Friday, November 30, 2012

Moving Mountains

We all have things that seem to arise from time to time determined to hamper our progress. Let's call these mountains. Yes, we do have a tendency to make mountains out of molehills, but, sometimes, there are mountains that arise.

Allow me, if you will, to digress for just a second about mountains and molehills, then, we will get back to this. Mountains compared to molehills are like comparing problems and inconveniences. If you want filet mignon and all you have is ground round, that is an inconvenience. On the other hand, if you have absolutely nothing to eat, that is a problem. I try to keep that in mind when I am looking at mountains and molehills. Back to today's thought...

We all have things that arise, mountains, that get in the way. We try everything within our human realm to get that mountain out of the way but it won't budge. The big thing we try is to just lay our shoulder into it and shove; that NEVER works. In order to move a mountain, we must start by removing one stone, one shovel, one handful at a time. Let's look at what JESUS said about moving mountains.

Today's word comes from Matthew 17:20, NIV, which reads, "...If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

Whatever your mountain is, whether it is illness or addiction or finances or whatever, JESUS is standing by patiently waiting for us to take that first step of faith. We may have to really dig in and work our tails off one handful at a time but JESUS is faithful and will help us to move that mountain.

We can shove all we want with our human strength and be repeatedly defeated. Or, we can faithfully believe that JESUS has our back and, in due time, HE will move that mountain.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, November 29, 2012


I was sharing with some of the teachers at daycare this morning about my propensity to get into trouble while growing up. It's not that I was a bad kid (I guess that would depend upon whom you ask) but I was just a little mischievous, and always into something.

I shared with these ladies and the children that were present that if you had grown up in my neighborhood you would have known my full name. There were many times my Mom stood on our front porch and yelled my full name. I would turn to whomever I was "mischievizing" with and say, "I've got to go." Upon my arrival at home, I often received some encouragement to change my ways.

Yes, I received quite a few whippings and whoopings (those who have received a whooping know the difference). However, there were times when I didn't receive the whooping I deserved. I shared with them this morning that I never got a whooping I didn't deserve but I didn't get a few that I did.

Today's word comes from Luke 6:36, NIV, which reads, "Be merciful, just as you Father is merciful."

My parents showed me mercy by not giving me what I deserved. GOD, too, has been so merciful by not giving me the punishment I deserve. JESUS CHRIST died for my sins, paid the price I could not pay so that I would not have to receive what my sinful self deserves. GOD'S wonderful saving grace and His ever enduring mercy is unfathomable. If GOD can show mercy to me, who is so undeserving, why can't I show a little mercy to others?

That doesn't mean that you shouldn't discipline your children; if they are anything like me, they NEED it! What it does mean is that we should temper what we do with mercy, for GOD is merciful toward us.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

So Tempting

I don't know about you but I have those things that really tempt me. I heard a man, standing in the pulpit, once say, "I am above temptation." He is a liar. Nobody is above temptation.

There is no sin in temptation, the sin comes when we give in to that temptation. We have covered this before but I just wanted to emphasize that that guy was a liar, and we are all tempted from time to time.

With that being said, I have also heard folks say, "Well, if GOD knew how hard this is for me." He does. There is nothing you can go through, no challenge you can face, no temptation you can fight that JESUS didn't face.

Today's Word comes from Hebrews 4:15, North American Standard Bible, which reads, "For we do not have a High Priest Who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One Who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin."

Yes, JESUS knows what we are going through. He knows how difficult it is. He knows the struggles just to keep trying to keep trying. Satan unleashed everything he had in his arsenal, yet JESUS sinned not. He knows what temptation is; He knows the temptations we fight; He can help us stand strong in the face of those temptations.

Temptations will come; we will ALL face them. If you aren't facing temptation, you aren't living for JESUS; satan has no reason to tempt his own. When the temptations come, rest assured that JESUS knows what you are going through and, if we will ask for His help, He will help us to overcome.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Just a little faith

Alright, I am about to reveal something that is extremely painful and, yet, completely necessary. I DO NOT have it all together. I know many of you are probably thinking, "And, this is a surprise to whom?" Well, it isn't a surprise to me but it is hard to admit our shortcomings.

