truth is something that is factual or real. I am a man - Truth. I am a wealthy man - not True. Just from that simple example, we can see how easy it is to distinguish Truth.

However, so many people get tripped up trying to find truth. Their problem lies in the "in accordance with fact or reality" section. They will take whatever some people say as fact, when, in fact, the other person is lying, lying, lying. Others have a hard time dealing with reality, so, they take whatever comes as reality - today is horrible, tomorrow is going to be equally bad, etc.

Here's a fact...if you diligently seek truth, you will find it. And, when you find Truth, you will feel something unlike anything you have felt before. The feeling might be disbelief, hurt, anger, frustration, but, it could just as well be release, relief, FREEDOM.

Today's word is from John 8:32, NIV, which read, "Then you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free."

There is nothing more freeing than the Truth. JESUS was telling the Jews who had believed Him that if they would continue in His word, they would be His disciples. THEN, you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.

You want true freedom? You want to be truly free of burdens and sorrows? You want to be sure that what you believe is true and factual? Continue in GOD'S word. If you'll do that, you will know the Truth, and you will be FREE. There is nothing like true freedom.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, September 8, 2014


Most people will tell you that I am fairly disciplined individual. I do things a certain way most every time. I do things that most people find a hard time doing because I know it is probably good for me. However, sometimes, I wonder if I am disciplined or if I am just a guy who likes his ruts.

Discipline has been instilled in me from various sources. I saw the examples my parents set; always seeing it through, always completing commitments. The military certainly reinforced discipline. I found through training that I can do far more than I ever thought possible, if I am disciplined enough to see it through.

Today's word is just something I came across that says, "Discipline is just choosing between what you want NOW and what you want MOST."

I have shared with others how I make big purchase decisions. Of course, I pray about it first. Then, I imagine the item I am wanting to purchase sitting beside a stack of money equivalent to the purchase price. If I decide that I would rather have the stack of money, I don't purchase the item. If I decide I would rather have the item, I purchase it. It's my way of trying to stay disciplined in my spending. I am going to have to be in order to pay the house off, get the kids through college, etc.

There is something to be said for instant gratification. Sometimes, the feeling from getting something right NOW is hard to beat. But, it pales in comparison to getting something you really WANT. Be disciplined.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, September 5, 2014

Put on a happy face

Don't you love being around happy people. It makes a day go a lot better. Spending time with happy people has a tendency to make me happy. I know some folks who have a wonderfully, happy countenance, and I always try to spend time with them - it rubs off.

Now, it's not always easy to have a happy face. This world is full of worries and trials and tests. There will be days that nothing goes right and that there just seems to be no reason to smile. But, there is a way to help keep a happy face...

Today's word is Proverbs 15:13, NIV, which reads, "A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit."

Those days when we aren't as happy are because of the pain we feel in our heart. Heartache does crush the spirit; it takes away our happy face. It is easy to tell when someone is going through something, it shows on their face. It is hard to hide the crush of heartache.

The flip side of that is a happy heart makes a happy face. Just as it is hard to hide a crushed spirit, it is hard to hide a happy face. We have to concentrate more on what makes our hearts happy. If we'll do that, we will put on our happy face.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, September 4, 2014


I love fruit - apples, pears, peaches, strawberries, figs, oranges, grapes, watermelon, bananas - fruit. We are blessed with fruit trees in our yard; we have about twenty-five apple trees, three pear trees, a fig bush, and about 300 feet if scuppernongs. We are truly blessed.

However, if you want fruit, if you want the trees to continue producing, you have to do some work. In the fall and winter, there is pruning that needs to take place. Limbs have to be pruned, dead branches have to be removed, fertilizer is a good addition; there is work to do.

Today's word is just a thought from something I read a while back. My thought is, "If you want the fruit, you must take care of the tree."

So many people want the fruit, whether it be money, possessions, relationships, but they don't want to have to tend the tree. They want money - they want you to go out and work and, then, give them the money you worked for. They want possessions - they want your possessions. And, they want a relationship but they aren't willing to invest the time or give up their own selfish desires to nurture that relationship.

There's only one way to truly get what you want - EARN IT. It's nice when people give me things; it's nicer when I have earned something. If you want the fruit, you must take care of the tree.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Stop adding wood

I am not a big fan of gossip. Yes, I have participated in listening to gossip, and I have participated in spreading gossip, but I am not a big fan of it. Of course, there are different types. I mostly participate in the kind that is in good-natured ribbing. It's the other kind that I am not a fan of.

