Friday, September 21, 2012

Troubles Come

For today's "Daily Word", I have to admit that I am speaking from my antibiotic laced mind. I have bronchitis and a sinus infection, which, this time of year, lots of others have. I am not bemoaning my malady; I am not the typical "sick man". I am atypical when it comes to not feeling well. I don't like being petted and pampered. I don't lie on the couch and whine for someone to bring me things and do things for me. I truly just try to trudge along and let GOD, often times through the medical professionals, do His thing in His time.

However, with the thought of not feeling quite up to par, I came across this verse for today: "A righteous man may have many troubles, but the LORD delivers him from them all." (Psalm 34:19, NIV) I conclude that by adding, "Lots going on - pray for one another."

While we all feel bad from time to time, and while it is inevitable that we will all have our good days and bad, I never want my attitude to reflect anything but JESUS. I remorsefully regret that this is not the case even on good days. I truly want to be a positive witness even on my bad days. With that being said, allow me to make one request...if you see me out and I am having a bad day, please overlook me...I will do the same for you.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T


  1. Wow. I really needed to read this today. Thanks, Mike!

    1. Thanks for the encouragement. Continue to pray that GOD directs everything I do. I truly want to be of some use to Him.

      We truly appreciate all of you. Thanks for being such wonderful godly examples!