I have a wife and young child. We have a mortgage, two vehicle payments, utilities, groceries, etc., just as most of you. Well, especially in the current economic conditions, I have my moments when I am concerned about keeping my job and being able to provide. You been there?

The feeling, the concern of being able to provide is probably one that most of us have, or will have. However, this morning, while getting ready to come to my job, which I am so grateful for, a little voice inside my head said, "What is your faith in? Is your faith in your company? The economy? The government?" WOW! Talk about a kick in the gut.

My faith is in JESUS CHRIST, and HE will provide all my needs. Today's word comes Philippians 4:19, English Standard Version, which reads, "And my GOD will supply every need of yours according to His riches in glory in CHRIST JESUS."

Yeah, things are tough right now. Yeah, sometimes, I have my concerns. Yeah, I know better. GOD has everything under control and He will supply ALL of our needs. What is your faith in? Mine is in JESUS CHRIST!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, November 26, 2012

One single decision

It is amazing to me to see how easy I can fall into things. I mean, I can be going along really strong and determined and out of the blue, some kind of distraction will derail me. I won't go into any kind of details or examples but suffice it to say, I know how important it is to stay alert.

I remember a really good man that lived a devoted and dedicated life. He was a member of several civic organizations that did a lot of community good. He was part of an all volunteer group that would do things for others. He was in local politics, serving his constituents. He was a solid member of his church and his community. This particular individual did many things for many people.

However, he made a decision once to accept something that he was not allowed to accept. Because of that decision, he was sentenced to a prison term. More important, though, his character was questioned. Was he really the man that he had been for those seventy years or was he really just the man that made that one decision?

Today's word is an unattributed quote that says, "Character is made by many acts; it can be lost by a single one."

It doesn't take but one single decision to ruin years of character building. I really try to always be conscious of this. I pray that you do, too.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


I am starting today's post with today's word, which is an unattributed quote, which reads, "In the old Anglo-Saxon, to be "thankful" meant to be "thinkful". Thinking of our blessings should stir our gratitude."

It doesn't take long to sit here and think of some of the many blessings in my life. However, there is not enough time left in my life to give thanks for ALL the blessings I have received; there have been, are, and will be so many.

It is a shame, however, that I can be less than thankful for the things I have been blessed with. There is a line in the song "Lucky Man" sung by Montgomery Gentry that goes, "I look around at what everyone has and I forget about all I've got." I think we all suffer from that from time to time.

I have so much to be thankful for. I have the greatest wife and family you could ever want. My parents are here and doing well. They have each had significant health problems but GOD still has them here. All my siblings are still here and doing alright. My wife's family is all still here and doing alright. I have health, a home, something to eat, a job I like, folks that love me and that I love. And, when this life is over, it only gets better; I am going to spend eternity in Heaven with my SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST! WOW!

When we sit down to partake of the Thanksgiving meal tomorrow, I am going to be thinkful of all that GOD has given me; those thoughts will lead me to be truly THANKFUL! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


"Thanks," such a simple and pleasant word, yet, so often neglected. I can think of times in my life when others made sacrifices and went out of their way for me and I failed to say, "Thanks."

The world in which we live has bred an attitude of entitlement and greed; we, for some strange reason, think others owe us something just because we are here. Allow me to say that no one owes me anything other than the respect that I give. How often, though, that others have done great and wonderful and extremely nice things for me that I failed to give thanks for.

On the other hand, there have been times when people have wronged me and I have bent over backwards, walked miles, did everything in my power to try and "even the score." It is a sad commentary that I would expend such great effort on those things and not take the mere seconds it takes to say, "Thanks." As I sit here typing this, I am saddened by my own failures.

Today's word is a quote form John E. Southard that says, "The only people with whom you should try to get even are those who have helped you."