Some people love to dish the dirt on others to try and bring them down, to try and destroy their witness or reputation. Some people seem to strive on telling everything they can about everyone they can; they love to share the scoop.

Today's word is Proverbs 26:20, NIV, which I have used before but expresses my thought for today, which reads, "Without wood a fire goes out, without a gossip a quarrel dies down."

If you don't feed a fire fresh wood from time to time it will go out. I know - I've seen it. Same goes with gossiping and spreading rumors; if you don't add to it, if you don't spread it, it will die out. I am going to work on being more like Smokey the Bear and less like the fire stoker.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, August 29, 2014

No Peeking

I have shared this absolutely true story many times but I wanted to share it here. I cheated on one test in my entire life - one. And, I got caught.

It was Chemistry II and I was having great difficulty on one particular question, one question, and I needed to verify that my answer was correct. So, I stealthily looked over my shoulder at the paper behind me and verified that my answer was correct. Did I say stealthily? As I turned my head forward again, I noticed the teacher staring me dead in the eye. "Mike, are you cheating, she asked?"

Today's word is just a paraphrased, anonymous thought that says, "Life is our hardest test. Many people fail because they try to copy others."

You can't copy someone else; we all have different tests. While we are all taking the same type of exam - life - everyone's exam is specific. Your answer to number 1 is going to be different than for my number 1 because we have different tests. Don't fail the test trying to copy someone else. You have to complete yoru test.

So, the end of the story. I looked the teacher in the eye and honestly answered, "Yes Ma'am." She called me to her desk and asked me what I was doing. I explained that I had checked the answer for one particular question. She asked which one. I showed her. She marked that question wrong and allowed me to complete the test, while sitting beside her. As a matter of fact, I sat beside her desk the remainder of the year. And, I never cheated on another exam - EVER.

Don't try to copy someone else. Be yourself. Complete your test.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Strength for the battle

Ever have one of those days that when you finally laid down in bed you couldn't believe you made it through? I think everyone has had those. Lately, though, I have had several in a row. I think it has been brought on by allergies, and the heat of summer, and the daily grind. But, I have had those days that I didn't think I had enough strength to make it through.

Isn't it funny, though, that at the end of the day, exhausted and totally drained, you realize that you had just enough strength to make it through. Maybe there was absolutely nothing left in the tank; maybe you fell asleep as you were falling towards your pillow; maybe you don't even remember crawling into bed, but you had just enough strength to make it through.

Today's word is from Psalm 18:39, ESV, which reads, "For You equipped me with strength for the battle; You made those who rise against me sink under me."

When we rely on GOD, He will equip us with what is necessary to push through the battle. You may not have anything left at the end, but you will have enough to make it through.

Whatever you have going on, whatever you have that HAS to be accomplished, whatever it is that it dragging you down, rely on GOD. He will equip you with the strength for the battle.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

So, you don't like me

Look, I like to be liked. I am sure that most folks do. I don't know of many people who strive to have people dislike them. Of course, you have those who play a character whose main purpose is to make everyone hate them - Simon Cowell, Donald Trump, etc. but, I would bet that, deep down, they really want people to like them too; that is why they marry and have friends.

With that in mind, though, I know that there are those who do not like me. It doesn't matter how hard I try to befriend them, they have made up their minds that they are not going to like me. I would venture to say that if I could afford to give them thousands of dollars, they would still dislike me for "showing off" how wealthy I am. Well, no one has to worry about that happening.

Today's word is a quote from an unknown source that says, "I don't have time to worry about who doesn't like me...I'm too busy loving the people who love me."

If we spend all of our time worrying about why people don't like us, and worrying about who these people are that don't like us, we will wear ourselves down and wear ourselves out. US worrying about why THEY don't like us is futile; we aren't hurting them in the least while we are doing major damage to ourselves.

Let's spend our time loving those who love us, and not wasting our time on those who don't and never will. I think if we do that we will find ourselves happier, more fulfilled, and even healthier.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, August 25, 2014

Now and Later

There's a candy out there by the name of Now & Later. The name implies that you are to have some now and save some for later. I don't know who came up with that thought but it has never worked for me. I usually have some now and the rest now. There is an important lesson to be learned from that though...

