Friday, March 13, 2020

Focus on GOD

Obviously, there is A LOT going on, with A LOT of uncertainty. This week has been very difficult to say the least, with all the Covid-19 news and the stock market tumbling, no spiraling, out of control, with seemingly no end in sight. We have seen the biggest college basketball tournament cancelled, the largest entertainment site in Florida close, markets losing huge percentages, and all of that can make us a little uneasy.

Then, the unknown of the Covid-19 virus, and when it is going to hit our area, how long it is going to last, how bad is it going to get. How much more will close? How is this going to affect our everyday living? Why are people buying all the toilet paper? Disinfecting wipes and such, I understand. But, toilet paper? Needless to say, there is a lot going on to attract our attention.

Today's word is Isaiah 26:3, NLT, which reads, "You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in You, all whose thoughts are fixed on You!"

It is what we focus on that garners our attention. If we focus on all the noise and all the confusion and all the unknowns surrounding us, it can be overwhelming. However, if we will fix our eyes on GOD and know that He has this under control and that there is nothing to worry about, we won't be so overwhelmed with all the circumstances.

Not only will focusing on GOD take our focus off all that is going on, it will give us perfect peace. When things are falling apart or coming at us ninety to nothing, what we really need is to focus on GOD.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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