I am going to work harder at letting the bad things go and taking the time to say, "Thanks," to all those who have helped so much. If I have failed to say, "Thanks," to anyone that may be reading this, please forgive me. Your acts of kindness have meant more to me than I could ever express! Let's let the mean acts go and focus on saying, "Thanks," to those who treat us so kindly.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, November 19, 2012


I do not like seafood or fish. I have tried about every variety but cannot find a taste for any of it. I know, I just haven't had it fixed correctly, and you may be right. However, I have tried all the different fishes and all the different styles and I can't find a way to like it.

Now, allow me to say that I have tried the coconut battered shrimp and thought it was edible. I also had some West Indies salad once that I found not bad. But, other than those two occasions, I have not found the taste for fish or seafood.

A few years back, at a conference, we were having dinner at a "seafood" restaurant. I can always finds something to eat regardless of the venue; almost every seafood restaurant serves steak and chicken. The group I was with ordered some appetizers, all seafood related. One of the appetizers was steamed mussels.

I don't know if you have ever tried steamed mussels but I hadn't. When I tell you I don't like seafood and fish, it is because I have tried it. So, they finally talked me into trying one of the mussels. You know how they did it. They all raved about how great it was, how the butter sauce was out of this world, how the taste was to die for. Well, I tried the mussel - FIVE TIMES!

No, I didn't eat five mussels, I ate the same mussel five times. I tried to swallow it but it kept coming back. I don't know how anyone eats mussels, or seafood or fish for that matter. While everyone at the table got a "kick" out of my attempt to try such a "wonderful dish", I know that mussels aren't for me. On the other hand, while I may not like fish and seafood, many others enjoy them very much.

Today's word comes from 1 Timothy 4:4, NIV, which reads, "For everything GOD created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving."

GOD created fish and seafood; we should all be thankful. For those who enjoy those tastes, you should be thankful that GOD created such wonderful foods. For those of us who do not enjoy those tastes, we are thankful that GOD created such a variety of foods.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, November 16, 2012

Stupidity and Genius

There are a lot of stupid things in this world. A LOT! To try and list them all would take volumes that have yet to be determined, trees that could not be numbered, and time that could not be measured. Plus, to try to list all the stupid things in this world would be, well, stupid.

My mind is on stupid things today because I have done several in my life. And, when I say, "Several," I am sure you can add "thousand". I like the old saying that I may be dumb but I ain't stupid. I explain it to folks by saying that I have hit my thumb with a hammer but, after striking my thumb with the hammer, I have NEVER drawn back and done it a second time with a consecutive swing. Yeah, I am smart enough to stop after one.

One of my favorite shows on television is "World's Dumbest..." I cannot imagine doing some of the things that some of these people do. I pray that I have enough common sense to know that I can't skate off a rooftop and land on my feet. I can't even skate on level ground and stay on my feet. I pray that I always have enough sense to know that I might be able to get a motorcycle to soar 200 feet through the air but it still has to land, and the landing is where the problem could arise. Yeah, there is a lot of stupid stuff out there.

Today's word is a quote from Albert Einstein, which says, "The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits."

We can only be "so" smart. No matter how much we study, no matte how many courses we take, no matter how many foreign languages we learn, no matter how many years of instruction we receive, we have a limit to our genius. However, stupidity has no limits; we see examples of this everyday.

I will end today by quoting Clint Eastwood - "A man's gotta know his limitations." Yes, we are limited in our genius but not our stupidity. Remember, it is okay to be ignorant but don't be STUPID!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Running on Empty

Years ago, when I was just a young man starting out with a wife and a mortgage and not much money (because of the mortgage, not because of my wife), the fuel gauge was showing "E" and payday was tomorrow. As I was about to pass the gas station, I knew I needed to stop but I only had $3 and, once again, tomorrow was payday.

We only lived two miles from work and I figured that I probably had enough fuel to get home and two miles back to work and, then, the mile back to this service station. I mean, we were only talking two start ups and three miles. Plus, I really wanted to keep the $3 in case I wanted a honey bun and a cola.

I guess you know what happened. However, it didn't happen as you may think. As I turned in beside the gas station on my way home, the car started to spit and sputter. I thought, "Well, it is probably just sloshing up away from the fuel pump. Once I get straightened out, it should run fine." That was not the case.