I have a friend that recently turned down a supervisory position because he felt there wasn't enough of an initial pay increase. His words to me were that he felt it was an insult what he was offered to start in the position. He was only thinking of the here and now and not the later.

Today's word is 1 Corinthians 15:19, KJV, which reads, "If in this life only we have hope in CHRIST, we are of all men most miserable."

Paul was telling his Corinthian audience that we have CHRIST now BUT the best comes later. We have a great life living with and in CHRIST in this world but the future benefits are what really keeps us going. When this life is over, it gets better than it has ever been; that is something to look forward. to.

My friend was so hung up on the present value of things that he couldn't see how much he would benefit from the position in the future. If he had taken the job, he probably could have changed the amount he would draw when he retires by hundreds of dollars each month. However, all he could see was that he wasn't being compensated immediately. Don't let the little stuff today destroy your desire for tomorrow. We can enjoy living in CHRIST now and later - The BEST is yet to COME!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, August 22, 2014

The dirt

Ever wonder why things have to be so difficult? I mean, it doesn't even have anything to do with anything we did; things just seem to be going wrong and becoming more difficult despite our best efforts. You know the old question, "Why do bad things happen to good people?"

It's easy to say that it rains on the just and the unjust, that every rose has its thorn, that in every life a little rain must fall, that nobody ever said that life was going to be fair. There are a lot of cliched sayings that we can use to try and explain things but the facts are that we are all going to have some challenges. Every now and then, someone is going to kick dirt in our faces.

My though today is "Even the prettiest flower had to push through the dirt."

We are all going to have to push through the difficulties to get to the other side. It'll be hot and dirty and tough and rough and tiring and trying but it'll be worth it. You may be stuck in the dirt today but keep pushing. You'll blossom into the most beautiful flower, the flower GOD intended.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, August 21, 2014

It's the won't

There's an old saying that goes, "Can't never could do anything." In other words, saying you can't doesn't mean you can't. More often than not, saying you can't just proves that you're not willing to try. I've thought about this lately.

What if you had never tried to tie your shoes? It would look pretty funny for a grown adult having to ask another grown adult to tie their shoe. What if you had never tried to learn to drive. Once again, you would be an adult being shuttled around by someone else, not because you couldn't afford a car but because you weren't willing to learn to drive one.

Those thoughts have led me to a thought - "It's not so much the "can't" that holds us back, it's the "won't".

How much more could we do if we would only try? I ask that question of no one but myself. I often wonder how much more I could do if I would only try to do it. Why can't I do something? Am I physically unable? Sometimes. I can't lift 1,000 pounds; I am physically unable to do it. Can I do some exercise, though, and keep myself in better shape than I'm in? Yes. Yet, I have found excuses as to why I "can't" exercise, the main one being that it hurts really bad. And, it does. However, if I do a little at a time and get stronger each day, I will eventually find that it's not the "can't", it's the "won't". Don't let "won't" stop you from getting what you "want".

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


I have been trying to hit the gym four times a week lately. I need to get in better shape, plus I have the little ones that this old body needs to try to keep up with. There are some side effects I am hoping to see - lower cholesterol and less joint pain.

Working on one of the bench presses the other day, I noticed there was a young lady on the bench press next to me. She was benching more than me, which shouldn't have shocked me but it did. Now, I guess my aspiration is to be as strong as a young girl. Before anyone takes offense to that, I mean none. There are lots of ladies exponentially stronger than I am, but it doesn't help my self esteem.

Today's word is from Hebrews 10:36, NIV, which reads, "You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of GOD, you will receive what He has promised."

Now, GOD isn't going to make me physically stronger than someone else just because I try to do His will. He does promise that if I seek to do His will that I will receive all His promises, including having His protection and direction and provision.

The key is the first part - persevere. We have to keep doing the next right thing. If I want to get stronger and maybe one day be stronger than I thought I would be, I have to persevere, I have to keep at it. To fully see the many promises of GOD, we have to keep on keeping on. Perseverance - yeah, that's the ticket.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Failure to communicate

There's a great line in the movie Cool Hand Luke, which says, "What we have heah is a failyah to communicate." I really like that line because it sums up the reason for some of the most difficult situations I have found myself in - lack of adequate communication.

There have been times when things fell apart because proper instruction/direction was not forthcoming. Or, maybe the instruction/direction was given but it was given in such a confusing manner that something was lost in translation. It's easy to miss the mark if you don't know the target.