As I tried to continue on, the car completely died. I came to a stop, got out, and pushed the car back to the service station, where I put the entire $3 in the fuel tank.

I think we run our lives much as I ran that car. We are constantly going and doing and striving to fit twenty-six hours in our twenty-four hour day. We try to squeeze every ounce of fuel out of our day. While that may work for a while, eventually, we are going to run out of gas.

Today's word comes from Mark 6:31, using the North American Standard Bible, which reads, "And He said unto them, 'Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a while..."

The disciples, along with JESUS, were being constantly pressed by the crowds and didn't even have time to eat. JESUS finally told them that they needed to get away from all the hustle and bustle and REST a while. I think that is good advice for us in the world in which we live. We need to take the time to rest and relax and unwind. If not, we may just find ourselves running on empty.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Given or Gotten?

Approaching this time of year when we take a breath and reflect on the goodness and graciousness of GOD, always leads me to think about "Black Friday" and the those who try to "beat everyone else to the punch". I have no desire to be a part of "Black Friday" shopping. As a matter of fact, I try to not go ANYWHERE the day after Thanksgiving.

It is sad to me that the day after we sit down with loved ones and thank GOD for His wondrous provision, many will go out and "fight", sometimes literally, to get this unbelievable bargain. There is absolutely nothing wrong with going shopping, and certainly nothing wrong with getting the best deal and being good stewards of what we have been given. However, it is all about the motivation.

I see people out there during the shopping season that are stressed out and frustrated and panicked and tense trying to make sure they "outdo" everyone else. It is a sad testament that the season we should sit back and reflect on the Greatest Gift ever given is more about how much I can get.

Today's word is a quote from George Sweeting that goes, "When we come to the end of life, the question will be, 'How much have you given?', not, "How much have you gotten?"

It is most important to keep things in perspective. If we are out shopping to give to someone that is one thing. If we are out shopping to "outdo", to "get more" than someone else, we really need to check that motivation. Life truly is more about what we give than what we get. The Only exception is that of salvation through JESUS CHRIST.

Once we receive the Greatest Gift, though, we must try to give it away. Why would you want to keep the Greatest Thing anyone could ever receive? When GOD asks me what I have given, I pray to reply that I shared the Gospel with all. It is more blessed to give than receive. Keep sharing the Greatest Gift!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

All for the asking

There is a church message board sign between work and home that has read for the last couple of weeks, "You cannot live wrong and die right". There is certainly a lot of truth in that statement.

So many of us Christians tend to use our salvation as a "get out of jail free card". We tend to think that since we are saved, we can do virtually anything and not have to worry about it. I will say that once we are saved, there is nothing that can take our salvation. However, there is so much that can, and will, steal our witness and effectiveness.

Paul told the Galatians that they were using their liberty to justify sinning, and it ought not to be so. Listen, I am not coming down on anyone, I have my own numerous faults and failures. What I do know, though, is that I cannot continue doing something I know is wrong and die completely right. While I won't lose my salvation, I don't want to face the One Holy and Just GOD in that sinful state.

We ALL sin and come short of the glory of GOD. But, we shouldn't continue doing the same sinning and falling short of the glory of GOD. The message board is correct. You cannot live wrong and die right. However, if we will confess our sins, GOD is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness.

So, how are you living?  If you're not living right, GOD will forgive you and get you back on the path HE has for you. All you have to do is ask.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, November 9, 2012

Highest Honor

We are on the precipice of Veterans Day. As a matter of fact, we will have a three day weekend because of the Veterans Day holiday. Schools will not be in session, government offices will be closed, there will be parades and dedications. I pray that we never forget the sacrifices made by so many to grant us the precious freedoms we enjoy.

I have done a lot of stupid things in my life. I have done some things that, looking back, I might have done differently. However, being a veteran is something that gives me a humble pride. I am forever grateful to live in the greatest country in the world, and to have served to protect its greatness.

My service pales in comparison with so many others that gave some and will never compare to those who gave all. I am humbled to sit here and talk about those heroes who thought enough of this country and of me to protect us. Once again, I pray I never forget their great sacrifices.

Today's word is a quote from Gary Hart that says, "I think there is one higher office than the president and I would call that patriot."

I shared with a Sunday school class once that you don't have to be a Christian to be a patriot, but, if you are a Christian, you should be a patriot. GOD has granted us so much, and so many have sacrificed so much to ensure those blessings. Thanks to all the Patriots! GOD Bless you all! GOD Bless America!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Friends in low places

I have to admit that I like all kinds of music. I am a product of Pops, who loves old country (Hank Snow, Charlie Pride, Jim Reeves, Marty Robins, Johnny Horton, etc.), Mom, who got into early rock (Elvis, Paul Revere and the Raiders, The Four Freshmen, etc.), and eighties "big hair" bands (Bon Jovi, Def Leperd, Ratt, Poison, etc.).

Today, I listen to all genres of music. While my favorite is contemporary Christian, I still like country and rock and classic rock and the old hymns. I like most all music. I did say most. I am a "words" man, and if the words are vulgar or nasty or inconsiderate, I am not going to listen to it, and you should be ashamed to also.

Anyway, there is a country song that Garth Brooks had a HUGE hit with that has led me to the thought for today. Today's word is a quote from Bob Marley, which reads, "The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for."

The song I had in mind this morning is "Friends in low places". I know. I know. It is not a nice song, and it certainly has negative aspects that I don't approve of, but please allow me to explain. Thank you.

I have my moments when things go about as wrong as they can. I mean, I am about as low as you can get. It is that point that I would have to get a really tall ladder just to reach the bottom. When I find myself in these low places, it never fails that I have friends that will comfort me and help to see me through.

No matter how bad things seem to be going, I always seem to have friends that will crawl down in the mire with me. They will sit in the pit with me and comfort me. Yes, I have friends in low places. I pray they know that they do, too.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I've fallen, now what?

I had a span several years ago where I was having great difficulties walking and standing. I would walk into doorways, or doorjambs rather. I would miss the opening by two or three feet sometimes. I would also be walking down the hall or across the floor and just trip over thin air and fall. It had us quite concerned.

With all this going on, I went to several doctors. Each thought it was this or it was that. They would prescribe  certain medications that didn't help at all and I would continue to find myself walking into walls and tripping over invisible obstacles.

I went to one particular specialist that told me it was all in my head; that there really wasn't anything happening but an overly active imagination. Well, I do have quite the imagination but I could always differentiate between the doorway and the doorjamb.

I finally went to a doctor that did a couple of simple tests and said, "Your problem is that you have fluid trapped between your ear drum and your inner ear. Your Eustachian tube is not draining properly." He prescribed a fluid pill and a pill for motion sickness which allowed me to walk across the floor and through doorways.

Today's word comes from Proverbs 24:16, NIV, which reads, "...though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again..."

We're all going to fall; we are all going to get knocked down from time to time. However, we are not defined by how many times we fall. What defines us is how many times we get back up. In order to be a success, you just have to get up one more time than you fall. Keep getting up!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Today is election day here in America. We have had incessant talk from the two major candidates about how good/bad the economy is doing; how much/little has changed in the last four years; how great/sorry a job has been done; how great/sorry a job the other will do. How do you know what to believe?

I have always lived by the philosophy that you believe half of what you see and a fourth of what you hear. However, when it comes to politics, I think that may really be stretching it. I have a tendency to believe that the only true thing any lifetime politician ever says is, "I want your vote."

With all that being said, however, today is the day that we go to the polls and elect the person that we believe will be the best choice to lead our country for the next four years. Another quick "pearl of wisdom" for you - this year, as with most, we have the task of voting for the "least evil of the two lessers."

So, how do we decide? I am glad you's word comes from Psalm 143:10, NIV, which reads, "Teach me to do Your will, for You are my GOD; may Your good Spirit lead me..."