Today's word is from 2 Timothy 2:7, KJV, which reads, "Consider what I say, and the LORD give thee understanding in all things."

Now, I am not implying by this verse that you should listen to me because I am the foremost authority on everything. I am using this verse to try to explain communication. If we would take the time to consider what we are being told, to truly listen to what is being said, the LORD will give us understanding. And, on the other side of that coin, if we will use plain language and take the time to explain things adequately, we might be really surprised at how well our communication improves.

As long as people keep talking to one another there will always be some communication failures, but don't quit talking. Maybe what we need is to consider/to really concentrate on what is being said. I bet if we do, we'll begin understanding more.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, August 18, 2014

Quiet Time

Being quiet is not one of my strong suits. I have moments of silence but they usually occur while I'm sleeping. And, I am not even sure then, I just know I don't hear myself, so, maybe I'm quiet when I sleep.

With two little ones in the house, there are some noisy moments, and it's not always the kids. We have a lot of fun and make a lot of noise, it's a virtual cacophony. Although it is fun and thrilling, we all need a little quiet time in order to regroup, recharge, and pay the bills.

Today's word is from Mark 1:35, NIV, which reads, "Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, JESUS got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed."

Ever try to intently listen to someone in a noisy restaurant? How about in a loud room with lots of machinery running? It's almost impossible to really hear what someone is saying when there are so many auditory distractions. Sometimes, we need to find a quiet place; this is so much more important when we are trying to discern GOD'S voice and direction.

Next time you find yourself in the midst of what seems to be ceaseless noise, and you really need to figure something out, take the example of JESUS and find a quiet place. You might really be surprised what you hear when you can actually listen.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T


I haven't posted in a week or so because my family and I took a little vacation. It is always nice to get a change of scenery, to get away from the norm, to spend a little quality and down time with those you love the most. We had a blast. I won't say that it wasn't without its moments; I believe any vacation with a soon to be three year old and a soon to be two year old will have its moments. But, we had so many good moments.

While I am absolutely not the best at relaxing and just letting go, I do believe it is essential for us to get away and take a break. It is imperative for us all to slow down occasionally and, proverbially, stop and smell the roses. I believe that when we relax, when we refresh, we can bring refreshment to others. That is the thought with today's verse.

Today's word comes from Proverbs 11:25, NIV, which reads, "A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed."

You see, speaking of refreshing, this verse tells us that when we lift someone else, when we refresh someone else, when we help someone else, we will receive the same. We've all heard it said before, and I hope you have found it true, if you want to feel better, help someone else. There is absolutely nothing that refreshes more than refreshing someone else.

Vacations are nice. They are a time to relax and refresh. I pray that I can bring refreshment to someone because I have been so refreshed.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

I'm Rich!!!

Jeff Foxworthy has one of his "redneck" jokes that goes, "If your richest relative buys a new house and you help remove the wheels and tires, you might be a redneck." We've never had a lot of money in my family, and I am not likely to break that mold.

I come from a long line of honest, hard working, earn everything you get type of people. We have never had much monetarily but we have always been rich. I don't recall anyone in my lineage ever leaving a lot of material wealth to their descendants. Nope, we aren't wealthy but we are rich...

Today's word is a quote that I really like. It says, "If you want to feel rich, just count all the things you have that money cannot buy."

I am rich beyond all imagination. I have a wife who loves and adores me (I don't know why either). We have been blessed to have two wonderful little ones in our lives, who give us a million smiles a day. I have pretty good health, except for that stinking cholesterol. We have a nice place to live, if it survives the little ones. We are blessed with food to eat in abundance. I can see, hear, smell, taste, feel, walk, talk, think, comprehend. Do you get it? I am rich!

Yet, that is not all. I have eternal life through JESUS CHRIST my SAVIOR, and no amount of money can buy that. And, no amount of money can take that away! That alone makes me one of the richest men in this world and in eternity.

The next time you feel as if you don't have anything significant, just think of all the things you have been blessed with that money cannot buy or take away. I think you'll find that you are truly rich!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, August 4, 2014

Joyful Drinking

Our little ones like their juice. Now, we don't give them straight juice, much too sugary according to the dentist. We usually mix their juice about two thirds water and one third juice, and they drink it up (or down, whichever you prefer). They don't usually want to drink plain water, though we try to get them too often.