There is only one source of truth, and that is GOD. If we will ask Him to lead us in our decisions, He will; even the decision of whom to vote for this election day. We must choose to let Him lead us, then, we must act upon His leading; GOD will NEVER lead us wrong.

Today, we get to take part in one of the greatest privileges bestowed upon Americans. We get to go to the polls and civilly/safely/peacefully elect the President of the United States. Don't ever take the sacrifices that allow us this privilege for granted. Allow GOD to teach you to do His will, to lead you in ever aspect of life. And, GO VOTE!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, November 5, 2012

Even when you don't feel like it

We often hear the word "respect" used in so many different conversations; everyone is looking for it, everyone is demanding, everyone is conscious of it but I wonder how many really know what it is. Respect. Seems like such a simple word.

According to, respect is "valuing each others point of views, being open to being wrong, accepting people the way they are (warts and all; we all have our limitations)".

It so often seems that we want everyone to accept and respect us for the individual that we are but we seem less accepting and less respectful to others. Don't get me wrong, we should point out when others have offended or erred but we are to do it respectfully.

Today's word is a quote from Steven Hall that says, "The truest form of love is how you behave toward someone, not how you feel about them."

Yes, we do love each other; I mean, we "say" it all the time. But, actions speak louder than words, right? A better reflection of our love toward someone is how we treat them, even when no one else is around. You can tell me you love me but it is so much easier to see than to hear.

Respecting someone even when you don't feel like it, that is a true testament to love.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, November 2, 2012


When you unite something, you put things together to form a single unit. I think of uniting a man and woman in holy matrimony; they are no longer two individuals but one unit. As a matter of fact, the Bible tells us that they become one.

I love when people talk about marriage being a 50 - 50, equal relationship. I can tell you that that is impossible and will never work. The math is correct, the two equal 100%, but the percentages are wrong. Marriage is not a 50 - 50 relationship; marriage is a 60 - 40 relationship.

Now, before you get crazy trying to brand me as chauvinistic or mad or imbecilic, allow me to explain. Marriage is 60 - 40; sometimes, I am 60, and, sometimes, I am 40. There are times when my wife needs more and I have to give more, thus making me the 60. There are also just as many times that I need more, and my wife has to give more, making her the 60 and me the 40. However, in the end, we are ONE.

Alot to be said about uniting things. Today's word comes from 1 Corinthians 6:17, NIV, which reads, "But whoever is united with the LORD is one with Him in spirit."

No, we are not GOD. And, no, we are not gods. But, when we unite with GOD, His Spirit will communicate and fellowship with our spirit. WOW!

I think the same is true with whatever you have your spirit united. The difference is that the other things cannot communicate and fellowship back, think talking to a rock. You may talk to the rock but it will NEVER talk to you. But, if we will unite with GOD, He will unite with us in spirit.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, November 1, 2012


We just finished Halloween, which, if you read yesterday's post, I am a huge fan of. I like Halloween. I like seeing all the costumes and seeing the kids have fun and laugh. I am amazed at the opportunity to be a Christian witness on Halloween.

Thinking about the costumes, though, has led me to today's thought that we seem to want to hide behind our "masks". We all have things that we try to hid, things that we keep covered up. Now, don't get me wrong, I have things that will go to my grave with me, and for good reason. However, that is not what I am talking about.

We seem to want to hide anything that might be perceived as a weakness or as an offense in today's politically correct society. Once again, if you read yesterday's post, you know that there is a time, a season, a place for everything. But, I want folks to know that, with me, what you see is (unfortunately) what you get.

I try to emphasize that GOD has made each of us individually; we are all unique masterpieces. No two of us are exactly alike. Isn't that AMAZING? So, why do we try so hard to cover up who we truly are?

Well, today's word is a quote from Julia Shalom Jordan, which says, "Nobody likes a "Knock-off". Be TRUE to YOU."

There will always be people who do not like you or accept you regardless of what you try to be. So, why not just be YOU! Be the best you that you can be. You are exactly what GOD envisioned when He formed you. Now, you may have strayed from His plan and you may not be doing His will but you are His unique creation. BE YOU!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T