Additionally, if the little guy sees you putting water in his juice, he will let you know that he is not appreciative of that behavior. Yet, if I am drinking ice water, he always wants my water. So, what gives? Why will he not drink water, not want his juice watered down, yet, wants to drink my water?

Today's word is from Isaiah 12:3, NLT, which reads, "With joy you will drink deeply from the fountain of salvation."

The reason he wants to drink water from my cup is because it is Daddy's. It's amazes me how much he loves me. Yes, I know that will change when he gets older but I am blessed to enjoy it right now.

The point, though, is that he drinks the water from my cup because it is from my cup. GOD is our FATHER. He has a well of salvation that, if you would only give it a try, you will find is eternally fulfilling. Thirsty? Looking for something to satisfy that thirst? Drink deeply from the fountain of salvation. You'll be glad you did.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

I'm not lacking

Thoughts about GOD'S goodness and provisions have been running through my mind lately. We have had an abundant crop of apples and pears this season, which has not been the case in previous years. It's pretty sweet (no pun intended) to see the bountiful harvest that GOD has granted us.

I can say that about so many things. GOD has been better to me than I deserve. I have good health, a good job, a great family, wonderful friends, and Heaven awaits. Do we have ALL that we want? No. But, we have been blessed beyond imagination.

Today's word is from Psalm 34:10, NIV, which I am sure I have used before but really sums up my thought today, "The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the LORD lack NO GOOD THING."

When we seek the LORD, He provides everything we need. The verse today tells us that if we seek the LORD, we will lack NO good thing. I have certainly been blessed with good things.

Do you feel as if something is missing? Do you feel as if something is lacking? Do you feel as if you are unfulfilled? Have you sought the LORD? Those who seek the LORD lack NO GOOD THING. Seek GOD first, everything else will be provided.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, July 31, 2014

My Influence

I have been employed at my current organization over twenty-two years. Each day, I am grateful to do what I do. I am grateful for the job that I have. I am appreciative of the organization giving me a chance years ago. I am in awe that they did give me that chance, and continue to daily.

Being tenured this long causes others to think that I have some influence here, and I do. I always tell folks that if they want to talk to someone with a little influence here, I am the one they need to talk to; because, that is what I have - very little influence.

Ever feel that way? That you have little or no influence on things? That you have little or no influence on others?

Today's word is from Romans 14:13, NLT, "So let's stop condemning each other. Decide instead to live in such a way that you will not cause another believer to stumble and fall."

The truth be known, we have far more influence than we probably ever imagined, especially as believers. People are watching us all the time to see how we are going to handle things, how we are going to do things, the things we aren't going to do. They are watching to see how we handle obstacles and how we overcome difficulties. How we behave, how we react, has a direct influence on others.

It is hard to imagine that others are watching me. Why would they want to do that? You would think that they have much better things to do with their time. However, they are watching to see if I stumble or if I will be the cause of someone else stumbling. Maybe I do have a little influence. I pray it will always be positive.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Whacha talkin' 'bout?

Years ago there was a popular television show titled "Different Strokes". What the show was about, etc., we won't get into. What I want to mention from the show was a byline that one of the characters always used. Anytime someone would say something that this character didn't understand, or didn't want to understand, he would reply, "Whacha talkin' 'bout?" The character's name was Arnold, his brother was Willis. So, more often than not, the line was, "Whacha talkin' 'bout Willis?"

Those who know me will tell you that I am a talker. I have mentioned before that I don't really need a subject to talk about, I just need an audience to talk to. However, there is importance in the subject matter. A lot of people like to talk about their problems, including me, but maybe there is something better to talk about.

Today's word says, "Talking about our problems is our greatest addiction. Break the habit. Talk about your joys."

It is rather easy to talk about my problems; goodness knows I have a ton. The truth, though, is that I have far more blessings and joys than problems. If I took the time to talk about all my joys, I would probably find that I really don't have time to talk about my problems. But, it's easy to talk about our problems because we want someone to listen, which is usually part of the problem - no one listens. So, I want to challenge myself. I am going to try to make a point that when I discuss my problems, I also have to mention some joys.

We do like to talk. So, whacha talkin' 'bout?

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Body Building

A friend of mine is training for a couple of bodybuilding competitions. He has been diligent in his efforts, making sure he does the proper training and maintains the proper diet. The regimen, according to my friend, is strict. There are specific things to do on specific days. There are specific things to eat and specific times to eat them. It takes a lot of discipline.

I have never been into bodybuilding, and, if you saw me, you would attest to that. But, I do try to stay in pretty decent shape physically. Having little ones running around will do that for you, even if it is just a result of running after them. My thought, though, is I wonder if we put as much time into our spiritual training as we do into our physical?

Today's word is 1 Timothy 4:8, NIV, which reads, "For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come."

Paul tells Timothy in this passage that physical exercise is good, it has some value. It is important for us to maintain our health as best as possible. There is no doubt that whatever physical activity we do now will pay dividends in our years to come.

But, how about our spiritual? Are we working equally hard to maintain our spiritual health? Are we training just as hard to maintain our spiritual fitness? Paul tells us that while the physical fitness will aid us in this life, our spiritual fitness is preparing us for not only this life, but for the life to come.

Good luck to my bodybuilding friend, whom I know is training equally hard spiritually.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, July 28, 2014

What your scars say

I have tons of scars; most earned while doing things that I shouldn't have been doing. I have scars from riding a bicycle with no hands. I have scars from playing "stunt man". I have scars from not paying attention to what I was doing. I also have scars I earned while playing sports, which are not bad scars. The point is we all have scars.

Whenever we have some kind of trauma or tragedy to our flesh, it leaves a scar. Maybe you were poked with a pencil (yep, got that one too). Maybe you were in an accident. Maybe your received yours fighting for something you truly believe in; that is a scar of honor.

Today's word is from Galatians 6:17, NLT, which reads, "From now on, don't let anyone trouble me with these things. For I bear on my body the scars that show I belong to JESUS."

Paul truly endured some punishment for the cause of CHRIST. He wore the scars that proved his love and devotion to the SAVIOR. There was no doubt that Paul was a soldier of the LORD.

Paul knew what we as Christians should know - being a Christian may cause you some strife and some stripes but those are scars of honor. "LORD, may others see from my scars that I belong to You."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, July 25, 2014


I am not into drama. There are some people that thrive on/for drama. Some folks seem absolutely unhappy unless they have some kind of drama going on; they are even happier if they are the cause of that drama.

What makes people want drama in their lives I will never know. I don't have drama because I don't like it. Now, I am not saying that I am not affected by drama, every family is. But, I am not the cause of drama, nor do I allow myself to be drawn into someone else's.

Today's word is just a quick reminder from Liz D'Orsi about drama. Liz says, "Drama can only exist in your life if you allow it in."

The next time someone tries to rope you into their drama, just look at them and say, "My name is Paul, and that's between y'all." There is nothing like drama. And, there is nothing worse than involving yourself in someone else's.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Enemies? Yeah, I have a few

It's been a few days. I have been out of town for a conference, and time has been limited. Sounds like a poor excuse, I know, but it is true.

While riding back from the conference yesterday, with someone else driving, of course, I had the opportunity to read the book Happy, Happy, Happy by Phil Robertson, Duck Commander. I like Duck Dynasty. I like what they stand for. I like that they are Christians and aren't afraid to share the gospel. While the show is obviously scripted, it is good, clean, wholesome entertainment.

I am sure that some people don't like Duck Dynasty for one reason or another. I am equally sure that some don't like the show, and the Robertsons, because of their Christian stand. It seems to be okay to be anything in this country except an overt Christian.

Today's word is a quote from Winston Churchill, which says, "You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something in your life."

Phil Robertson has taken some criticism and heat for his beliefs. I applaud his unwavering stand and faith. There will ALWAYS be those who do not like you for one reason or another, some justified, most not.

If you find that you have enemies, that is not necessarily a bad thing. It may just mean that you have taken a stand at some point in your life, and standing for right is never wrong.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Sports coats

I have a fair number of suit coats/sports coats/blazers. I have about four black ones, an olive one that I really like, two or three navy blue ones, a maroon, a red, a khaki. Wait...I used to have all those. I recently began a search for one of the blue ones and couldn't find a single one. I searched but they were not to be found.

This gets better. I can't find the maroon, the red, the khaki, or a single navy blue blazer. Not a one. I've searched every closet, the basement, every garment bag, everywhere a blazer might hang, no blazer. Sometimes, it seems that we can search and search but never find what we are looking for.

Today's word is from Jeremiah 29:13, NLT, which reads, "If you look for Me wholeheartedly, you will find Me."

Have you ever wondered where GOD was when something significant was happening in your life? Ever feel that He isn't there when things really start to go downhill? Ever take the time to really seek Him? The verse tells us that when we look WHOLEHEARTEDLY, we will find Him. We have to look for Him and to Him with everything we have.

I apparently will NEVER find the missing blazers, though I have searched wholeheartedly. However, I know without a doubt that GOD is with me at all times, because He Wholly lives in my heart.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

It's not the stress

Ever wonder what you would do in a particular situation? I believe we have all heard of someone's heroics or lack of and thought, "Well, if that were me, I would do blah blah blah..." You never really know what you would do unless you were in the exact same situation with the exact same circumstances at the exact same time.

How about handling things? You ever see others handle extremely stressful situations and never even raise their voice, and, yet, you see someone else in a much less stressful situation, and they are yelling and screaming and throwing things. What makes the difference in reactions?

Today's word is a quote from Hans Selye, which says, "It's not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it."

I have to admit that there are situations where I handle really difficult, really stressful situations really well. And, there are other times when I hand really insignificant situations really poorly. It's not the amount of stress presented, it's how I react to it.

I am going to strive to handle things better. It is difficult at times with all that is going on but I know that my reaction is much more controllable than my situation. I want to live an long and productive life, and have people grateful to have known me. My reaction to stressful things may play a major role in each of those. So, I am trying to keep in mind that it is not the stress that will get me, it is my reaction to it.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, July 11, 2014


All my life I have heard the T.G.I.F - Thank GOD it's Friday. I thank GOD for every day that I have, but, I have to agree that Friday is my favorite day of the work week. I think TGIF reminds me that better days are coming - Saturday and Sunday. lol

It does seem that we spend our weeks waiting for Friday, our years waiting for retirement, and our life waiting for happiness. The truth is that every day can have good moments, if we only look for them. Retirement will come, and probably much quicker than we really anticipated. And, happiness is always within our grasp, with the right perspective.

Today's word is just a play on TGIF - "Thank GOD I'm Forgiven".

The fact that I have JESUS CHRIST as my LORD and SAVIOR, and that my sins are forgiven, and that one day I will spend eternity in Heaven, should be enough to make every day a good day. If we will hold on to that truth we may just find that today is a good day, that we have a retirement plan that is out of this world, and that GOD gives us true joy.

Yeah, I want to thank GOD that it is Friday. I want to thank Him even more that I am forgiven.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Then Finish It

Years ago, while coaching little league baseball, I had a moment that lives forever in my memory. We had a young man that we had worked on as a pitcher. He wasn't the fastest pitcher; he wasn't the most efficient pitcher; he wasn't the most accurate pitcher; but, he had the desire to pitch, so, we worked with him to that effect.

This young man pitched a little here and there, and did alright. As we approached the end of the season, with first place hanging in the balance, I decided that he would be the pitcher in the all important last game. He lit up with excitement when I told him the news. He was encouraged by our confidence in him.

Today's word is from 1 Thessalonians 5:11, NLT, which reads, "So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing."

Encouragement can take people so far, farther than we could ever imagine. The young pitcher pitched really well for five innings but began to struggle in the sixth, and last, inning. We were up by two runs but, with two outs, he had loaded the bases by giving up two singles and a walk. I walked out to the mound, put my arm around his shoulder, and said, "You've pitched an outstanding game. Do you want some help finishing?" He looked me dead in the eye and said, "I want to finish it." So, I looked at him, smiled, and said, "Well, then, finish it." He struck the next guy out!

We could never imagine how much an encouraging word could do for someone. If you get the chance to encourage someone, do it!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

We will be changed

People really seem to be into the transformation shows. You know the ones I am talking about - the ones where someone's looks are changed or their wardrobes are changed or they experience extreme weight loss or they change their home. We love transformation.

I often wonder, though, about how long it lasts. I wonder if the folks with the new homes keep the homes or if they keep them up as nicely as they are. I can tell you that I have seen some that I could never keep up; it may look nice now but I have no doubt that I will make it look worse over time.

Today's word comes from 1 Corinthians 15:52, KJV, which reads, "In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye...we shall be changed."

When GOD calls us home, we will be eternally and extensively changed. We will have a transformation unlike any other transformation. We will be changed to last eternally. While looks go (I never had them), while metabolism slows, while homes flow, one day we will be changed and will never deteriorate.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T